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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by shook

  1. LoL true pete arty just told me they just don't want me posten even tho i never single out people no biggy tho it killed time now i got more liften time and bout the rollen sh1t i think he just stickem up for his freinds but he joked bout fear of the black hat so we he deff isn't pissed just doing wut he thought was right no biggy yawn yawn LoL
  2. thats hot going to clubs and raves deff has it's pluses i only went to roxy once and the time i went i had some weird girl given me all this sh1t sayen she was a talent scout i didn't beleave her came home and my cousin called it and it was real and i went on a interview was crazy as hell but i gotta gain more weight for job tho but its cool i mean that is wut i love bout clubs its gives u a chance to be fond and spoted but any ways deff a big congrats girl but hhmmmm a bf sounds like bad news LoL
  3. nice way to offend me lol i put 3 semsters in at georgia tech kid on a free ride i mean i'l ladmit i'm dumb i droped out and i can't type or spell but fuk it i never payed atteion in school i went to school for sports and when i couldn't do sports any more i droepd out now i fitness train people in which i never have to write or type which makes me good at it i guess lol
  4. and while i remember lol and befor i jump in the shower in all of that no 1 evevry said sh1t bout me which is wack they take offense to wut i say yet they didnt' say sh1t back i mean i can find at least 6 things i hate bout my self that they could of done the same sh1t bout and say i hate this bout people or wut not yet they just read sh1t and cryed and sh1t i mean if they said sh1t i would take it in stride and 1 ear out the other but on the real they take stuff to serious and its not even funny most are liven in a fairy tale life where they thing every 1 is family and beleaves that thers no wrong bout nay 1 lol and i'm wrong for being 20 and speaken my mind bout wut i like and don't like lol its funny atleast yall respect my oppions cause thats all tthey are i mean i might catch some heat from sayen it but thats all fair and game and thats also wut makes it fun
  5. lol hhmmmmmmmmm i thought u were 1 of the people on this board who hated me so i am surprised u aren't like agreeing with them and the fat sh1t the main topic i made didn't say noting but fat it said some of u people just wouldn't be let in i never gave a purpose but all them were like o sh1t cause i;'m fat or wut not LoL it's funny i say some of yall don't belong in the club and all the ones who disagree with me are the ones who i think don't belong and all the ones who agree are the 1's who rep factory well i means it just funny how life is u say u hate some thing and all of a sudden u are a bad guy even if u never intended it on any 1
  6. lol then they toke away the topic cause u was talken to me lol i was voted off the sf baord family island LoL damn atleast i was the first to be voted off so i made a seen i guess
  7. thats just the crazy part girl i never specficly called any 1 out i said sh1t in genral and people toke it to offense LoL but fuk it i made a topic that said alot of people who act like they are the club on the real shouldn't be allowed into the club if i am wrong then fine but i stated my oppion and other didn't like it so i got banned then i made another name made 1 post responden to pete just talken bout movies and got banned lol fuk them they all kissed my ass now they shall just be herbs and kiss each others asses
  8. i agree its not all bout the girls but if it was a cock fest i wouldn't go
  9. heres the topics that started all the drama on that board lil kids taken stuff to serious lol i mean its funny but i never liked them to begin with and i always let it be known that i didn't lol heres a funny post where some 1 is sayen thers too many fat jokes on the board and wut happended to the family LoL cllick and heres the post that started all the drama to begin with all 11 pages long LoL click
  10. true babe its right by the venetian on river road a lil bit passed the dunken donuts but main question is hhmmmm can i rock wind breakers a tee shirt and a bandana LoL i mean all clean sh1t all white not bumy well can i just rock the bandana ?????????? not doing hair but will walk the 2 blocks and check it out if i can so drop the info
  11. yall look nutty but deff hot sh1t
  12. and bout sick tracks some of the females looked pretty but most of the guys looked nerdy lol this is y i think its herb and lil lizzy stop laughen and send a pic
  13. and back to a point asainvixxen and lil lizzy do yall have pics ?????
  14. true pete i deff feel wut your sayen kid
  15. hhhhmmmmm wut bout sick tracks i just don't like it i mean too many sf baord type people no offense each to ther own but every 1 seems fake and seems to be butt buddys over ther but any ways back to the sf board them ugly people voted me of the island (meaning got banned again so fuk them )lol i mean damn if any yall ever meet most of the ones who post alot all u will see is deformed looken geeks and i swear this board atleast seems real so i'm feelen it
  16. all i gotta say to that response is i wonder wut the fuk u look like :rolleyes:
  17. interesting sig u need a pic in it tho
  18. lol haven't gotten banned in a while and no i'm not mad i just think every 1 of them talk so much sh1t that they are the club and sh1t and most of them don't look good enough to be even let into the club not mad just bored and leten people know my oppions i mean if u click page 2 or 3 on that baord u see like a 15 page topic with it
  19. too many herbz on it if any 1 needs a good laugh deff check it out i mean the people who post on it dont' even represent factory most shouldn't even be let in the door's if it was really the pretty people place and those are my wordZ so heres a link and catch a laugh lol wack ass sf board but deff funny and worth a laugh or 2
  20. lol my lil 16 year old cous is now 21 with this trick and most of my boys are the same
  21. wooohooo i remeber that i was even in it back when u people used to hate on me for hhaven a pic in my sig first roll 6th over
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