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Everything posted by cookiegirl

  1. You made me this way.
  2. :drool: :drool: :drool:
  3. Tiny: Shady: I will bring cookies if that's what everyone wants. A dessert would be good.
  4. How much $$$ do you need from the Sangria drinkers to cover your costs? I still have no idea what to bring for food.
  5. I appreciate the help.
  6. "Action Cancelled" is way more annoying than ads. Back to stripper ho.
  7. I'm pretty sure they are only open til around 3. Shady's prolly passed out right now - we can ask him this afternoon when he wakes up. Cover is around 5 bucks I think.
  8. I can block avatars and sigs - but that is no good for @ work.
  9. Metro is taking baby steps into the real world at last.
  10. Larry gets distracted easily.
  11. "The Segway has no brakes. Its speed is also controlled by the rider's movements. Lean back slightly and the scooter slows, lean back a bit harder and it stops. Reverse the process to move ahead. And it is virtually impossible to fall off the Segway, judging by the description of Kamen's demonstration of the device to Time magazine reporters. The scooter corrects itself automatically, rebalancing and responding to the most subtle shifts in its rider's balance."
  12. U.S. President George W. Bush is pictured falling off a Segway personal transporter on the front driveway of his parents' summer home June 12, 2003 in Kennebunkport, Maine. Bush arrived from Washington to spend the weekend with his father, former President George Bush, who celebrates his 79th birthday today and his mother Barbara. Bush was not injured in the fall.
  13. I just went up on the 9th floor to watch the storm - it's right over us!
  14. Never been - but from what I've heard it's small, crowded, upscale and dressy. Not as uppity as 1223 I believe. clickey
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