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Everything posted by £ddie

  1. I don't know either of you, but congrats and stuff.
  2. Last time I was there it seemed to be populated by toothless trailer park trash from the heart of Tennessee. Maybe I just picked the wrong day.
  3. I went to Chaos to watch a friend spin last night, got hammered and met a polish stripper who wants to take me on a picnic. Today I'm studying. Tomorrow I'm going to Surf Club to celebrate a friend of a friends birthday, have some drinks, and meet up with my favorite guidette.
  4. Nothing wrong with that. Oh, I forgot, there's Olga the 200lb cleaning lady. Straight from South America and barely speaks English. Yummmmm.
  5. I work at a law firm. NO ONE there to fantasize about!!!
  6. Bro you still have A LOT of natural growth to go. Your body is still changing at 18 years old. Eat properly, increase your protein intake, and lift properly. I put on 20 pounds of lean mass between 18 and 21 naturally (from 155-175 and 4 years later, 206). What's your rush? Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't cut it. I'm sure someone will follow this post and say I'm wrong, so if you choose to disregard what I have to say, at the very least, do your homework. I'm not trying to flame you, but the fact that you can't even spell 'Sustanon' and 'Deca' shows you have A LOT to learn. Do you know what Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) is? How about Liquidex or Nolvadex? If you don't you should be going nowhere near juice. No one with the amount of knowledge you have at this point should have a syringe in his hands. One other thing and trust me on this, because I know many people that juice. Rarely do people only do one cycle. They may start with that attitude, but it becomes a psychological addiction. One cycle will probably not impact your health negatively, but once you start that vicious cycle of doing multiple cycles a year, it's only a matter of time before you have problems. Last thing, read the messageboards on eitefitness.com. You'll get a complete schooling on fitness, lifting and everything related.
  7. Give it up biatch. I'll catch you on AIM. Any wanting a full blown review, go here: http://www.progressive-sounds.com/reviews/sasha-airdrawndagger.asp
  8. I agree. Low carb, not no carb is the way to go.
  9. This is more appropriate: Yeah okay it's a little sloppy.
  10. Flax is good. Tastes like crap though. I think one of the best ways to use flax oil is to throw some into a protein shake at night before you sleep. It slows the absorption of protein by the body so you get a steadier supply of protein over a longer period of time while you sleep. And that's benenficial obviously because muscle growth occurs primarily during sleep.
  11. Satoshi Tomiie, great producer/remixer and awesome live DJ.
  12. I only smoke at clubs. And when I do I chain smoke, I don't bother counting.
  13. I don't think we formally met, but I was sitting next to you on the bench. You were in bad shape if I recall. I think I was in worse shape LoL. Oh well, you only live once. Nice meeting you, sorta.
  14. I did in the very recent past. Not anymore. I'm pretty friggin happy at the moment. Get yourselves help. Nothing to be ashamed of by doing so.
  15. Cevin Fisher. I believe the remix you are looking for is the "Shoulder to Shoulder mix".
  16. Demanding, isn't it. People should feel lucky to even be working in this crappy economy. Mike, good call on Stern.
  17. Oh lord. Don't you work in a TANNING SALON??? Try working a 75 hour work week WHILE going to grad school full time--then you can complain.
  18. Try also D. Ramirez - Burnin Up. Old one but I know JP used to rock it. It's probably one of these three mentioned.
  19. Alrightttttttt if you REALLY wanna know. I was eating a burger, and my ex-girl says "you have something on your lip, " I was like "where?" She says "something is hanging from your lip," so I wiped my lip and looked at this "thing". I looked at it closely and realized it was a roach leg and I flipped!!! So frantically, I check the rest of the burger, and yep, I found a roach wing. Nasty shit man. Will never eat there again. . .
  20. Alright bet. I'll get the next 232324344 shots I dunno bro. Finding insect parts in my food dissuades me from eating anything on that menu.
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