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Everything posted by danwilson

  1. Whats funny, in the list, JFK, Fergi and Fabio are listed. Is this a joke. Fergi is 17. JFK is 59 and Fabio is 98. Has anyone heard Lisa Pin Up #68 or Anne Savage #42
  2. Tell me a bigger DJ then Jonathan Peters in the U.S. Tell me another DJ, that can get 3000 people every week to show up, when he DJs.
  3. xtcgspot. I understand these are international DJs. But you didn't answer my question. Why is Danny Tenaglia listed as the number 3 DJ? He's mainly a NY DJ. The biggest DJ in the U.S right now, hands down, is Jonathan Peters. 3000 people are there Saturday and on Friday, when he's not there, Sound Factory is dead. I would put Vicious number 2.
  4. Top 100 DJs listed Vicious and Peters aren't listed Here's the list. http://www.spaced.co.uk/music/news.asp?articleid=204 Go to the bottom of the page, to see the list. How can Danny Tenaglia be number 3 and Vicious and Peters not be listed.
  5. Was Subliminal popular at Shelter. Who went to Subliminal, when it was at Shelter. Was it crowded, or not many people went. I went to Subliminal, when it was at Centro Fly. It was packed on the Thursday i went. They should go back to Centro Fly. They were stupid to move it to Shelter in the first place. Maybe Sound Factory on Friday would do this Subliminal party.
  6. ibclubbin, you were right. The song that was called Watching you, by Saeed and Palash. I just listened to it. That was definitely the song i heard at Factory. The 2 house songs following this watching you song, were the ones i wanted. I wish JP had an email address.
  7. Sarah James from Dateline on NBC. She used to be the News anchor, on the Today show with Katie and Matt. Also, Sharryl Atkinson of CBS.
  8. My Quoth imitation. Hey Quoth, Duh! What Club used to be called the Palladium. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=102567
  9. What time will Roxy close. I'm curious to see how many people are there for the after hours.
  10. How does Richie Rydell compare to the Top NYC DJs. Vicious, Peters, Vasquez, Danny Tenaglia, Ricky Corbo and all the guest international DJs at Exit, Vinyl and Centro Fly
  11. People on the NJ message boards are raving about him. Anyone ever hear him. How does he compare to top DJs in NYC.
  12. For dance tracks, Riddler is great. I remember him on Planet Z on Z100 on Saturday nights. He was awesome. He used to play some great dance tracks. Stuff i never heard on KTU. Plus, he was a great mixer. I'm sure he's got great house tracks to
  13. http://www.art.com/asp/sp-asp/_/NV--1_1836_6263_6290/PD--10001668/SZ--2/posters.htm?XRFID=958862&BKID=64A12A105A163A5552&TKID=1877446
  14. Yes, Donald Glaude will be at Centro Fly on Friday. He plays amazing techno. He's one of the best DJs. Check him out.
  15. j303j, Your mother is so fat when she walks on the beach, all the Whales jump out of the water and start singing, We are family.
  16. Check out pic. http://atlanta.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=6164&group=webcast
  17. reenichole, just tell him you have a boyfriend. reenichole, just curious, do you get approached alot by guys, or not so much.
  18. Legend, when i heard Joey, he spinned hard house, mainstream house and deep house. He also put in some nice dance mixes. All i know is, I thought he was incredible. Then i got some flyer in the mail, saying he's the resident DJ at this club in Longisland. I want people to hear him. By the way, Peters spins mainly hard house. Vicious spins hard house, trance and some dance mixes.
  19. Remember the song 2 years ago, called Tic Tic Tac by Fruit De La Passion. KTU used to play it. There was this one version of the song, that was amazing. It added a trance mix, which made the song incredible. I bought the single to this song, but the single didn't have this version. Anyone remember the version i'm talking about.
  20. I thought Peters was really good. There were 3 house songs that I thought were awesome. The First song was played like 2 30 am. It had this beat, like a cannon was going off. It was awesome. This was the best house song he played. The song before this house song, was this guy singing. He sounded like one of those people who lost there voice. You know how people who lose there voice, and have to use that talk box to talk and there voices sound so edgy. This was the song before that great house song. The other 2 house songs that were top notch, were played like an hour later at 3 30 am. They were after this house song, called, there watching you. You know the Alien type songs, where a guy talks like Aliens are watching you. That was the song before these 2 great house songs. You know what would be cool, as Peters was playing the songs, if there was a monitor, that would say the names of the songs and the artists Peters was playing. That would be a great way to promote this music. Anyone remember these songs i'm talking about.
  21. I must have gotten there at 11 10pm. When i got there, they had to be atleast 100 people online. Then 10 minutes later, there was 200 people. By 11 30, the line was so long. They let in no one by this time. Plus it was so hot out. Can you explain one thing to me. Why do they keep this line so long, when Roxy is located in the middle of nowhere. As i said, i could understand Webster Hall doing this, because there located in area, where tons of people pass by. Roxy is located in an area, where no one passes bye. 2nd, why does Sound Factory let people in, when they get there. Most importantly, everytime i'v been to Roxy, i always have to wait 45 minutes. I think a 2nd floor would be good, to add another dance floor. When Vicious is the DJ, that place gets to packed. I'v never been to Roxy on Saturday. But i'v heard, that they get 2500 to 3000 people on Gay Night. Webster Hall and Sound Factory are 3 floors. I think Sound Factory actually has a 4th floor, but I usually go to the 3rd floor.
  22. An awesome sound by Brooklyn Bounce is, Progressive attack, the extended mix. That song is unreal.
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