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Everything posted by cookiegirl

  1. to which SHIT would you be referring?
  2. Industrial Warehouse For Lease 2210 Adams Place N.E. ¼ mile from New York Ave & Bladensburg Road you don't *even* want to know how expensive it is
  3. . . .and someone should tell the guys in the middle about Velvet, from the looks of that boobie grabbin'!!
  4. Some pics from their recent events: *sigh*
  5. cookiegirl

    VIP club

    No more VIP for 'stina . . . ya'll have fun now ya hear?
  6. luvin' the camel toe action!!!
  7. Wolf Blitzer's "report" on this, if yer interested. . .yeah Dr. Drew, keeping kids away from clubs and raves will end all substance abuse problems, sheesh BLITZER: Earlier we asked -- Mixing Ecstasy with Viagra can cause what unintended side effect? The answer, all of the above. The illegal combination could land you in jail with a bad headache and anatomical damage. Drug abuse specialists in the United States are very concerned about a growing trend, a combination of Viagra and Ecstasy and they're calling it Sextasy. That concern is outlined in an article that appeared in "USA Today." While users say the combination fuels all- night dancing and marathon sex, doctors warn it can cause heart problems and anatomical damage for men. With us now from Los Angeles to talk about this is Dr. Drew Pinsky. He's the co-host of "Loveline," a very popular advice program on the radio. Dr. Drew, thanks for joining us. And I just want to point out, we spoke to officials of the DEA, the Drug Enforcement Agency, earlier today and they said that there are alarming numbers coming up, especially among gay men and also among those who go to the so-called clubs where rave music is going on. How serious of a problem is this right now? DR. DREW PINSKY, CO-HOST, "LOVELINE": Well, it's serious in that these are dangerous combinations and this is just yet another incarnation of the club drug phenomenon. People are out there looking for bigger highs, more arousing kinds of experiences and they're getting now into substances that can cause, as in the case of the Viagra stimulant combination, priapism and permanent erectile dysfunction. Ecstasy, by itself, now is well known to be a neurotoxin and cause permanent brain damage, mood disturbances, panic attacks. And yet, young people still don't seem to pay any attention to this. They're looking more for the arousing experience. They get caught into this cycle of needing arousal in order to fell OK. They're taught from a young age -- teenagers, today, are taught that if they go to raves and go these extreme activities and maybe take drugs, they'll find happiness, they'll find great fun experiences. And indeed, they do, but they tend to get caught in a cycle where they become independent on this, in order to feel OK. In order to manage the effect, they get involved in drugs that are neurotoxic. And now, they need these things to feel OK. And you have a very, very destructive cycle they get into. BLITZER: So how addictive is it, this combination of Ecstasy and Viagra? PINSKY: You know the addiction is not the issue with this combination. This is much more a combination of abuse. MDMA, Ecstasy, does have an addictive potential, but it's relatively uncommon. Adding Viagra does not add a further addictive potential. Abuse is a much wider and much more substantial problem in terms of the number of people it effects. Addiction affects a subset of the population and no doubt, addicts are getting into this. But it's not creating the kind of preoccupation that addiction -- that defines addiction. BLITZER: What do you say to the young people who may be watching, may be thinking about doing this or are doing this or their parents or grandparents who may be watching and are alarmed at this prospect? PINSKY: Yes, it's really a very difficult thing to answer. As a parent, the idea is to survey and be aware of what they're into and monitor their behavior. Maybe you shouldn't be letting your kids go to raves and clubs if this is where they like to go. Maybe you should be discussing with them what it is -- what they do there, why they go there. If someone is aware that they have a young person who is involved with these sorts of substances, I think it's very important that they get a medical evaluation and be referred immediately. This is not a -- it's not something that should be just sort of let go. It is a serious, serious issue. BLITZER: And if you do have a loved one who may be getting involved in this dangerous combination, are there any outward symptoms that you see, behavioral patterns that they're engaged in that could be a signal to those who love these young kids and want to make sure they're safe? PINSKY: Again, it's more the Ecstasy that causes these sorts of problems. The typical symptom we see with Ecstasy is someone who is very gregarious and outgoing, all of sudden, doesn't want to go to parties any more, starts isolating, then, starts complaining about panic and anxiety, becomes agoraphobic and then, profoundly depressed. If you see that combination in someone and they're someone who enjoys going to clubs and socializing a lot, watch out for the possibility of Ecstasy. Viagra has now been thrown in there as an added issue that might add more toxicity and more problems for men particularly. We don't know the long-term consequences. That's the fact now. BLITZER: Is there a potential, Dr. Drew, for this to be the next drug epidemic in the U.S. right now? PINSKY: Sextasy itself? BLITZER: Yes. PINSKY: No, I don't think so. Again, it's not a drug of addiction. It's not causing preoccupation and persistent use in the adverse consequence. It is just yet another incarnation. Listen, at clubs, people are combining all sorts of chemicals, ketamine and heroine and LSD and speed. Kids are looking for -- they're alchemists. They're looking for this great combination, the best high. They're stuck. They need this in order to feel OK and they're stuck in the cycle of pursuit. This is just yet another incarnation of trying to find the ultimate experience.
  8. cookiegirl

    VIP club

    today it seems like tinybutterfli = grumpy butterfli cheer up! *hugs* it's almost the weekend!
  9. Like this dude, UNDER A FREAKIN' ROCK! ** I can't wait to go out this weekend ** 'stina
  10. cookiegirl

    VIP club

    I just signed up on the website and you get this email back: Thank you for requesting to be on VIP Club Guest List. Your name is now confirmed and added to our Guest list. Please print this confirmation email and present at the front door for free admission before 12 PM. Pretty easy. .yet slighty suspect. hmmmmm...
  11. cookiegirl

    VIP club

    932 F st. NW *I am currently standing in for t.b. as info-biotch*
  12. cookiegirl

    VIP club

    Washingtonpost.com says 15 bux
  13. cookiegirl

    VIP club

    Duffman rawks! Gina and I are thinking of going this Friday to check out Scott Henry at the mysterious "Casino Night" . . . would anyone else be up?
  14. wtf? did ya'll get something better to do?
  15. back to that -- tonight at 5 (CNN) . . . the ever-up-on-the-latest-news Wolf Blitzer reports. . . Showtime 5:00 pm ET Monday - Friday Tuesday, September 24, 2002 It's a popular trend among young people, but drug-abuse experts call it a dangerous combination. What can happen when people take Ecstasy and Viagra together? We'll talk to Dr. Drew Pinsky about this latest drug cocktail. wtf?
  16. So what do ya'll think of this place? I know it's been mentioned before but I'm wondering who will be there for opening to check it out. I must say I'm intrigued (more by Sat. than Fri.). Anbody going? 'stina
  17. Hell yeah you can buy it online! And *hell yeah* it is expensive. . I am addicted to the stuff
  18. Yeppers - that one. Sooo much Halloween candy too. . .<droool>
  19. I saw them at the Target on Route 1 just this weekend! They are having a big cereal sale too - I stocked up. . . yum yum yum
  20. that is just fabulous!
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