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Everything posted by £ddie

  1. Pizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeace.
  2. Where the bejeezus have you been? :blank: :blank: :blank:
  3. Not sure what you're referring to lol, but I know how much he makes because it's what I make, and what everyone at a large law firm makes. And the hours usually suck just as much. :worry2:
  4. Well put. You said everything I wanted to say but was too lazy to type.
  5. True, but there are always certain qualities that appeal to you. Honestly, if I met a girl that had every quality I listed but was 300 pounds and had corn-on-the-cob yellow teeth, I couldn't be with her, sorry. Call me superficial.
  6. Whoaaaaa! That's a big generalization there. I've known many "Anglo-saxon" women that can bust a serious move on the dancefloor AND in bed! It isn't a racial thing, it's a talent thing; some have it, others don't. I'm hispanic too so I've been around a good number of hispanic women that can't tell their right foot from their left.
  7. Ah yes, I recognize your name. I think you've seen my name a few times. Welcome.
  8. Hopefully he'll pull through. He's meant a lot to this scene. Glad I got to hear him not too long ago.
  9. My brain just works like this: Am I not normal? :confused: :confused:
  10. Don’t really think I have a ‘type’. Just about every girl I’ve been with was Italian or the blonde all American type. As far as looks, pretty face is a must! Someone who takes care of her body is also important—works out, eats right, isn’t doing drugs 5 nights out of the week; oh and I love a good tan. Good dancer. A nice ass is a plus, breast size doesn’t really matter; as long as they’re bigger than mine it’s all good. As far as height I’ve gone as low as 4’11 and as high as 6’0 so I can’t really say I have height requirements lol. Has to be smart, and I don’t necessarily mean Rhodes Scholar book smart, more like smart in terms of life experience, has a clue about current events, can hold an intelligent conversation. No bigger turnoff to me than a hot girl who is an absolute MORON. Someone who likes to go clubbing but doesn't LIVE in the world of clubbing! There's more to life than that. Sense of humor is VERY important. If she can make me laugh that is a huge plus. Someone who is strong mentally too i.e., confident and secure, but not cocky, arrogant or obnoxious. Also, openmindedness is important, about people, clubs, food, and experiences in general. And I guess just personality in general—someone who’s always interesting. Guess that about rounds it out. :blank::blank:
  11. Factory Sux right now. It really does. I don't see myself going back till October/November.
  12. It's been a while since I've heard them, but assuming we are talking about the same track (a drum and bass track, no?), I remember the Ganja Kru remix as being the better. But again it's a been a while since I've heard them.
  13. Track came out a while ago. The remixes I know of are the Ganja Kru Remixes and and Mijangos Remixes. I don't know which Lawler plays. There may be others, but those are the only ones I know.
  14. Someone posted this a couple of months ago. Still funny though.
  15. It's a good album also IMO. Official release date is July 16th.
  16. Can only speak for myself, but I had a great time down there last week. I went there knowing that I wasn't going to hear the music I normally listen to, and that it would be a meat market more than anything. But I can appreciate all sorts of venues, music and crowds. And the biggest plus was that I spent a fraction of what I spend in the city on cover charge and liquor. . .
  17. My thoughts exactly. One Dan Wilson is more than enough.
  18. I've got about 30 gigs of live sets partnah. Don't assume we're rookies here and don't know what a live set is LMAO. Many of us here know A LOT about music. As far as progressive house goes, no other album is close as far as track selection and mixing in my opinion--even Lawler's new album. If you're a trance head or a techno head, obviously it isn't going to appeal to you as much. But hey, you're entitled to your opinion. No one will ever totally agree on a new album. It's all good.
  19. The track comes on just before "You Gotta Believe". Uptempo bassline, moody voiceover effects, and has a dark and evil feel to it. Sounds great mixed in. I likes.
  20. He moved here to NYC from Japan years ago. If anyone should have a regular residency in the city it's him. He may not have the recognition that a DT does, but IMO opinion he's one of the top 2 or 3 DJs in this city. It's too bad you can only hear him once a month on a weekday. Even still, he rocks out Filter 14, playing from open to close with no opening DJ. He's very approachable too.
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