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Everything posted by starshaped

  1. Once upon a time.................
  2. Fergie used to play proper uk hardhouse a few years back but he plays more and more like Judge Jules every day at the moment. I wish he had stuck with it cos the few times i've seen him recently he has been shit.
  3. What are you talking about? None of these even play uk hardhouse.
  4. Check out Charlotte Birch,she also plays hardhouse. charlotte birch.co.uk
  5. Was going until today but mates are struggling for money so might not be going there OR Creamfields OR Gatecrasher now. Matt Hardwicks on now as well. When do you go back to the states?
  6. I'm picking my brand new VW Polo up in three weeks,can't wait.
  7. Hey Daniela you coming up for this? Radio1 Are you going to Creamfields? Not sure if i'm going now might just be going to Gatecrasher on the Sunday instead.
  8. Hey you two,hows things? What have you been up to?
  9. Thats my point though,it's his longer sets which i hated.I've seen him 4 times altogheter,once at Cream,once on millenium night and two six hour sets at Gatecrasher and i quite liked the 2hr sets,it was the 6hr ones that bored me. For me i started out with trance,and i still love it with a passion.I've tried listening to a lot of other styles but they just don't do it for me,in a way i wish i was a bit more open minded to music but i'm not.I like the occasional bit of hardhouse and i like Picotto but thats about it really, i think it's probably cos edm was not my first love i was always into bands and that and then i found Gatecrasher. Weyes-I'll see what i can do for you but my reviews are usually pretty poor cos i'm crap with the names of tunes.I think going to Creamfields is about a 50/50 chance at the moment but i wouldn't miss the birthday bash for anything.
  10. I know what you mean i saw him a couple of times in my early days clubbing and got swept up in his popularity and started buying his records ala Seven Ways,out there and back.At the time he was my favourite dj but now i just put it down to him being one of the only dj's i had seen at the time.I realized he wasn't for me when i went to see a 6hr set at Gatecrasher and he bored the shit out of me.So much so i went to another a couple of months later just to see if it was a one off but he bored me again,i've not seen him for 2 years now but i must admit his love parade essential mix has been one of my fave sets this year. I'm gonna check him out @ Creamfields in a couple of weeks if i go and Gatecrashers 8th birthday in September which i'm definatly going to.
  11. I've seen him loads of times @ Gatecrasher and he never fails to deliver a quality uplifting/hard trance set.Some people say he's not been that good this year and he can't mix that well but I'm hoping to see him in a couple of weeks at either Creamfields or Gatecrasher but we haven't decided which to go to yet. If you like Scott's mix try checking out the essential mix by Matt Hardwick from earlier this year.
  12. Yeah you can do it,you can still drive at night if you reallty need to.It just depends how bad your eyes are as to how much more you have to concentrate.Personally i still drive to the club in the dark with them on,it's just a lot harder than in the light cos you have to concentrate even more.That is why i never drive home with them in,usually when i come out of a club it's light anyway but my eyes usually feel a bit strained after a long time with them in,what with all the smoke and that,so i don't take any chances. If you have never worn them before you will absolutely love them,i wear them a couple of times a month when i go to all night clubs and i don't know what i would so without them.
  13. I think,i mean i hope you are being sarcastic.
  14. Maybe he's hardcore and go's out clubbing 24/7 ,no time for posting on here.
  15. I would have said the 5th cos Dreamdrops worships the guy.
  16. I can enjoy it at home but when i'm at a club i find it a little to slow to dance to.I prefer the more uplifting/hard trance from people like Tiesto (when he plays harder) Armin,Project,Bond,Talla etc etc Come to think of it all them in my sig:D
  17. I use the disposable ones,i wear them at the club then if i'm driving home pop them out in the car and put my glasses on.The disposable contact lenses don't get your eyes up to 100% thats why it's not be a good idea to drive with them in when it's dark.
  18. Have you ever heard the Jayfrog remix of Ratty-Living on Video? I've never heard of Jayfrog apart from this remix and i love it to bits.
  19. Got to agree that when Tiesto is on form he is truly awesome.I've seen him about 6-7 times and i have nothing but good memories from those nights.The only bad thing i could say about him is that this year i've seen him twice and he has been a little to proggresive for my tastes,but hey some people like that side of him. I'll never forget last year@Gatecrasher Summer Sound System when in front of a crowd of 10000 he dropped "The Prophet" and climbed up on his decks arms aloft,i'm getting goose bumps just thinking about it.
  20. Thats what i say every year..........never been yet.
  21. I think the problem lies in the fact you have 15 things to do and you are posting on here. It's cp addiction,i think it might be curable.
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