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Everything posted by cookiegirl

  1. Awwww! Meeting Gina that night ---> that night --->
  2. cookiegirl


    Remember when Moby wore the "I heart Eminem" tshirt on Saturday Night Live? His message board groupies sent it to him. "<3" has completely overtaken boards everywhere (I think it was all t.b.'s doing) I <3 = I heart = I adore, feel strongly about, am stalking, etc.
  3. Oh lordy do I <3 the Onion . . .it's my bored-at-work 2nd place savior, right behind C.P. :.:wink:.:
  4. Natalie Imbruglia --> one hit wonder
  5. Downtown, Washington, D.C. * Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, between 13th & 14th Streets - 4:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. * 1700 Block of C Street, NW, near the White House all day on 09/11/02 * 1700 Block of D Street, NW, near the White House all day on 09/11/02
  6. For those of you who went to Sasha and Diggers and the Chem Bros. in April, and bought the double tix packs: did you get the promo package with the BuZz postcard? The one that says you get guestlisted and "VIP access" to BuZz on the night of your choice. . I am just wondering if anyone has used them, and what exactly "VIP access" means - line jumping? actual entrance into the holy VIP back room? Did they give you any shit when you tried to use it? I am thinking of using it for Tiesto when my friend will be visiting. thanks mucho, 'stina
  7. cookie cutter ---> cookie monster
  8. I thought this might be useful information for those of you (if any) who drive to work in D.C. from Virginia: SEPTEMBER 11TH ROAD CLOSURES IN THE VICINITY OF THE PENTAGON On Wednesday, September 11, a number of area roads will be closed from approximately 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. for commemoration events in the vicinity of the Pentagon. Please allow yourself extra time to get to work, as the alternate routes may experience overcrowding. You may also want to consider riding the Metro instead of driving. Road Closures: - Route 27 (Washington Boulevard) directly in front of the Pentagon will be closed to traffic from approximately 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. - The ramp from southbound Route 110 to the Pentagon will be closed. - The ramp from northbound I-95 HOV lanes toward the Memorial Bridge will be closed. - Exit 8B from northbound I-395 to northbound Route 27 will be closed. - The ramp to northbound Route 27 from Columbia Pike will be blocked and all traffic must continue east toward Pentagon South Parking. - The ramp to northbound Route 27 will be blocked at the I-395 underpass and traffic will have the option to continue southbound on I-395 or continue north to Army Navy Drive or to northbound I-395. Alternative Routes: - Detour to the Memorial Bridge from northbound I-95 HOV lanes will be via the Pentagon exit, then right on Eads Street, left onto 15th Street South, left onto northbound Route 1 to northbound Route 110 to the Memorial Bridge. - Detour to the Memorial Bridge from northbound I-395 will be via exit 8C, then continue straight on South Hayes Street, left onto 15th Street South, left onto northbound Route 1 to northbound Route 110 to the Memorial Bridge. For more updates on road closures in Virginia, check the Virginia Department of Transportation Web site at www.virginiadot.org
  9. Military Orders an About-Face At D.C. Club Drug Activity Puts Nation Off Limits to Personnel Tuesday, September 10, 2002; Page C01 The strobe-lit Nation in Southeast Washington has drawn club kids from near and far, mainly for the concerts, hot deejays and rave parties. Police, however, say there's an added attraction: Ecstasy, heroin, amphetamines. "It's become a hot spot all over the East Coast, not just for the music or the parties, but for the narcotics that are sold inside and outside of the club," says Inspector Hilton Burton of the D.C. police. Not even our buzz-cut men in uniform have been immune. Since 1999, 91 service members have been busted on military installations for using, selling or possessing illegal drugs that, they told investigators, they got from Nation. And for months, undercover military investigators have witnessed service members buying drugs such as marijuana and Ecstasy in the club just off South Capitol Street. As a result, the Joint Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board recently voted to ban all Washington area military personnel from Nation. "The military services are working together to curtail the availability of illegal drugs to our service members," Col. Michael Stewart, the board's president, said in a written statement. The board -- made up of representatives from each of the military branches -- plans to continue its surveillance of the club to make sure military personnel obey orders. Violators could face anything from no punishment to a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of pay and two years' confinement. This is the first official ban the board has issued on a local club. (The board also has restricted access to parts of the Potomac River for safety reasons.) It is common for individual branches to declare some areas off limits. For instance, some Marines say they've been told to stay away from the Edge, a Southeast nightspot whose "wet" nights feature male strippers and a largely male crowd. The Nation ban is indefinite for the time being, but the board says it will consider lifting it if the nightclub's owner can show that things have been cleaned up. Numerous attempts to contact Nation management for a response were unsuccessful. Reached by phone last week at the Northern Virginia headquarters of Nation, a division of Primacy Cos., Nation Marketing Director Greg Alemian declined to comment, referring all questions to his colleague Jim Boyle, who did not return at least a dozen phone calls requesting comment. Police, though, say they don't believe the drug activity is sanctioned by club management. This isn't the first time that Nation has been in the spotlight for drug-related activity. Three years ago, the cavernous nightclub and concert venue was the subject of a two-part series by WTTG-TV focusing on a weekly rave called Buzz, where cameras recorded patrons using illegal drugs. The Buzz party was briefly put on ice. Now, at nine years, the Friday night bash is one of the area's longest-running rave parties. And in 2000, a gay rights group got wind of the military's surveillance activities at Velvet Nation, the club's long-standing Saturday night party that caters to a primarily gay clientele. The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network accused the military of conducting a witch hunt of gay service members at Nation in an attempt to skirt the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The board's recent action applies to all concerts and parties at the club, including Buzz and Alchemy, the industrial/goth night. "This is certainly within the military's right to do," says Steve Ralls, a spokesman for the Servicemembers group. "Military bases across the country have similar off-limits lists that name bars and clubs that are known for drug usage." The board vote came about Aug. 22 after months of observing the situation at Nation, according to military board spokesman Tom Findtner. D.C. police representatives briefed board members in August. Nation management, also present, unsuccessfully tried to stop the ban, Findtner said. Nation has long posed a challenge to the police, who are actively working to curtail the availability of drugs there. (And the D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration is addressing unspecified complaints, according to Director Maria M. Delaney.) But police have stopped short of trying to shut down the club for a number of reasons, according to Burton, a member of the department's major-narcotics branch. Though there have been a handful of arrests for drug activity outside Nation in the past year, the crowd is largely peaceful, and violence rarely erupts there, he said. "If we found underage drinking or shooting in the club, it would be a lot easier to do that," Burton said. Then there is the problem of making arrests for drug activity. "It's a hard area for us to work, especially doing undercover operations," Burton said. He said it's difficult to find officers who can blend in with Nation's largely young, suburban clientele. "You can't send your typical officer, even your typical narcotics officer," he said. "Someone who really doesn't know the music, the lingo, the culture, they are going to stick out like a sore thumb." Several of the young servicemen milling around the Marine Barracks in Southeast Washington said they were unfamiliar with Nation. Those who did seemed to take the recent directive, which they saw posted on bulletin boards, as part and parcel of the military discipline they signed up for. "I think it's fair," said a 22-year-old Marine who wouldn't give his name. "How can you do something when you're not in that element? It's just one less place for them to go to get in trouble." Other servicemen said many of the drug problems arise from new recruits who are away from home for the first time. "They are still in their transitional phase," said a 19-year-old Marine who enlisted right out of high school. "Young people today are more liberated. They pretty much do what they want to do. They might experiment when they get in." The one time he'd been to Nation, when he was in high school a few years ago, he didn't notice any drugs, the Marine said. But in any case, he's not sweating the ban. "There are plenty of clubs in D.C.," he said.
  10. Mmm I <3 Ozio's . . . otherwise I pretty much trust whichever place you choose t.b. BTW, where the heck have you been? Did your company cut you off of IM? My fave is usually a screwdriver. . . I can almost pretend it's good for me.
  11. That was quite the interesting thread. . .*cough* Not to say that I haven't heard of people having those problems *double cough* The Crappiest Thread Ever
  12. Lords of the ----> Ring
  13. popping and locking ---> commercial
  14. Amsterdam ---> paradise
  15. This guy's the only Friday the 13th related thing that has ever scared me <shudder>
  16. pumpkin ---> Halloween
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