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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by shook

  1. hhhhhhmmmmmm ya seaside info most of the places i've never heard of i'll just bum around and try sh1t on my own wut ever club has the biggest line will probley be the hottest so i'll just check out the lines so be goodz people
  2. i got a habit of sayen be goods at the end on convos and that 1 sh1t is kinda ghetto i hate it when people are like 1 lol it just makes me laugh like yeah 1 to u too wanna be so i'll stick with be goodz and well i'm off to bedz so be goodz people
  3. i just hit the legal age well the id did any ways and next weekend i'm down seaside from thursday threw monday so wheres the places to go ??????????
  4. just hit the legal age well the id did any ways and next weekend i'm down seaside from thursday threw monday so wheres the places to go ??????????
  5. i think the aztec the cous did all the work it was pretty cheap tho
  6. LoL u rememberd wut i told u i think i mentioned this was better then the sf board but any ways sup sup
  7. like i care who wins in a fight i just said that they should get laid LoL
  8. cock fest 2002 i mean wheres all the chickens at ???????
  9. i wasn't sure wut to call the movies lol well teh screen is ussly blue or green befor the movie pops up so fuk it i'll call it that ight fuk thinken let me call it wut i want but star wars is still fagget onless chubaca gets laid
  10. if that was all coke damn yall cpers know how to party all u need is some good looken females and i'm down fuk it i'll bring the females yall bring the coke
  11. like i know wut u said i only know how to say suk my dik in chinse noting else lol
  12. rambo would fuk up every 1 in that star wars movie i mean all he needed was some rations a knife and his bandana and he could take out a whole jungle of people while given some of the best 1 liners ever heard on the blue screen the only negative on rambo was he never got laid eiether but i doubt he would know how to fuk lol i bet he would stab a bitch and would fuk her in the wound lol that would be the sh1t i'd pay to see that and hhmmmmm i wish i could of witness rambo on the big screen i would of wilded out
  13. hhmmmm after looken at them old pics wow i lived the life picked on 16 and 17 got out of hs went to college skin cleared and damn i got my first peice of ass and since just been geting better and better lol damn i hope the future just gets better too worken on it tho so atleast i stride for a better life and i'm not content with being a geek like a lot of people
  14. 16 i was a pot head and weighed like 120 at 5'11 17 i had really bad skin and just was goofy 18 skin doc cleared my skin and i was just skinny 19 skinny 20 still skinny but weigh like 200
  15. lol this makes sense but u can cut it in half if u know the right people but still 60 is crazy i can stay in jersey and spend 20 and have just as much fun these days and the crowds look bout the same thats the sick part i mean if sf stoped letten in ghetto trash i'd pay 70 to gte in cause it'll be nice but all u see in ther these days is trash ontop of trash druged out lol it deff has gotten none pretty
  16. i deff agree the prices for themes is geting crazy and all the themes do is they bring out the uglyest none sfers ther is i mean i used to do sf every 2 weeks over the winter and now i don't even wanna go at all even if i get comped the crowds just went down hill maybe i'll check it out once or twice over the summer but i'm deff not sfen more then a time or 2 onless some 1 bugs me cause all i know is the first time i went to sf was tg and i mean all i seen was cuties i mean atleast with the dark ness i seen cuties every girl had a good body tehr were like 200 juice heads shirtless it was just hot and like the next month or so it was hot but the past few times i went all i see is maybe 10 true juicers and alot of big body chicks i mean i don't know wut happend but it deff isn't pretty any more if they get a stricter door i'll deff will go more but ontill i don't even care if i go or not
  17. i'd like to think i changed alot i mean in hs i was a skinny lil geek was like the same height 5'11 and weight like 140 at 18 i weighed like 150, now i'm bout 200 at 20 and damn mid 20s i am striden for gotta work on the future
  18. in my 20 years i never seen the whole movie and the only time i will ever watch the whole movie is when they get chubaca laid ontill then i say its geek
  19. star wars = geek thats all i gotta say
  20. i'll be down for a fight club if ther money in it so if thers money sign me up
  21. it only has 5 stars cause u posted bout me if u look every thread i start or i'm involved in has 5 stars so don't get happy babe
  22. true ture i try babe and u gotta give me props for not thinken sh1t out and just spiting wut ever pops up in my head even if it makes me look stupid lol cause few acttly speak wut the feel and any 1 who knwos me will relaze if it's thought it's spoken
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