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Everything posted by obby

  1. obby


    Igloo gets my votes. Sounds like an educated person which is needed with such topics.
  2. Best advice I have read in a while and YES........I'm back! Thought I would share this artcle concidering all the nay saying regarding our presence in Iraq. The Occupation of Germany June 2, 2004 BEGIN TRANSCRIPT "With all the nay saying about our presence in Iraq, it's worth noting that none of these difficulties are particularly new. No postwar occupation has been without serious challenges, including the occupation of Germany after World War II. The New York Times ran a series of news stories in late 1945 reporting, in part, the following: "Headline: Germans Reveal Hate of Americans. Oct. 31, 1945. (Stories) The German attitude toward the American occupation forces has swung from apathy and surface friendliness to active dislike. According to a military government official, this is finding expression in the organization of numerous local anti-American organizations throughout the zone and in a rapid increase in the number of attacks on American soldiers. There were more such attacks in the first week of October than in the preceding five months of the occupation, this source declared. This official views the situation as so serious that he and others are protesting the withdrawal of 1,600 experienced military-government officers from the German governments on township, county and regional levels between Nov. 1 and Dec. 15." Sound familiar? You know, this is what I call -- I don't mean to be redundant -- but historical perspective. So many people think that we've never been through anything like this before. "Iraq is horrible and wrong." It's understandable when you look at the press coverage the Democrats are getting, talking about this "micromanaging" every little thing that goes wrong. How many news reports were there of World War II when one or two soldiers died? Zip. We didn't know until we went to the Movietone news on Saturday. We didn't really see any moving pictures, you know, we had newspapers in their daily accounts. Not being critical, I'm just saying it's different. The coverage is different, but the reality is not different. What happens in war happens in war, always has, always will. Another headline, November 18th, 1945, from the New York Times: Loss of Victory in Germany Through U.S. Policy Feared. November 18th. They thought we were going to lose. Our occupation was going so bad, that we were going to lose the war! (Stories) "Grave concern was expressed today by informed officials that the United States might soon lose the fruits of victory in Germany through the failure to prepare adequately for carrying out its long-term commitments under the Potsdam Declaration." Why, where have I heard this before? I think it goes something like this. [Doing John Kerry impression] "Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and thooose neocons, theeey didn't plan effectively for the aftermath! Whhhy, this is an abject failure. Whhhy, we're losing this war." Or losing the peace, whatever the hell they say we're losing. "They didn't plan for the aftermath. They had no idea what was going to happen." And look at this, 1945. This is almost 60 years ago, and it's the exact same thing. "Might soon lose the fruits of victory in Germany through the failure to prepare adequately for carrying out its long-term commitments under the Potsdam Declaration." "Germans Declare Americans Hated, December 3rd, 1945. (Stories) An exhaustive compilation of opinions of Germans in all walks of life on their reaction to the United States occupation of their country was released this afternoon from the confidential status under which it was submitted to officials of the United States Forces in the European Theatre recently. Bitter resentment and deep disappointment was voiced over the Americans' first six months of occupation, though there was some praise for the improvements in transportation, health conditions, book publishing and entertainment." The New York Times then, the New York Times today. Sixty years ago. Virtually identical. And one more, December 19th, 1945. "German Election Set In Towns of U.S. Zone. (Stories) "United States Seventh Army headquarters announced today that plans had been completed for initial German elections in January at Gemuende. A statement said that a vast majority of Germans remained passive in attitude toward politics and displayed no disposition to take over civic responsibilities." If you want to understand reality and truth and life and all these sorts of things. If you want to have an accurate portrayal of historical perspective, understand that what's happening in Iraq is quite normal, and, in fact, probably ahead of schedule, compared to Germany or Japan. Way ahead of schedule. It's good news. It's reason to be optimistic. They still got the same naysayers today as you had then, but what we have today is what we had then. We have committed leadership. END TRANSCRIPT
  3. Happy Birthday fiera! Hope you enjoy it to the fullest. Peace, OBBY
  4. obby

    Zoo York

    Tony G in that house !!!!! Old friend of mine. Any way to contact him? Peace, OBBY
  5. More than welcome. We are all about the beats like many on this board. Intelligent Sounds Attract Intelligent People
  6. Werd! and on a Friday which is much easier to attend. Congrats guys! ISAIP
  7. "I can't feel my face"
  8. Ummm Hummm Rich is hooking up a prog break set so.................
  9. LOL Be nice. The Tavern in the grove used to host parties like this. I remember that the person who went to the bathroom ended up getting dropped.
  10. Appreciate but I would rather you hook up Thomas. After all it is his favorite drink.
  11. Stoli Vanilla & Coke !!!!!!!!!
  12. SOTU Sunset Sessions soon ?????
  13. "The Attic" is rarely mentioned on thier flyers but those who know...........know! Sould be a nice Friday at Crobar!
  14. I was about to mention that.
  15. To A Nation Rock !!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. For their debut release on Oven Ready records , the three brothers deliver their hot new single “Happyâ€, a breakbeat/4 on the floor/electro/ punk rock guitar mash up which is going to devastate the more pumping floors. With the Trophy twins additional remix which caught my attention along with many others, it’s no wonder that its just been charted at 10 in the official UK DMC BUZZ CHART as broadcasted by Pete Tong on BBC Radio 1 and certainly to be thrown down in "The Attic" @ Crobar this July 1. Oven Ready is a label and DJ agency based in London run by Moose, global man-about the decks and producer/remixer known for his work under various aliases including Philter, Musique and PF Project. Since 2002 the label releases big room party tunes and spanning across genres... Sample Both The "Original" and "Trophy Twins Mix" Here Enjoy, (Trophy Twin Mix is my favored)
  17. Writing a review of a release from a personally respected label is always a lot of pleasure. Especially when it occurs that perfect tracks can be perfectly remixed. And this “perfect†goes mainly to the “3rd of July†by Christian Cambas, who after the stunning “Flight 403†proves his capability of doing killer tracks once more. He decided to keep the best from the original – the bongo driven beat – and build new synthlines and samples around it. Red Eyed Sneakers are Adam Nathan from Release Records and Jeff Hurst aka J-Groove. The American duo reworked “A Prayer Beneath†adding some electric sound and leaving all the mysticism behind. To keep things varied, Stel’s remix is a melodic and broken approach. The synthlines get interesting only when a powerful bass comes with a breakdown but it seems that it was the whole idea. All versions are good but I personaly feel this vinyl is a must have mainly due to the Stel remix. Can't wait to throw this one down @ Crobar July 1 Sample The Stel Break Mix Here Anyone interested in sampling the Christian Cambas remix....just ask. Enjoy, OBBY
  18. I'm still not tired of seeing her pic. She is soooooo beautiful. Beleza pura !!!!!
  19. obby

    Attn: Jimmy T.

    That's right. Clean your box T
  20. You know I don't listen to my phone messages. Still waiting for the "delete all" phone function. he he Call me right now and I'll lock it in................LOCA Now back to the topic @ hand.......tear it up Diaga!
  21. Well look e here..........oye loca !!!!
  22. http://www.myspace.com/sotu
  23. http://space.com/news/ap_missionspace_050614.html Damnnnnnnnnnnn
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