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Everything posted by £ddie

  1. Drama has been here FOREVER. It used to be even worse a couple of years ago. Anyone who thinks otherwise has no clue--just go dig through the archives. It is true though, the content lately has been awful. Posting just for the sake of posting does NOT make you cool--it makes you a TOOL. Maybe if DaVe got rid of post counts some people would shut the fuck up. Oh, and it's not my responsiblity to provide content--I'm too friggin busy. P.S. Many here need to grow the fuck up too. Act your ages.
  2. Do you know Harold Moore? He was my Project Finance professor and a partner at Skadden. I'll be working at one of the large firms this fall also, but I'd rather not say which on here.
  3. If your college offers a symbolic logic class, I suggest you take that too. It was helpful for me in training me to think logically and methodically. If you are taking it this October it may not be as helpful to you considering you will have only had the class for two months. If you are taking it in December, I would definitely consider it.
  4. Take a review course if you can afford it and lack the discipline to do self study. If you can't afford it (I'm sure they're well over 500 bucks), get one of those review books and purchase old LSATS from the Law School Admissions Council. https://os.lsac.org/Release/Shop/Shop_Books.aspx?po=Y Do them under timed conditions. Timing is everything on the LSAT. The exam isn't difficult in and of itself, but the time constraints make it difficult. If you get a 160 and up you're in good shape for virtually all second tier schools and a good number of first tier schools. If you're aiming for a top ten school, you'll need in the area of 165-168 and up to have a shot.
  5. Nothing personal against you bro. Many people should just mind their business that's all. You're ok in my book.
  6. Holy nosiness Batman it's no one's fucking business. She's my FRIEND since everyone on this damn board is so fucking interested to know.
  7. HAHAHAHAHA YOU WISH!!!!! :laugh:
  8. Oh shut yer trap with your sophomoric philosophising!!! Do you see how fucking old this thread is????????
  9. I do believe it's heroin.
  10. Friend just forwarded this to me. It's a link to a German record shop. Scroll down and you'll see the most recent remixes of this track. They have real audio clips that you can listen to. Since I havn't heard it, check to see if it's one of these--probably not as these appear don't to be hard house remixes but who knows. http://www.cuepoint.de/online_shop/news082.htm
  11. The cutting crew white label remix is from last year. It's definitely not the one JP is playing. There are other remixes of this track that I know of that were released this year. There's the killerloop remix and the vernon's world remix. Don't know which one JP is playing since I have yet to hear the track there. It may be some other remix I'm not aware of. I don't have either, so don't ask.
  12. Saleen, if you still don't have it, IM me--you have my AIM name I've had the track for a while (before it was released).
  13. I don't have a copy of the track, but I have the trendroid promo where I first heard the track. I've seen the promo on soulseek. The track is slammin! One of those tracks that I could see would get any crowd rockin'. "Turn the lights, turn the lights, turn the lights dowwwwwwwn"
  14. No. He's just a Down Syndrome case. Ignore him.
  15. And another thing, if you only go to see a DJ because they are on some stupid DJ rankings list, then you have A LOT to learn. There are a lot of great DJs not even on that list other than Vicious and Peters.
  16. What kind of idiotic statement is this? I'm a househead, but would never say House is superior to Trance/Techno--it's a matter of preference, Beavis. You are such a rookie!!! BTW in case you didn't notice, your boy JP does play tech house here and there. Guess you have no clue what you're even listening to at Factory.
  17. Danny tonight, but I don't know who's opening. Tomorrow Vinyl's closed.
  18. NO ONE!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: Well maybe a couple. They know who they are.
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