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Everything posted by lenan

  1. Happy Birthday Ramon! Hope you have a great day honey!
  2. The night started out a little slow, but slowly people started coming, by 1:45 - 2:30 the place got packed. Danny, was in the booth quite early, around 1:30 or something, he was very impressed by Demi, as he kept repeating his name over the mic. D.E.M.I. "Greek kid from London" Then Demi, dropped a Temptations track as which Danny then applauded and took his cap off to him. His last hour was incredible, closed out with "Be Yourself" and yes, everyone was def being themselves. Miami, is in for a cool treat on Thursday!
  3. The last time I saw Doc was at Twilo a couple weeks before they closed...and it was undoubtedly one of the best parties ever. Doc, tears shit up! Plus, you guys get an afterparty at Joe's...god I hate you guys. Have fun!
  4. might be more surprises in October then you guys think...perhaps THREE more surpirses.
  5. god, I wish I understood computer language ahhh oh well, I'll just keep doing this to my computer until they go away
  6. I rarely every post, and I didn't want this to get lost somewhere in the drama of the other threads...but I just figured you guys should know you and your parties ROCK! Joe, you have to be one of the most out-standing promoters I've ever seen.... you always seem to state your opinions, but you do them with such respect, and it is much appreciated! Pretty much everyone person I've met from this board in Miami have been kick ass people. Even consider a bunch of you great friends...as for some of the other's who've never been to an Aquabooty party...I strongly recommend going. Where else would you party for $5 bucks and have a good time chilling with down to earth people? It quite sad that such quality parties like this don't get the credit and recognition they deserve. Hopefully more people will realize that Miami has a lot to offer and is just as diverse as any other city there is. I wish I lived there to support your parties (soon enough) but until then, keep up the great job. You guys are definite QUALITY!!! *reason for this thread, is not to start drama, but it's sad to read some of the threads on here, and not be somewhat upset that a lot of people don't see the potential Miami has to offer, and not only did I see Aquabooty (on more then one occasion) be totally respectful, and more then welcoming to everyone at their parties...maybe some of you will realize how good you guys really have it in Florida * okay good night sorry, edited for god damn spelling mistakes, it's been a rough weekend....ouuufff
  7. lenan

    Bring LEE Back!!!!!

    not fair! can't you guys atleast wait till I come back to bring him back? thanks
  8. one day too late! sorry missed your set Franker Bones, but congrats on the every Wed gig! too bad though, i'm usually still at work at 8 or 9
  9. or it could have been because the miami crew wasn't there! Frankie Bones it just wasn't the same without ya! :goofy:
  10. geezz after reading all these rave reviews, i'm starting to wonder if i was on crack last night....am i the only one who didn't particularly like his set? it wasn't horrible, but it definately wasn't a night i'd rave about. ehhhh maybe i'm just gettin' old.
  11. lenan


    will be there.....barbie and chris, what happened to you guys last week? you were missed! see you guys tomorrow!
  12. ouufff babe, if I told ya he might kill me....lol let's just say he and Jesus Christ were boyzzz!!!!! :laugh: just kiddin'
  13. I'll be in town for 3 1/2 weeks girl, I don't know if I can do conference twice a year! this should be a trip though, can't wait to see you all, make sure Leo goes!!!!
  14. Shit, sounds like where I work!!! <~~~ me at work! to corporate america!
  15. definitely should make it out, gonna be a great
  16. UPDATE! UPDATE! There is an Open Bar from 10 - 12, so for all you lushes, get there early to get your drink on!!! See you all tomorrow!
  17. Loraine, we'll be there early, Marick has the invitations....I guess we'll meet outside?
  18. it's like you ever wake up from a dream, and say "shit where fvck am i?" haha just kiddin' babes, I roam around these parts from time to time, gotta make sure my Miami peeps are in check! see you next week!
  19. hey focker, who you callin' a loser? you betta check yoself fewl!
  20. I would gather stick needles in my eyes then to watch that show again. The dog was probably the most interesting part of the whole damn thing.
  21. lenan

    Another Blond Joke

    A blonde goes into work one morning crying her eyes out. Her boss, concerned about his employee's well being, asks sympathetically, "What's the matter?" The blonde replies, "Early this morning I got a phone call saying that my mother had passed away." "I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Why don't you go home for the day... we aren't terribly busy. Just take the day off to relax and rest." The blonde very calmly explains, "No, I'd be better off here. I need to keep my mind off it and I have the best chance of doing that here." The boss agrees and allows the blonde to work as usual. "If you need anything, just let me know," he says. A few hours pass and the boss decides to check on the blonde. He looks out over his office and sees the blonde crying hysterically. He rushes out to her, and asks, "Are you going to be okay? Is there anything I can do to help?" "No," replies the blonde, "I just got a call from my sister, and she said that HER mom died too!" :laugh:
  22. ughhhh another bunch of crap to give all people from Jersey a bad name. Hey were not all ignorant ya know, at least I don't think I am.
  23. Congrats Franker Bones, very well deserved, I'm sure!
  24. that kinda blows...I was looking forward to checkin' out Rain, but then again LOLA is such a KICKASS venue, so I guess it all works out?!?!
  25. my eyes are starting to tear up as I read this just thinking about the heat....ouuuffff and I'm going to be there for almost a month in this madness???
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