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Posts posted by wideskies

  1. Originally posted by phuturephunk

    ...The ugly have no right to be brave...period...

    ..Also, yes we should be shielded from everything we don't consider perfect, it leads to a better gene pool... That idealistic tripe you keep clinging to is wearing pretty thin...get off it...:)...

    i'm sorry i make you nervous, but i'm perfectly comfortable feeling the way i do.

    i'm not talking about the ugly being brave, i'm talking about everyone being brave enough to face things they don't consider perfect. so yeah... who's being idealistic again?

    people need to grow some balls and face life fully... in all its ugliness and beauty.

  2. should we all be shielded from everything we don't consider perfect? imperfect sights, sounds, news, truths about life... needless to say, we wouldn't know true beauty if we shun what is generically unpleasant.

    shying away from what you dislike is a recipe to make yourself into a real WIMP. i say deal with life, and it's unpleasantness, rather than hiding from it.

  3. Originally posted by phuturephunk

    ..doesn't matter, guys with them should not go out in public...

    if everyone who appeared unattractive to someone else never went out in public, there'd be nobody in public.

  4. Originally posted by tommyarmani

    I still just want to lay on my back & have my girlfriend & another girl of my choosing, tongue kiss while simultaneously licking my throbbing cock as i give em a one man shower with my love juice.


    that's... that's... *sniff*... so POETIC!


  5. it can be a hormonal (natural or.. additive) thing, or a "smokes too much weed" thing, or a weight thing, or a genetics thing.

    it's probably not that unusual...but since people don't tend to go around without their shirts on, you can't always tell what's underneath the clothing.

  6. don't worry.. there are still some straight girls out there for you people who can't handle someone with a sexually diverse past.

    as others have said, i feel what is important is that my partner is faithful to me and enjoys what we do sexually.

  7. it starts getting complicated (for me) when there's talk of having to consume a *certain* amount of fat, carbs, and protein before and after workouts.

    how significant are one's losses/gains if one consumes the correct amount of everything but at the "wrong" times? if i don't get, say, 30 gms of protein in an hour after my workout, but do consume .8-1 gm protein/lb body weight over the course of the day, will it have a truly noticeable impact on my ability to grow stronger?

    if it does have a noticeable impact, are we talking like "i'll be able to do a couple more reps of bicep curls next time" or "i'll be able to add 10 lbs to my bicep curls next time"? obviously, the latter is a bit of an exaggeration, but ...

  8. Originally posted by elitesnautica

    Fineone - I thought you were a female, Sorry. which would have no use for those type of carbs.

    I guess it would be okay for muscle gain. But even that, if you are not shooting insulin, then the high glycemic carbs will not do you much good.


    you're saying men and women have different carbohydrate needs? :confused: i didn't know this

  9. slow, not fast!

    even if she's really aroused, her vaginal muscles won't be used to such a large object. he needs to ease into her, allowing her to relax and become used to the feeling of having him inside her.

    if he starts with his fingers and tongue, it'll be much easier.

  10. tell her that she and her husband should have lots of foreplay, take it slow, and communicate about how their bodies feel.

    what made it uncomfortable the first few times i had intercourse was that i was overeager in the sense that i didn't allow myself adequate time to become aroused. the vaginal muscles will stretch when a woman becomes aroused, but not INSTANTLY.

  11. Originally posted by tastyt

    But to see an actual child who's got that innocent glow to his/her face... how beautiful is that?

    yes... i love seeing young children on the subway because everyone in the vicinity tends to end up smiling happily

  12. :updown:

    i feel most "alive" when i have things to occupy my time but also find time to relax and do silly things, when i don't drink caffeine, when i eat in a balanced way(but actually eat FRESH FOOD, as opposed to processed stuff like energy bars), when i do both cardio and weight training, when i sleep 8 hrs a day, and when i make love a lot.

    but it sounds like you're being healthy, in general.

    maybe you need more kissing! hehe. :>

  13. could be what you're eating... if you've gone from a high protein, balanced diet to suddenly eating a whole lot of carbs, that might throw your body off a bit.

    or maybe you just need a break from whatever you're doing? i'd say "take a vacation," but for all i know you're ON vacation and what you need is to do something intensive like school again. :]

  14. i don't see why acting sad when something is sad, acting angry when something angers you, or acting happy when something makes you happy somehow makes someone "less of a man."

    except, of course, that imbedded in culture are gender roles that dictate as such... but for no good reason.

  15. i don't believe in this "men have goals, but women have emotions" black and white bullshit.

    being emotionally mature, *regardless* of your gender, means you have the ability to recognize your emotions and, by recognizing them, decide to act or NOT act on them.

    no one is perfect, of course, and it's certainly not easy to live a balanced life, but we all have it in us... if only we try hard enough.

    no offense eckobarbie, but you have NO excuse not to think unless you happen to be plain ol' *stupid.* if you feel taken advantage of, it's because you aren't doing everything you can to protect yourself.

  16. Originally posted by skince55

    Well I lowered my back workout yesterday from 22 to 16 sets and slowed down the pace a little bit. Still to much??? Keep in mind hyperextensions are for lower back and I dont use any weight when I do them. So those three sets weren't really that strenuous.

    Pullups - 3 sets

    Dumbbell Rows - 4 sets

    Lat Pulldown - 3 sets

    Lat Pushdon - 3 sets

    Hyperextensions - 3 sets

    quick q: why do you do unweighted hyperextension? you could definitely make those 3 sets more strenuous by clasping a plate to your chest. :)

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