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Everything posted by smgarret

  1. Any can get up there and spin 4 songs/hour for cracked up, druged out kids. Someone else posted you should check out arc and DT...don't bother, please keep your lame ass, narrow-minded views in Jersey/SF/Black (whatever that crackden is called now).
  2. Surprised I didn't see any reviews here of G&D at Avalon last night. Anyway, G&D tore it up for the first few hours they were on, but around 4am their set really started sucking (in my opinion). Very disjointed and little to no mixing going on whatsoever. Seems like they just decided to program their musicmatch jukebox then sit down for a while. After about an hour of that we got bored since the beat wasn't really that great and left at around 5am. Overall, good night, but G&D should probably stick to producing and leave the djing to professionals. Oh yeah, I'm hoping the people who own/run/have influence at Avalon read this post. Please turn on the AC, all three times I've been to Avalon it has been at least 100 degrees on the main dance floor. Stop being so cheap and give the people who patronize your club a break. I'm surprised no one has passed out or whatever from dehydration/heat exhaustion. Thanks
  3. LOL, not your week is it....you suck
  4. doubtful...unless they've redone the sound system (haven't been there since they closed for renovations) it'll still suck since their system blows. Plus they have door people who are rude as fuck. There is a short, fat black dude that comes to mind.
  5. try this link you will have to edit it, but whatever you'll get the point puredjDOTcom/56kDOTpls Enjoy!
  6. for the newest and best live trance dj show check out puredjDOTcom.
  7. yep, i'm sure i got fucked in the ass many, many times by guys just as stacked as him.
  8. you ought to take your own advice dickmister.
  9. You are such an idiot. Please, do us all a favor and castrate yourself. This will save untold generations of people from your procreate idiot. It will be a sad day when you have kids (assuming you will ever find a girl who will fuck you). The rest of civilization will suffer greatly from having to support their welfare sucking asses. Please be considerate of your fellow man before thinking about procreating. You will be doing society in general a great service by sticking to only jerking off. Asshole
  10. no shit, all these juicers and methheads, not in a million years. Plus I'm not so sure how legit this posting is anyway since he is asking for pictures for a bouncer job? Pretty sure that's illegal but whatever.
  11. I have been to avalon twice and both times the door policy is: Guys - 21 Girls - 18 Kinda suck for young guys, but since I'm old enough I'll be enjoying all the nice, young eye candy
  12. I'm not sure whether or not he's actually guilty or innocent. What I do know is that no normal person invites little kids over to stay at their house then sleeps in the same bed as them. Michael Jackson may be too sheltered and naive to know that these are very serious charges, but whatever. I hope, for everyones sake, that he didn't commit these crimes he is accused of. Oh yeah, and njserious is a total juicer Check out the Thanksgiving Eve thread started by that guy and you'll see why
  13. Check out their homepage....enough said http://www.soundfactorynyc.com/startpage.html So gay
  14. Nice comeback dipshit. Why exactly am I a hater? I get myself laid everyday, you *maybe* get yourself laid every month. Again. please tell me why I'm supposed to be jealous of you. You're probably jealous of me since I know I can get way more girls than you. Sorry piece of trash....have a nice day of lifting and juicing up.
  15. Why I'm even replying to this I don't know, since you can't even understand how to take the caps lock off this will probably be over your head. First, she's not "letting" other girls hit on me...when I'm in the booth girls just come up to me, she trusts me not to do anything with those other girls (that is what a relationship is about, trust). Secondly, she's not a lesbian or bi-sexual (wish she was, but that's another thread). Third, when you are able to figure out the meaning of a 'trusting relationship' then come back to talk to me you worthless fuck. Until then, you are grounded. Go back to your room and don't come out until you have reached maturity (which in your case will probably be never). Or you could just take the quick way out and do us all a favor.
  16. I am now completely convinced you are gay. Why would someone continue to talk about how 'jacked' they are and get all defensive about how big they are. You MUST have a small dick, nothing else explains your eradict behavior (outside of 'roid rage). You go to clubs to *try* to get laid and more than 3/4 of the time you and rosey palm go home together. Oh yeah, one other thing, I'll be you couldn't kick my mom's ass you fucking loser douche bag. Having to quickly put so many other people down just show, yet again, that you have a small cock and are compensating for it in other way. Have a nice life you disease infested, 'roid raging, piece of monkey shit. PS: 3/4 of the 'numbers' you have are fake, get over yourself assminer
  17. Learn to spell and take your caps lock of asshole. My girlfriend (at least I have one, cocksucker) is not a slut. She watches other girls hit on me when I'm spinning because the *other girls* want something, nothing more. You are a complete waste of the good oxygen on this planet. Please kill, or castrate yourself immediately to save future generations.
  18. I know you're a huge Oakenfold fan, but I saw him last year at WMC and, I'm sorry to report, I just wasn't as impressed as I once was with him. Technically he's still all there, but I guess his track selection and my tastes have just diverged over the years. Not sure I'd pay $40 to go see him anymore, sorry
  19. Yes and no, *alot* of girls are just trying to get request played and getting to the "vip" room. Some are actually interested in the music and what's going on in the booth. Then there are those of us who shall remain nameless *cough* njserious *cough* who just sit in the gym juicing up and jerking off instead of building up a talent that will get them laid
  20. I challenge him to a pcdj contest (i have no idea how to do anything with pcdj but who cares). I will win. I will kick his ass all the way back to Brooklyn Then I will challenge him to a cdj contest (I have these so it would be a real contest). Then I would kick his ass all the way back from brooklyn to Manhattan. (btw, DannyT, if you ever read this I'm totally kidding, you're the best)
  21. You make up for you lack of dick size by spending all your time in the gym you juicer. I could spend years doing juice and getting big but why bother? I dj at clubs and bars and get plenty of women. In fact, my girlfriend would attest to the fact that plenty of women come onto me without me having to juice up or anything. The fact you're going out to hunt girls is in and of itself utterly pathetic. Please check back when you have graduated high school you sorry ass juicer!
  22. yeah....sweet (I'm picturing a show down, old west style, where ian gets som senses bitch slapped into him)
  23. I believe I detect sarcasm in this post....although it could just be me. Maybe juicer njserious should stay on the west side of the Hudson forever and ever (or at least until he can detect sarcasm as well).
  24. Fuck you and your sunshine...real men live in the snow:cool:
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