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Everything posted by smgarret

  1. :rofl: This was left as negative rep by the Mask. "stop making fun of me you fucking asshole! - Alan (the mask)" What a complete loser..hahahahahaha. You're definately the lamest person out there, you've just overtaken the narc silverhobbit.... LOL
  2. Dude, you have to be the biggest loser (next to the narc silverhobbit). Sheesh, its not like she's blowing lines or shooting junk. Only if you're a complete moron do you die from taking E. Besides what you usually hear in the news when people die is that they were being stupid (ie, not drinking water, taking a break, etc), not from the actual E itself. Lighten up, who are you, her Dad or her bf...what right do you have to tell anyone what to do. Personally I don't understand why anyone would want to hang with a straight-edge dork who comes in the guise of looking for information but only if its information they want to hear. Look on Google, its pretty simple and you'll find lots of info.
  3. SilverHobbit, what else do you call someone who rats/busts someone else for doing/selling drugs? narc is 100% on point when it comes to you ratting on other people at clubs for doing drugs. And no, none of us are surprised about the number of narcs who get paid, as its their job, that are around at clubs. They've been there long before you were partying. And if glowsticks on strings aren't allowed in Cielo why do you have to be the one to say anything? That place is so small the people who actually get paid to keep everyone safe will notice it. Again, the words rat, tattletail, baby, narc come to mind. Always running to the security guard is lame....its too bad you don't respect others enough to either deal with them directly or not at all. SilverHobbit, you are one sad person.....
  4. Who gives a shit what kind of music he likes. He's still a narc, plain and simple...anyone who rats out someone else is a piece of shit, period.
  5. Holy shit, not like I had much respect for the Hobbit anyway, but dude, this loser sounds like he's out to ruin everyones. So what if people are using glowsticks or doing drugs, 99% of the time they aren't bothing you so why do you have to go and ruin their fun. Guess because he's 2 feet tall he has problems going up to people and asking them to their face nicely. No, instead he's got to be a pussy and tell the bouncer then has the balls to brag about his narcing to others. How does someone not realize that being a narc is completely uncool and that bragging about it is even more uncool. Anyway, next time I see you out I'll come up to you in person and tell you how ghey those stupid silverchains look. And that you're ruining my fun so you'll have to leave that space.....good luck Silverbullshit, once a narc always a narc
  6. Too bad you don't know how to take a joke and obviously don't understand sarcasm. One day you will, thanks for playing try again next week. Oh yeah, you can take your little "argue with foolish people" speach and shove it up your ass. Adult enough for you
  7. Hobbit, how lame of you to rat people out, LOSER. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean you shouldn't let people enjoy what they're doing, who the fuck do you think you are anyway? Too bad one of the strings didn't grab that stupid looking silver chain from around your neck, oh well better luck next time.
  8. I know I am, I'm a responsible adult with a real job, a mortgage and everything. Thanks for the vote of confidence on my maturity level. You are not very mature and need to learn to read sarcasm into 90% of what's said in this board. But as you're a noob I'll over look it this time The Mature One
  9. I'll say whatever I like wherever I like, thanks
  10. yes they are biatch...you offered cookies so gimmie!!
  11. As a matter of fact, yes. Bring me my cookies biatch
  12. I don't smoke weed. Unlike you, I could walk into a drug test tonight and pass with flying colors.....
  13. Has nothing to do with the drug test, has to do with how long certain drugs stay in your system: http://studenthealth.oregonstate.edu/answerspot-old/AlcoholDrugs/Testing_Stims.htm
  14. Still alive...what a funny thread, kept me laughing the whole time I was reading it.
  15. Do you? What are you his jealous boyfriend who can't take it when someone has some fun at his expense, get over yourself
  16. Nope, not retarded at all. Just always hear him talking about 'the scene', history of the scene, what the scene is and should be, etc....hard to believe anyone into EDM hasn't heard of Markus or NU-NRG. btw, are you retarded? am pretty sure the hobbit can defend himself.
  17. Search through the drug board
  18. Midget, I thought you knew everything there was to know about EDM, what gives...I'm very disappointed.
  19. Well if you read my post you'd see that I was replying to someone saying terrorists don't try to take over/bomb clubs which is not true as I pointed out in my reply. Thanks though
  20. Has happened before, remember what happened in Bali??
  21. The hottest crowd in town is at the Times Square Brewery, so many celebs there I can't even begin to name them all. I was in heaven the last time I was there, what a 'beautiful' crowd. Celebs definately do have more fun than us regular type peeps but what can you do.......
  22. Yep...in that pic, Markus looks a bit retarded and like he has on a bad wig...good sounds for chillin' at home but at a club, ehh....
  23. Yeah, I can't wait to watch her take it in the pooper like a champ on that show. Will be the show of the year!!! not
  24. omg, sooooo funny....good find, thanks for sharing
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