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Everything posted by smgarret

  1. That's cool. I want tickets so please let me know when this takes place Thanks !!
  2. I hope not...those two are too massive and don't come to NYC enough for that kind of event. Hope I'm right.
  3. Really, that's too bad, is a decent space with a good system. So many places closing or closed...sucks
  4. Global is basically a best of PvD so I'd recommend that, "Out There and Back", and Politics of Dancing (granted this one has a lot of older songs but it still rocks) for PvD cd. Tiesto "In Search of Sunrise 1-7" (basically any of tiesto's stuff before 2002 is good, the rest is shit imo. Any or Armin's compilations are pretty good choice (76 is too slow for my liking, it has decent songs just needs pitched up a bit)
  5. Well you started the stereotyping first with the ravers and the lines in the bathroom remark. If you can't take it when it comes back to you then just step down and be quiet, no one will think less of you
  6. I don't do drugs, thanks. Just keep smoking that glass dick with your cocksmoking homies and you'll turn out just fine. btw, lots of people listen to techno.
  7. So angry for no reason whatsoever. Why do you care so much if people rag on hip-hop? Besides, there is a whole other forum for hip-hop. Which I see now why it was designed that way. To keep trash like you off of this board. So go listen to your eminem cds now and leave this board alone, loser
  8. When did I rip on hip hop dickmuncher? Just because it isn't a style of music I like doesn't mean its not good. Just isn't what I prefer to listen to, plain and simple. So go suck a dick you closeminded fuck
  9. Not my fantasy cocksmoker. You're the lamer who wishes aids on people so seems to me you deserve something in return, asslicker
  10. No one deserves that you moron. But you deserve to get gangraped in the ass
  11. That's a mature thing to wish on someone......
  12. maybe I'm a glutton for punishment but its posts like this that make me sit back and laugh. So entertaining, I could read this shit all night
  13. hehe, you said kid. Most likely I'm older than you but that's besides the point. Don't worry about wearing another armband, wouldn't want your juiced up Jersey arms to have their circulation cutoff.
  14. There are a bunch of sweet clubs and hot bitches in an area 500 miles directly east of Times Square but you have to know the secret password to get in.
  15. I'll stick with the club did a good job of searching. Besides, I never said Jersey was the source of all the city's problems just some. That said, Jersey is definately the source of the following problems: Shirtless guidos Juiced up guidos Spikey Hair guidos Sunglasses in the club wearing guidos A|X/Diesel/Von Dutch wearing (when they have their shirts on) guidos The Jersey Fist Pump I can't think of anymore off the top of my head others will help me out I'm sure.
  16. I do make my own fun and like I said before I don't care what people do when they go out, just so long as they don't interfere with my fun. That said, the crowd is a big part of any event; past, present, or future. The dj can only do so much to create a fun environment, its the people who are there that create the atmosphere and if the crowd sucks then the event usually sucks too (not sure I'm explaining it well but I think you know what I mean). As for venues, I prefer places where the shirtless, tina'd up, juiced out guidos aren't. I don't really have a favorite place or places but whatever falls in the catagory I just mentioned is usually a decent venue. (I'm a huge hater of the Jersey fistpump thing ) Hopefully I answered your question. You seem alright too, I just enjoy picking on/starting stuff with the JP fans on this board since they seem to like to go to any and all lengths to defend him, it just amuses me
  17. In reference to your being around, I was referring to your join date, which looks like Sept 2004, so only 2-3 months. And yes, I've had shitty times at JP events that I've gone to, which is why I don't go anymore. The entire atmosphere he brings to a venue (doesn't matter which one, as his followers go whereever) is just bad and, in my opinion, everything that is wrong with the scene today. If you disagree, fine. This is only my opinion, one that I think is shared by many people in and around the scene.
  18. My old tricks? What would you know since I see you've only been around for 2-3 months. I'm just stating my opinion and making wisecracks, if you don't like it that's too bad for you. I'm rarely very serious when I post here, mostly I just have a loathing for JP and his crackhead followers.
  19. No spell check needed, just send the people who can't spell at PM and tell them to check out this site for all their spelling problems: hop.com
  20. Never said those things were ever done exclusively at Spirit, only that the crowd the follows JP tends to be more of drugged out crowd, doesn't matter where he spins. And as far as the drugged out kids messing with our good time, its mostly those damn juiced out, tina'd up guidos that can't keep their hands off my gf or any of the girls we go with.
  21. NOOOOO, keep JP and his druggie groupies at Spirit where they belong. I heard Spirit is moving to Jersey soon anyway....just to make it easier for the typical crowd to get there.
  22. Cops do sell in the clubs, but they sell bunk/fake stuff. Sorry, should have been more clear.
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