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Everything posted by smgarret

  1. LOL that place looks whack!! Is that place for real....looks like a run down old piece of shit. Would never make the trek out there for that shit shack....
  2. I've seen them live 2-3 times and each time they sucked rocks, I will never go to see them again. While they are amazing producers they are crappy djs. They can't mix to save their lives and track selection isn't even on their mind...only playing all their tunes. You'll do better to program your musicmatch jukebox with all your G&D remixes than to see them live.
  3. Just be is his weakest album by far, only one good song. All the rest are ripoffs and just not that good in general. Tiesto was amazing as a producer in like 2001, now he's just over the hill. He's always sucked, technically, as a dj but I agree he does put together an amazing set of songs.
  4. I've heard from a number of people that when Tiesto was at Avalon he didn't even spin live, just played a mix cd that he'd made earlier, is there any truth to this?
  5. Bottle/table service is lame....don't buy bottles and don't support the trend of table/bottle service...worst thing to ever happen to nyc nightlife scene
  6. JOOF is bad ass. He thows it down hard from beginning to end, definately worth checking out.
  7. Yeah, Matthew Dekay vs Beastie Boys - Intergallactic (rare, hard to find bootleg, at least on Vinyl)
  8. Easy, I have an opinion, and as djtrinty said, I'm there for the music, not to see him jump up and down and whatever else shit he does up there. Like I said before, too much hero worship, kind of a prima dona if you get right down to it with all the Armada, A State of Trance, and his picture on the big screen right behind him.
  9. Agreed, there was way too much hero worship going on last night, which really annoys me. Plus, I really hated how it would start to bang for like 2-3 songs in a row then there was a song with a really long break, then hero worshipping time. Not to mention that he missed a lot of mixes last night and just brought tunes in louder than the other. Am glad I missed as the bus comes that song is just well..... We bugged out around 1pm, just wasn't feeling it that much. Oh yeah, as for the person who wanted a track list, I've got one tune he played last night. SteveG (aka smgarret on this board) - 4yp (energize)
  10. "were" gay? so they're not gay anymore?
  11. He's not even worth the time it would take to rip on him. Anthony, sorry for your loss, I've been there and its devestating. But on a positive note, congrats on your new residency....keep your spirits up Steve
  12. Cool, thanks guys for all the cool suggestions, greatly appreciated az-tec, when you going to have a guestlist setup for Thursday? Haven't seen the Low End Specialists in a long time. Thanks again, Steve
  13. Is there anything good going on Thursday night in the city? I'm looking for a place where we can go hear live music/dj and do some drinking and dancing. Thanks, steve
  14. Agreed, couldn't have said it better myself
  15. Wow, this has to be the most racist, ignorant comment I've ever read. Guess you don't have much of an education or live in this world or this city. Latinos, black, asians who don't do drugs LOL, guess you don't get out much. There are people from all races who do drugs moron. Guess all I really have to say is that I have no respect for you or anything you will ever have to say in the future. I truely hope I run into you one day so I can tell you what an ignorant, racist son of a bitch you are.
  16. Just becuse its not your style doesn't mean it sucks. What you mean to say is that you don't like it. Saying it sucks is just plain ignorant. And as for being around house or whatever for 14 years, who cares.
  17. Couldn't have said it better myself
  18. I almost agree with you on the avalon thing. They do have the right to do whatever they want, however crackhead is right. If I'm going to go and be dancing all night I want to be comfortable first (personally, I don't go to a club to impress anyone, least of all some douche-bag door monkey). And do you really think that everyone will have a button down, nice pants and shoes on for some one like Tiesto....doubtful
  19. Who said anything about him not being the best? All I'm saying is that it is (and it will be) going to be so packed you can't move (which to me, no matter how good the music is, isn't fun). I've seen Tiesto before and I'm kinda sad to be skipping out on this one...just wish he'd have picked a larger space, with a better sound system, to play.
  20. That place is going to be a sweatbox and you won't be able to move an inch all night. I like avalon and all, but honestly its too small for an act like Tiesto. I was at the Roxy last year when he came and it was crazy. So many people you couldn't move and it was 120 degrees inside. I like a crowd but there are limits....think I'll skip this one
  21. obviously you have a grammar problem. Its "you're" not your.
  22. Thanks for telling me to look in the mirror...its an ego booster to look at such a handsome guy. As for yourself, never look in a mirror, you'll probably be horrified. Oh yeah, when was the Roxy last shutdown for drugs? Not since I can remember.
  23. sorry, but I don't ever remember Vinyl or the Roxy being shutdown for overflowing drugs and B&T trash, such as yourself. Black will be shutdown by the end of the summer (a good thing)
  24. exactly how am I talking shit. Obviously you have no clue, don't you remember when Exit got shutdown because of too many drug busts? I didn't bust on your assmonkey of a dj JP (oops, guess I just did). If you're too stupid to know that once a place is labeled as a drug haven it will always be labeled that way. Just stating the facts. Oh yeah, for everyones enjoyment, please stay out of Manhattan
  25. Well, what do you expect, that place used to be (probably still is) a drug haven. Its been shutdown because of drugs before so it kinda makes sense there's alot of cops around
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