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Posts posted by wideskies

  1. Originally posted by tommyarmani

    Nicely put. BTW you have an Anthropological or sociological background?

    i'm interested in those fields, though i've not taken but a few courses in each. sometimes i wish i could live double, triple or quadruple lives so to be able to concentrate fully in a variety of fields.

    so, though i do a lot of thinking on certain subjects, it is not "official" thinking. *laugh*

  2. Originally posted by xlr8ted

    What are we super heros? :laugh: No clue who he/she is?


    *brandishes flaming dildo in right hand*

  3. how long have you been working out?

    have you ever taken a significant (6+ months) amount of time off?

    what kind of goals did you start out with, and how have those goals changed?

    how long did it take you to reach your initial goals?

    how have your methods of working out changed over time, if at all?

    are you working out for overall health and fitness, or for any other particular reason?

    as for me...

    how long have i been working out?:

    when i was a teenager, i would go to the gym for a couple of weeks at a time but i never had a plan nor increased my strength much at all, do to the sporadic nature of my workouts. it's only been about 10 months since i began making an effort to lift weights regularly, to plan my workouts ahead of time, and to write down my results.

    taken time off?:

    i think that my workout partner and i stopped going to the gym for 3-4 months this last spring. i don't remember why... i think it started out with one of us having a cold and we just didn't go back. we're back now, though.


    besides just looking forward to lifting more/heavier in general, i wanted/want to be able to do basic movements (squat, deadlift, bench, pullup, dips) with my bodyweight. those are still my goals. i figure it'll take at least another year.

    reaching goals?:

    it's rare that i don't improve at each workout, so although my goals are rather long-term, i enjoy the fact that i reach mini-goals pretty much every time i lift.

    workouts changing over time?:

    yeah, i'm actually working out! heh. more weights, less cardio though...


    general fitness and (initially) weight loss were why i wanted to spend time at the gym, but the weight loss side of it has turned out to be pretty much being determined by what i eat rather than by the exercise (no real surprise, i suppose).

    happily, i've found that having a regular exercise program, and lifting weights in particular, has had a positive impact on my life in general. when i work out consistently, i eat healthIER, drink more water, care more about sleep habits, and feel more positive about non-exercise related parts of my life.

  4. Originally posted by fineones

    oh yeh deffinetly...to be honest id prolly just watch and try and learn some new shit ..u know

    i think id just be in awe

    they probably curl more than i deadlift, hehe.

  5. Originally posted by xlr8ted


    :confused: i'm great, thanks. it's actually not stressful for some of us to maintain arguments with actual points, clear diction, and pristine grammar. ;)

  6. Originally posted by tommyarmani

    BUT about the other guy that likes this "gay" stuff :confused:

    did you read my posts? i have the correct response. anyone who refuses to respond to my posts and persists with the "men who like anal stimulation are gay" BS are automatically incorrect in their responses. :D

  7. i'd advise to be really careful with your sodium intake, especially the week before the wedding.

    the problem with many hi-protein foods (shakes, meat) is that they have a lot of salt added, as part of the processing method or for taste. :|

  8. Originally posted by tommyarmani

    Hey thats exactly what he says. It feels good because there is nerve ending there. It matters WHO not WHERE!


    yeah, i mean think about it:

    if the prerequisite to being gay is enjoying anal stimulation, but the fact of the matter is that we as humans (and men in particular) are built to be able to enjoy anal stimulation (# of nerve endings in the area, the prostrate is most easily stimulated that way, etc), then one should conclude that most men are gay.

    but that is obviously not the case. so people need to re-evaluate their arguments.

  9. okay, so why is it "gay" when a man enjoys using a vibrator in his ass but it's not considered unusual when a woman does?

    when a vibrator's in a woman's ass, she isn't thinking, "mmm, dick".. she's thinking "mmm, vibrator"! if she wanted dick, she'd stick a dick there.

    similarly, if a guy likes the feeling of an object in his ass, which shouldn't be surprising for anyone who knows much about the nuances of sexual stimulation, it doesn't mean he wants a MAN to be putting the object in his ass.

  10. Originally posted by rackham

    If I try to space it out any more, my blood sugar crashes between meals and I get VERY hungry, not to mention CRANKY!

    ain't that the troof. :>

    tommy, whatcha doing in 8 weeks?

  11. Originally posted by tastyt

    No, I wouldn't scream rape. And no, it wouldn't bother me in the least if he started while I was asleep. However, the whole point should have been to wake me, so he really should not have gotten to the *passionate* part until I regained consciousness- and I am a light sleeper, so it would not take long. Had I remained asleep throughout the whole encounter... I would be seriously skeeved when I found out about it. I'm not sure how I would handle it if that were the case.

    yeah, seriously... if you want to have sex WITH someone, you'd want them conscious. otherwise, you're just using a person like an object.

  12. Originally posted by tastey

    that said, from a biological and evolutional standpoint, "relationships" as such are a joke. especially in our age of codoms and other pregnancy prevention methods. "relationships" and "love" (which are mainly created through SEX (see oxytocin)) were intended to bond a male and a female together long enough so they could raise their children. it is definately not natural...

    hey, guess what? things have changed in the last 10,000 years, and continue to change. gender roles have diverted significantly from what they were in the past, although some "old fashioned" ones do persist in certain communities.

    even if the chemicals in our brain haven't yet adapted to make long term relationships easier than just making babies and then breaking up with your mate, what distinguishes humans from animals is our ability to do what is NOT natural. in fact, most of what we do and how we live is decidedly not natural. but we do it anyway, and enjoy it, and persist.

    personally, i believe that culture is far more influential than biology.

  13. Originally posted by dgmodel

    so why do most gay guys look for feminine men? or who act like women???

    gay men who act feminine are not representative of gay men in general.

    it's a subset of the *culture*... kind of like super-feminine girlie girls are a subset of the population of 20-something women in the world.

    femme men just happen to be more visible, so people associate them with "being gay"... when in fact gay men are just as diverse as straight men.

    i have known many gay men, and only a handful of them prefer the "fairies" to "normal" gay men... whatever the hell "normal" means anyway.

  14. Originally posted by Evan

    No girls answered my question. If you woke up one night to your boyfriend passionatly making love to you one night, would you scream rape or let him continue?

    if i woke up to my lover kissing me and touching me, i would assume he was doing so in order to wake me up ... so we could make love passionately *together*

    on the other hand, if i woke up with his penis in my mouth, my vagina or my ass, i would be shocked and angry because it would imply he was only interested in using my body to get off. otherwise, he would have woken my up first so i could become aroused and actually enjoy the experience with him.

    i wouldn't "scream rape" until i heard the explanation for his behavior. but i don't see my boyfriend ever being such an insensitive, selfish prick.

  15. Originally posted by magilicuti


    the virus doesn't attack your computer at all

    read up, if your friends have been "infected" its not by the virus all over the news. and its best keep from dling off kazaa. virus programs update themselves nowadays. u can catch a nice virus off kazaa in no time

    well, the people who were infected that i know are part of a university system... lots of different departments had the virus on their computers. i doubt they're running Kazaa, though.

    anyway, they got the patch and it's awww bettaaah now.

  16. Originally posted by magilicuti

    dont worry about it. seriously won't affect you at all. just the media scarying ppl again

    not true.

    i know of quite a few people who've been 'infected.'

    anyway, best to keep your computer virus protection updated anyway..

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