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Everything posted by smgarret

  1. Again, you use the word "worked" which means you're not working in/for clubs now. So what happened, didn't let the right guy fuck you?
  2. maybe she should just do the world a favor and stay in her shitty house/apartment in queens. Please do not procreate, do not leave Queens....you're priveleges have been revoked.
  3. Why yes, I am the grammar police, thanks very much If some dumb bitch is going to talk shit the least she can do is use proper english (which they obviously didn't teach her in her poor ass schools in Queens).
  4. First of all its "their" not "there" (please learn english you stupid bitch from queens). Second point, Tony Draper sucked (he has always sucked) and Exit was setup terribly. The sound quality was the worst I've ever heard. PS: I have a life, plus as an added bonus I know how to work my keyboard without having to use caps lock all the time...moron
  5. well, since you obviously can't read, I'll say it again, I was there the one time PvD spun there. And yes, that place did suck, if you didn't see any od'ing kids there then you must be blind or just that naive. Tony Draper is a women, and all their other residents (can't think of anyone besides that guy) are coke heads.
  6. why so much yelling? Anyway, you worked there, which means you don't anymore....why not, didn't suck the right guy off?
  7. why so much yelling? Anyway, you worked there, which means you don't anymore....why not, didn't suck the right guy off?
  8. Nope, not arguing with anyone. Industry, not industry doesn't matter. And as far as fuckin' squids (its spelled fuckin', not fuking...who need hooked on phonics now), guess you'd know since you're so industry
  9. About time someone with intelligence on this board realized all my posts are sarcastic. But I guess thats what you get for posting along side people from Jersey and the outer boroughs
  10. I'm the kicker...you know the one that will put my foot in your ass. Please stay out of the city and don't cross any bridges or take any tunnels to come here anymore. Obviously you don't deserve the privelege of partying in the city.
  11. I'm sure I didn't fuck up this thread...it was well fucked before I read through it. You and that sf wannabe arguing about who can and can't get into places, give it a rest. Does it really matter? btw, I can get into wherever I want, whenever I want so there
  12. I thought you put the "in" in your ass. lamer
  13. Not that old, Exit always sucked. Place was a worse crack den than SF. All kinds of drugged up B&T kids. I remember one of the few times I went there (the one time PvD was there) it was terrible. Sound system sucked, most of the crowd was cracked out and od'ing. Yet another crack den that I'm glad is closed.
  14. True, they will probably let you in, but if you're planning on going you should get a ticket before hand, they will be way cheaper than at the door (ie S&D, 30 beforehand, 60 at the door, etc, etc).
  15. well, I have better things to do than post more than a few times to a thread about a place I hated (SF). I'm glad that crack den is closed. Only thing that makes me sad is that the loser, crackhead SF crowd will now migrate to places I like to frequent.
  16. When I shit it comes out hot, then it goes into the toliet and gets wet. Its pretty much that easy to get a hot shit wet.
  17. that wasn't it at all....you were just as overcome by the sheer stupidity/gayness of that flyer as the rest of us were
  18. Nice to see such intelligence in a post. I'm sure you're at the bottom of the food chain along with all JP lovers.
  19. well, to make a long story short, I had a good time all in all. Oh yeah, he wasn't just using his pc (they use final scratch, as does almost every popular dj these days), was also spinning vinyls, etc
  20. So hostile.....never seen someone so fiesty about their gay-assed dj...lamer
  21. too bad, you missed the beginning when it was thumping Anyway, I hear you about the crowd. Seemed like most of the people there didn't even know it was G&D and weren't there for the music, just to get drunk and grope(sp?) the few girls who were there.
  22. How the hell do they not let girls in??? By the time we left that place was a dude disaster...nothing but sausage as far as the eye could see.
  23. why check it out...junior sucks, almost as bad if not worse than JP
  24. no wonder....you're priorities are all fucked up my priorities 1) sex 2) sex 3) sex 4) sex with multiple women at once 5) sex with multiple women at once 6) family 7) sex 8) sex 9) sex 10) girlfriend 11) sex 12) sex oh yeah...and enjoy tunes from 3 years ago looped over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.......
  25. You know what should really apply to you? Turning off the caps lock for a while
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