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Everything posted by shook

  1. woooooooohooooooooooo atteion LOL well since u mention my sig pics heres my old sig pics u can ask me which u like better i was skinny back then too suks this was the best sig pic i think i had and damn i bet u are disgusted by it LoL and u know wut i am too lol i was too puny
  2. hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm i can't swim so who's teachen me
  3. i so don't rock wish i did tho maybe in the future when i get like 250 damn i can't wait to be 23
  4. sig test oppions ?????? the old sig is better i think but heres a few pics i just poped
  5. bench, crunch, and curl those are all u need in life and some tiems if bored dips
  6. ibclubben if u wanna have a good convo with a factory crack head u im me boredom973 lol and post it people will die it'll be funny as fuk
  7. i'm slow that post confussed me but i guessgood look kid and ghhost my sig pics are the sh1t lol i should take new ones i've grown since those and the sig pics work too cause people spot me from them and say sup which is a plus
  8. wut do u know bout the real world ?????? LoL i'm guessen noting cause your sticken up for geeks and ugly people etc and your deff not teachen them the real world so i am sure your lost in your own world thinken every thing is peaches and cream when in reality its people like u and people like me lol and in my mind people like u are a joke LoL
  9. lol na i'm not even half as manly as i plan on being in the near future and i shall never be happy ontill that is true and it wasn't a threat it was the truth, people who talk sh1t online are punks and that punk i happen to have met in which he didn't speak a word i mean i'll admit its not like i tryed to talk to him lol but still if u gonna be brave online and spit sh1t atleast back it up in person other wise don't spit sh1t to people who u know your gonna meet or have met some people gotta learn that, cause i don't take strangers to offense but people who were in my face in person who looked like scared lil boys if they wanna cum online and act like they got a big dik lol thats just funny and i bet that kid couldn't even see his dik and those are my wordz misspelled mistyped all fuked up grammer i'll admit but lil faggets bets close ther mouth only strangers can pick on my sh1t lol
  10. hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm u deff have gotten nicer in responses since that post i made and hhhmmm no sh1t i'm queit in person its the easyest way to avoid people if u don't like some thing just shut your mouth and deal with it i mean thats the way i was raised every body hates sh1t but some times u gotta be around it then its best off just to be quiet and smile a lil and act like its all goood LoL
  11. i say u get a real man jen and just live it up with him and not worry bout fam and remember if u ever lose it u gotta tell me and bug me
  12. i say if some 1 wants to make them self the best they can be if its fake or not more power to them and they get my respect for loven them selfs so much they gotta make them selfs better cause in life no ones perfect but every 1 should try ther hardest to become it
  13. and hhhhmmmmmmm any 1's who met me and acttly has spoken to me knows i'm decent people lol and u have kinda met me and u sure as fuk didn't spit sh1t so on the real if u wanna talk bout my grammmer next time u see me spit it boy its that simple other wise i suggest u keep your commets to your self and just go back to spiten sh1t to people who never seen or met u befor cause u seemed like a scared lil boy in person yet your acten like u got a big fuken dik online fuk no lol u can do that with your other friends but we aren't friends so think befor u type and learn a lession the easy way rather then a hard way but now back to the topic LoL
  14. I've met your ass in person boy and u didn't seem to say sh1t bout my grammar then so i don't' know wut makes u think u have the right to say sh1t on this cause as i recall u said maybe 2 wordz to me LoL yet online u wanna act like your a man and talk sh1t lol well if i ever see your ass in person again which will happen i am sure and u say more then 2 wordz to me I'm gonna smack the fat off of u and show u wut a man is lil boy cause on the real u shouldn't be runnen your mouth to people u have seen before just be a online geek and spit sh1t to those who are stangers cause i know exactly who your fat ass is and lol I'd like to see u spit any thing to me in person cause it will be the funniest sh1t any 1 on cp has ever seen now say your sorry and go back to your grammar school lil boy cause sayen this is only a board isn't getting u off the hook so i think its bets for u to just aboid my topics from now on cause next nasty commmet u make even if its true is geting u hit now take that read that and learn from it lil boy and i really think u should read that so u don't end up being made fun of in the future okay boy
  15. na i'm not prejudices towards fat people and y i'm not is cause i get with alot of chubby girls when i get bored i just am prejudice againest people who feel they have the right to speak of other people when ther noting to look at them selfs and bout that chubby chick commet if i go to a club and i see pam anderson in 1 corner and a fat chick in another and if i'm horny i'm gonna walk up to the chubby chick cause its easyer and even tho pam might be just as easy with the chubby chick i won't need to talk to end up happy but with the hot chick i'm gonna have to atleast say hi LoL which is too much of a hassel some times LoL
  16. ight and i'm gonna drop it like this i posted and u brought it upon your self to jump in and tell me i have bad grammer LoL acten as if your the only mother fuker who thinks that i know i have bad grammer and every other mother fuker out ther readen wut i write knows i have bad grammer and u brought it upon your self to state that lol well i'm bringen it upon my self to state your over weight i mean and if u didn't know that now u know and u know wut i'm happy i got poor grammer cause atleast i can laugh at fuks like u when i get bored even if i'm laughen while mistypen and misspelling sh1t LoL so befor u go thinken your a man and sh1t and haven to prove your self by tryen to tell me and every 1 else sh1t that any 1 can see for them selfs look in the fuken mirror and relaze u shouldn't be speaken boy and thats bout all i gotta say on that behalf cause i'm not anti fat but stupid fat fuks like u make me seem it LoL
  17. mauh kitty i am guessen u are asian which is cute
  18. asain girls are deff cuties and most of them look the same which is a plus
  19. hhhhhhmmmmmmmmm okay since your checken it out now as u said are u liften your belly up or pushen it to the side to check it out ?????????? this i wonder
  20. when was the last time u were able to see your dik ???????
  21. tyson is a real man and if i end up being even half as manly as tyson i will die with a smile on my face
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