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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by shook

  1. brains are nice but wut u always hear when u were young love at first site and if thats so u really never heard the person or even know wut kinda brain ther other person has yet your in love to a degree lol plus if u go out thers very few wordz ever spoken in a club or a bar so really aslong as u can say sup my name is george and heres me shirtless lol u pretty much are set to a degree i mean i'm happy most of the girls i've gotten with never really spoken to me it means more i would be heart broken if i met ag irl and she was more into my mind then my looks i'll always take looks over mind and i hope my future wife thinks the same
  2. who said i use roidz ??????????????? if i did i would be huge and i'm still a puny lil boy so get the facts stright befor u start complmenten me kid
  3. picked up and just lefted twice in life grew up in cali then just picked up and went to college in georgia then after that just picked up and moved to north nj now i wonder wuts gonna be the next move
  4. some times the deit taste better lol i just don't like people who think they can look good once they spent so much time looken bad i mean in life if u get big or if your big boned u kinda deform your self and no matter how much weight u lose or try to lose u will always look deformed if u let your self go too much cause u chnage your bone and skin structer and not every 1 can look good at the beach just like not every 1 can look good in a club i mean i really don't care if i see a person who is big boned and ther at the beach and rocken shorts rather then a 2 peice bekini but some people just don't get it and thats wut i'm againest;)
  5. uh huh no more blowen but if u get me fuked up i'll still let u give me a hand job LoL
  6. can u see your dik while u pee ???????? ontill that day when u can look down and see your self while your peeing your wordz don't bug me while your readen i'll be out liften and while your jerken off thinken bout how rich u might be and how u might get a cute girl to use u for your money i'll be out fuken usen people for ther money eiether way we will both be happy so be goods kid and learn some poor grammer geek lol atleast u can try to not too look like a geek some times lol even if u really are
  7. not sure that just confussed me and that other thread just did the same but hhmmmmm i'll let u give me a hand job or blow me then and i won't try to get into the pants if thats better
  8. LoL please yall people love my run on sentences
  9. lol shut up i'm not anti fat i'm just anti stupid people who think they can get in shape in a month when it toke them years to get out of shape and wildskies so u can dance but not fit into your pants hhmmm maybe i can try to get into them pants if we ever meet
  10. LoL i think u need some 1 to fitness train u kid we can make a deal u can teach me proper grammmer and how to type which will take a few weeks and i can get u in shape but its no mircale so that will take a few years or more LoL
  11. i've droped my name on it and chated with a few producers and sh1t bout being on it so i'll probley get on some thing dumb this summer if i decide to take the trip down
  12. so this morning i wake up and i get a calls a old gym i used to train at was like hhmmmmmm wanna work i was like true wut ever haven't worked in like a month money might be nice so i go and its like the reason y i hate so many people always happens i mean people these days are so simple minded and dumb and expect too many miracles i had like 3 girls ask me how they can be fit by July 4 and they all weighed about as much as me at like 5'4 i was called a papy chula like 10 times and like 2 skinny kids asked me how they can be built by the end of school LoL damn the best tho is this 1 chick had to be like 5'4 200 i mean I'm like 5'11 200 so u just gotta think cums up and is like sup papy hook this ma up with a work out that will get her into a bathen suit by the beginning of summer lol any 1 who has met me knows in person i don't speak ebonics and i think it's a joke so i just shock head and was like wut happened LoL and gave her like a 6 hour a day cardio and lift workout and she was like u crazy and walked out the gym pissed lol i hate people who believe in miracles cause thers no such thing and so many people want them and get pissed if they can't have them lol well i vented lol and any 1 who wants a funny as job fitness train in NJ i mean its a joke all day and u make money while laughen which is a plus
  13. my poor grammer and lack of typen i guess makes me a feg LoL
  14. exit isn't that bad its easy to find a girl in it and the music is pretty commercial which isn't too bad and they been haven a lot of guest djs so its not over all that bad thers just alot of exit haters but all i gotta say is draper is god
  15. every geek i made fun of on sicktracks calls me juice feg lol i take it as a complment cause they give me atteion and have me in ther thoughts but i think all that time they spend thinken bout how much they hate me and despise me makes them fegs lol cause i sure as hell don't bother thinken of people i bash or people who bash on me cause its all fun and games this is a message board and isn't life real life and thats some thing people gotta learn its not serious and can't be taken serious and mys well be taken as a joke and joked with
  16. i wanna be at 220 or over it befor the end of summer while tryen to keep my body fat percentage below 10
  17. all i read is this talk bout nice guys and where are all the nice guys but on the real the main question should be if your tryen to meet your future bf or gf at a meat market wut do u espect but to meet crappy people i mean i'd like to think i'm a good guy but then again not every girl i meet gets to see that and its like this with alot of people any guy is nice if he wants to be just like any girl can be great if she wanted to be so in essence its all just depends on the other person on wut happens cause i know if u stick pam anderson in front of me i'm a shy lil sweet guy but then again if u stick some thing in front of me that isn't geting me hard i am a prick plus its u are wut u get if u got it going on and show that u will probley get this in return but if your shady and not all that u can't espect to get mister or misses perfect
  18. and by me sayen all that it should mean some thing cause i'm deff not hot or noting but i stride to be it and i still thought when i met them people they were below me it was like hs when a bunch of nerds sit at the lunch table and since thers a few of them they get all hard and act like ther cool and when they get away from that table they are scared lil people and cry bout looken and acten the way they do and wishen they were diffrent
  19. hhmmmmm if any 1 postes over ther and has every seen pics or has ever met them people i know u will agree its a bunch of deformed looken oldies or obese chubby people thinken and acten like they know all ther is to know bout clubs and that they are the club when reality they shouldn't even be let into the club if it was really the pretty people place the head Moderater doesn't even look sf every person who has over 500 postes pretty much doesn't look sf its just sick to see thers boards like where a group of below normal people meet up find people like them selves and form a pose and then start thinken ther cool LoL thats my oppion on that board all teh girls i've met were sloppy and easy if any of u guys are horny im me i'll drop info on whos wut and how long it should take to get into ther pants welll if u want that cause i regret touchen who i touched from it but still if any 1 wants info tips just ask i'll deff inform bout it
  20. thats some fuked up sh1t they don't let u drink in the fuken place and they won't let u in drunk i would of been pissed but u gotta act sober when u get into places other wise every where is strict bout that sh1t
  21. cute response so lets get to the main question when we fuken ????????????
  22. and hhmmm i know that post made no sense to this topic but fuk it just was in mood to post it any ways
  23. jizzo wuts your take on the looks of the sf board people ?????? my take is its a bunch of rejects led by a obese chick and a few people who lost ther looks years ago or never had them to begin with even the people who run it are ugly and thats some pretty bad sh1t when it gets like that even jp wouldn't be proud of it
  24. a huge f U goes to the sf baord for bannen me for like the 10th time fuken losers geting offended cause i called them losers ggrrrr wuts this world cumen too LoL
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