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Everything posted by shook

  1. i'm gonna agree with rizzo on this 1
  2. yep yep deff agree with this response
  3. i don't judge people as much as i used to which is a plus as long as people got good hygene and don't think ther sh1t doesn't sticnk ther good peoples in my mind
  4. lol true and remember when he started talken bout bitchen off the kids white bred father like a lil bitch and the kid like started tearen
  5. lol i forever get asked sh1t i guess i look like a drug dealer ussly look pissed ever smile rarely dance and i got liek gang tats on my neck and under my pecs lol so at leats 10 times a nite i get asked and damn its tempten thats mad money soem tiems your just like fuk i should sell and make money while tryen to pick up girls lol
  6. hold my pocket u lil white mother fuker lol all they do is swear first time i seen it i almost died
  7. lol i love watchen scared stright seen it atleast 20 times and can watch it another 20 with no problems the sh1t is always fun to watch
  8. lol if u want a drink passed 5 am i can get u a drink i try to avoid the drusg thing its bad for the mind body and skin but booze i will do a lil once in a blue and if u wnat soem vodka or soem thing u just gotta know people lol thers noting better then like 9 am in sf geting a protein shake spiked with a lil vodka lol u get your monr intake of protein plus catch a nasty buzz from the nastyness of the drink lol
  9. i still say it needs a female in it for it to be any thing worth looken at
  10. well true thers alot of drugs at sf too but vynal is pure drugs at least in sf u can get a drink if u want
  11. i am guessen u toke 1 of your girls vip cards too and just used it to get in LoL
  12. thats y i can't go to vynal i mean too many drugys i'll take a drunk over a drugy any day and vynal needs a bar befor it becomes a spot to chill in my mind
  13. was deff a great game when miller hit that 3 at the end of the 4th i was like o sh1t i wish the pacers won tho fuken nets gonna get rocked next round hope fully
  14. if i ever conciderd a girl my gf which would make her a pretty wow girl i deff wouldn't cheat on her even if i could never get caught
  15. the prize is ???????????????
  16. sup newbie female i did the same move san diego to ny and all i gotta say is if u liked cali u gonna hate ny cause it's pure trash
  17. interesting if i gets bored might check it out
  18. not sure i knwo i caught 1 rash from this drunk girl ocne droolen and i knwo a few times i caught rashes from sweat bumpen eiether way people got to bad of hygene these days to walk around naked or close to it
  19. i have learned over my years 18 being 5'11 150 now 20 5'11 200 that the shirt shit being skinny deff dosn't have the same appeal but eiether way in a club u gotta keep it on cause ther's mad trashy females out ther who drool and sweat and shirtless might get u atteion yes but rashes give u pain so i've learned to atleast rock a bball jersey or a open shirt same appeal less rashes
  20. true babe i've been bored of late with the sf sh1t so next outen's yall have i'll poke my nose into and aLL
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