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Everything posted by Reeni

  1. Pamela Anderson looked down at her vagina and discovered ______.
  2. Dear Janet, How many times must we write to you? There is help out there! Did you look in the mirror before you went on 106 & Park on BET yesterday? Seriously. Did you? EVERYTHING is wrong with this outfit, from the heinous newsboy cap to your tit hanging out, your freaky abs exposed, the boring jacket, the tired jeans, the tacky shoes and your hair from the Together Again video. You and Mariah can be redeemed. We have faith in you! Just admit that you have a problem and GET HELP. xoxo Pepperez P.S. Janet, do you know the definition of whoreanus? Look it up!
  3. As we first reported on July 14th, Lance and Reichen have been experiencing some drama in their relationship. Now, Page Six is reporting what we've been hearing for a while. They say: DON'T expect Lance Bass and his lover Reichen Lehmkuhl to be together much longer. Friends of Bass say he's sick of Lehmkuhl's controlling ways. "Reichen forced Lance to come out just at the same time he has a book coming out ['Here's What We'll Say'] so he could ride the publicity wave," said our spy. "He is a big gay activist and very controlling. He wants Lance to give up his straight friends and do whatever he tells him to." Lehmkuhl has taken every opportunity to go on-air. A rep for Bass skirted the issue and said: "Lance couldn't be happier with the overwhelming reaction he's getting from all over the world." Sadness. We want Lance to be happy.
  4. - Jewish Groups Call Gibson's Apology 'Insufficient' - Crossing This Line Could Cost Him Deals - Will Disney Desert Mel Gibson for His Mistake? - Gibson future in Hollywood balance - Hollywood Reacts To Gibson Slur Scandal: Ari Emanuel Publicly Urges Industry To Refuse To Work With Mel Gibson 'Even If It Means A Sacrifice To Bottom Line'
  5. Remember way back when aged gossip guru Janet Charlton proclaimed that Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz were officially kaput? Remember when she said that Justin wanted to sow his wild oats while he promoted and toured the album? Well, after looking at these recent pictures of the pair frolicking beachside in Mexico, I think it's safe to say that these to lovebirds are very much in love. I also think it's safe to say that all those Botox injections Janet has had have finally leaked into her brain.
  6. Kevin Federline channeled his inner BoyzIIMen member as she shot his upcoming music video at Tao in Vegas. Dressed in a tie & vest and jeans (business on top, party on the bottom), K-Fed taped the visuals for his hip-gyrating 'Lose Control' to a roaring crowd and even finished up ahead of schedule. Sadly for the wannabe rapper, his music career has already been panned by talent show judge Kara Dioguardi, who believes the back-up dancer would be nowhere without his star wife Britney Spears. The panelist on new show 'The One: Making Of A Music Star’ who has written and produced for singers like Celine Dion, Kelly Clarkson and The Pussycat Dolls tells Celebrity Week: "His rhyming is not so great. I would tell him that if he didn't have a famous wife, I don't know where he would be. And I would tell him that K-Fed is the most retarded name I have ever heard. It is a terrible name. Whoever came up with that name, he needs to break away from them immediately."
  7. It seems Carmen Electra tried her hardest to keep up the happy marriage front in the days leading to the big announcement that her relationship with Dave Navarro was over. In the August issue of Self magazine, Carmen discusses jamming with her now ex to Led Zeppelin songs and taking a trip to the paint store, where they bought canvases, paints and brushes so they could create art together. "Sometimes you get so caught up in stuff that you're not really living," she told the magazine. "I'm the most secure in myself now, so that makes me feel happy. I've felt bad long enough, and I'm over it. Now I always like everything to be fun."
  8. As he said himself while he was being arrested, Mel Gibson is fucked! Our friends at Cops Online have a damning report about the disgusting, evil man's anti-Semitic tirade when he was arrested for driving while VERY drunk. (And, equally disturbing is the LA County Sheriff''s attempted cover-up of Gibsons Jewish hatred, fearing it would create too much controversy during this sensitive time in the Middle East.) Among the vitriol Mel Gibson spewed: On being arrested: "My life is fucked." To the police officer who detained him: "You mother fucker. I'm going to fuck you." The arresting officer's report also says "Gibson almost continually [sic] threatened me saying he 'owns Malibu' and will spend all of his money to 'get even' with me." On Jews: "Fucking Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." And, the worst part (for Gibson), it was all caught on tape! Click here to read the full account of his hate-filled behavior and crazy antics during his arrest. It's disturbing. P.S. For those that don't know the back story, Gibson's father is a white supremacist Nazi. And, he himself has been accused of hatred in the past. This cements it. Down with this fucker!!!!
  9. And now, a few words from Dina Lohan: On Lindsay: "There is only so much a child can take. My daughter is a wonderful child. This [attention on Lindsay's partying] is too much." On the letter sent to Lindsay last week: "Maybe [the angry producer] has personal issues with whomever, and it came out with my child. I don't know him. I can't judge him. I don't think it was a smart thing to do to a young girl." On Lindsay's most recent hospitalization for "overheating" and "dehydration": "On the set it was 105 degrees. And she has bronchial asthma - so any extreme heat or cold, she can't breathe. [Lindsay] was wearing winter clothes and she was telling people, 'I need water, I need water.' And they just want to get the shot, want to get the shot." On making up lies excuses for her daughter: "I'm a mother and will do what I need to do to protect my child. ...She's a human being. There was one day when she was late, and they (director Garry Marshall and costar Jane Fonda) worked the schedule around her. Garry, Jane, everybody loves her." On Linday's work in Georgia Rule: "She will win an Academy Award for this picture. ... Justice!"
  10. Proving you're never too young to start tanning, Auntie Jamie Lynn Spears is all smiles holding 10-month old baby Sean-P in yet another very private picture from her very public MySpace
  11. Reminiscent of the golden days of Camelot in its grace and elegance, Pamela Anderson and Kid got hitched today on a yacht in Saint-Tropez. Dressed in a stunning string white bikini and accessorised with a gorgeous sailor's cap, Pammy was the picture of virtue as she and her rocker beau, both sipping on booze, said their I dos.
  12. How do you solve a problem like a diva? In the case of Andrew Lloyd Webber and his upcoming London staging of 'The Sound of Music,' you let your first choice to play Maria walk away. Webber tells the AP that when he courted Scarlett Johansson for the lead, "It become clear that it wasn’t going to work because the demands were ridiculous. [Her people] couldn't understand why she would want to appear in the West End for $18 500 a week when she could be earning $10 million for a movie." ScarJo's publicist calls Webber's account "extremely exaggerated," saying, "Her management team was simply asking for terms that an actress of her stature would ask for" — including but not limited to a security detail to fend off a certain online news guy.
  13. Proving that all fake network-induced feuds end with a happy ending, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie are set to publicly end their two-year-old feud as guests on 'The Late Show with David Letterman." The gap-toothed talk show host has offered to play peacekeeper after inviting 'The Simple Life' stars to appear together on his CBS show in September. The two former BFFs fell out amid reports Nicole aired a private viewing of Paris' raunchy sex tape. Or was it because Nicole was jealous and asking for more money from E!? Whatever the case may be, both girls have remained relatively mum when it came to details about their bust-up. Paris, of course, has repeatedly told journalists: "She knows what she did." Anyway, I think we could have all seen this one coming. Afterall, there's one more season of 'The Simple Life' left and nothing spells ratings like a friendly reunion. Stay tuned....
  14. There are reports claiming that Vin Diesel has grown a new beard. And her name is Maria Menounos
  15. In yet another drunken 3am night, Lindsay Lohan and her new beau Harry Morton got themselves tattoos at an L.A. parlour. According to Page Six, Linds went for a "tiny white heart" inscribed between her thumb and index finger on her left hand while Harry got himself a cross tattoo. This makes Lindsay's fourth installment of body art. All within the last year, the 'Georgia Rule' star has inked "Breathe" on her right wrist, a tiny star on her left wrist, and the phrase "La Bella Vita" written on her lower back inspired by a song from her latest album. Yes, there's nothing like commemorating a song you sang that no one on earth has ever heard.
  16. The producers of Lindsay Lohan's new movie, Georgia Rule, have taken the unusual route of publicly lashing out against their star, basically calling her an unprofessional bitch. Referencing her tardiness and her sometime failure to show up on set, the bigwig also questions Lohan's "exhaustion" and "overheating." And, they have even threatened legal action against the troubled teen if she continues to be a fuck-up on set. It's a pretty genius letter! Click here to read it. Wonder if Lohan will drop out of the movie now? Or, will she swallow her pride and show up to work on time from now on?
  17. Lance is happier than he has ever been," Princess Frostylock's boyfriend, Reichen Lehmkuhl, tells Access Hollywood in a new interview scheduled to air tonight. "It has been a long ride, and it's a huge relief and I couldn't be happier for him and I couldn't be more proud of him." Controversy aside, that's all that matters, right? We genuinely wish Lance the best, and - like it or not - we hope he and Reichen step up to the plate as role models for what gay coupledom can look like. "I think it is always best in your career to be honest," Reichen added to Access. He is going to have more support and more happiness and more freedom than he has ever had before and it is going to be a liberating experience. I guarantee it."
  18. Drama went down in Hollyweird last night! At the ultra exclusive hotspot Hyde, which has a Perez ban in effect (we are not welcome), Nicky Hilton was hanging with her boyfriend, Entourage star Kevin Connolly and his pal Leonardo DiCaprio when the DJ, Chad Muska, got a little feisty. According to several spywitnesses inside the club, Muska was shitfaced drunk. Hilton and crew were sitting next to his DJ booth when he shouted an obscenity at their table. "Nicky can I get a taste of your pussy?," one person said Muska screamed. It should be noted that Chad is best buds with Miz Nicole Richie, who was not in attendance. After the obscenity spewing, Hilton's boyfriend, Connolly, "punched Chad in the face" and he and DiCaprio had him kicked out of his own club he spins at. We love LA!
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