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Everything posted by smgarret

  1. Yeah, I figured he was talking about the house scene but now I'm really confused as to what he's talking about. Guess he just put "scene" out there so he could be right with whatever he said and sound all smart, either way doesn't matter as he'll just try and smack you down with whatever facts he's able to google while posting.
  2. I didn't ask any questions hobbit. Just pointing out that you were wrong in saying that gays started the house scene (which is what I'm assuming you're talking about). Its not personal so please don't take it there.....
  3. for those djs who are talking about using downloaded music when they play out please beware, check out this link for the entire story busted dj
  4. Actually no it was africian americans who created it.
  5. I think he's hiding from his gayness
  6. pretty arrogant of you to assume I do drugs. Just 'cause I posted here doesn't mean I do anything. Anyway, only a two year old wouldn't understand that you're saying you get a 'natural high' from listening to music. Think this pretty much sums it up on what people think about you
  7. Shut up. I'm officially banning you from posting here ever again. You're so
  8. Definately, that shit is doctored up. No way she goes through the hoop like that
  9. He's going nowhere, off to do some more production work and possibly drug rehab. From what I heard the spirit management couldn't wait to see him leave. Mostly because they didn't like the crowd that came along with JP. They want their crowd to become more like the Crobar crowd....
  10. Good for you, we all know that. Besides he sounds like a casual user who couldn't slow down partying for one weekend so he could definately pass a drug test. Which is stupid anyway you look at it.
  11. Well, think he was asking about Coke and H, not pot so......
  12. All depends on the frequency, length and amount you use. Coke usually is only in your system for a few days, not sure about H but probably the same so you're probably ok. In any case if you knew you had a drug test today why would you be using the week before, that's just stupid. Not that I would wish anything bad on people but if you don't pass you have only your stupidity to blame.
  13. Already a thread about it....too late sucka. Not that big of a shake-up in clubland. Is one club, one night...there are a lot more things going on than JP at Spirit. I have a feeling you're wrong
  14. That had to hurt their moms, poor women pooping out babies. They should have that checked out.
  15. You're buying 16 year olds? That doesn't sound legal at all....
  16. Once a narc, always a narc, just stay away from him if you ever see him out. Think i might have a pic of him somewhere (have met him in real life a few years ago) so everyone knows what he looks like and to watch out for him.
  17. sheesh, why are you still talking about this? Get over it you big baby. This is the worst crying and complaining I've seen on this board in a long time.
  18. dude, you ripped off the freebsd devil. Please remove this or we will be forced to take action
  19. Not going to waste my time searching out your posts, as you only have like 50 or so to prove my point. Just point out that you shouldn't throw stones in your glass house (ie, telling someone off for swearing by swearing at them). If you're going to try yelling at people for doing something at least don't do it yourself. So stupid.....
  20. wrong place for this sticky, should be in the WMC forum, not the nyc one.
  21. Maybe I read it wrong but you said gotMilk couldn't have a normal conversation without swearing at people. So what did you do, you swore at him in your reply, proving that you also can't have a normal conversation without swearing at people. So stupid.....
  22. Didn't you just prove the same thing about yourself?
  23. Not that it isn't a problem, but get off your soapbox already. People know its a problem, you and others on this thread have stated it time and again. Instead of flaming people for voicing their opinion why don't you go and do something about the problem.
  24. Wow, are you an arrogent fuck. Please stop posting, no one cares about your tier 1 (usually peeps say fortune 500 but whatever) firm.
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