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Everything posted by obby

  1. obby

    War of the Worlds

    Can't wait !!!!!! Look great !
  2. Ha Ha We should throw a block parrty there one day. Drop it like it hawt Jimmy and Justin !!!!!!
  3. Isn't that illegal? he he Hit me up on MSN or AIM later. Had a good time at the Intercontinental ????
  4. Now that I am well rested from last weeks madness I thought I would share one of my favored tracks with everyone. "Afro Lava Lamp" is PMT's first new release for some time now, and is a timely reminder of what he does best: pulsating breakbeats with a progressive feel. There's nothing fancy here, just good clean electronic grooves and waves of lush pads. A dream mixing tool that will stand up on the biggest sound systems the world has to offer. I personally have a hard time not bobbing my head when I hear this one. Definitely will be staying in the front of my crate for a while. Sample "Afro Lava Lamp" Here: For thos of you interested I recently post some of my top vinyls on my site. I listed a few below. 1. 4 Mal - Twilight (Intro Mix) 2. 4 Mal - Twilight (Original Mix) 3. Santiago Nino - Believe (Max Graham Mix) 4. PMT - Afro Lava Lamp (Original Mix) 5. Quadsquad - Reach (Breaks Mix) <----this one is sick. Threw it down at Crobar last time and WOWWWWWWWWWW Enjoy,
  5. Now that is funny !!!!!! Silly rabbit. Glowsticks are for kids !!!!!
  6. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=71000001&refer=&sid=aBC_PUYlo1ZU Quake Hits Off Sumatra, Prompts Concern About Tsunami (Update6) March 29 (Bloomberg) -- A magnitude-8.7 earthquake struck off the northwestern coast of Indonesia, raising initial concerns that a tsunami might hit the area where waves from a Dec. 26 temblor caused widespread death and destruction. ``There has been no major tsunami observed near the epicenter,'' the U.S. government's Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said in a bulletin on its Web site issued almost three hours after the quake, the period the agency said was the most dangerous. The U.S. Geological Survey initially measured the quake's strength as magnitude 8.2. Agus Mendrofa, a local government official, said there were deaths and injuries from falling objects like furniture in the quake on the island of Nias off Sumatra, Indonesia's MetroTV reported. India, while posting a tsunami alert, said there was no evidence of destructive waves. S.K. Swami, director of national disaster management in India's Ministry of Home Affairs, said in a telephone interview from New Delhi that ``so far nothing has been noted'' in terms of a higher sea level. The earthquake was an aftershock of the magnitude-9 undersea quake on Dec. 26 that killed as many as 270,000 people around the Indian Ocean as waves slammed into shorelines as far away as East Africa. Indonesia's Sumatra island was the hardest hit spot in the December disaster, which devastated local economies, from the fishing industry in Sri Lanka to beach hotels in Thailand. Ten Most Powerful The U.S. Geological Survey said the March 28 temblor hit at 11:09 p.m. Sumatra time and was among the 10 most powerful quakes recorded since 1900. The epicenter was about 50 miles offshore. The quake was strong enough to cause a tsunami, Jill McCarthy, chief scientist on the geological hazards team, said in a telephone interview. Sri Lanka posted a tsunami warning, Agence France-Presse cited government authorities as saying. Thailand issued a warning for provinces in the southern part of the country, Kraisorn Pornsuthee, permanent secretary of the Information and Communication Technology Ministry, told ITV television network. Smith Thammasaroj, vice minister of the Office of the Prime Minister in Thailand, where he heads the country's recently established tsunami warning system, told Channel 7 there are no signs of a tsunami. He advised people to ``stay in a safe place just to be sure'' until 2:30 a.m. local time. Sumatra Coast Damage from the quake in Medan, one of the largest cities in Sumatra, was limited, the U.S. consul general told the State Department, agency spokesman Adam Ereli said in Washington. Medan is closer to the east coast of Sumatra, near the Strait of Malacca, than to the Indian Ocean. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, based in Hawaii, urged ``immediate action'' to evacuate Indian Ocean coasts up to 1,000 kilometers from the epicenter after the quake. There is not yet an Indian Ocean tsunami warning network similar to the one operating in the Pacific. Government authorities ``can assume the danger has passed'' if no tsunami waves are seen within three hours of the quake, the center said. The quake lasted as long as three minutes, AFP cited Indonesia's Meteorological and Geophysics Office as saying. The temblor caused power blackouts on Sumatra, AFP said. Residents in Banda Aceh, the provincial capital of Aceh, fled by the thousands, Indonesia's MetroTV news station reported, citing its reporter on the ground. Mona Laczo, an Oxfam aid coordinator, said in a telephone interview she felt the quake from the 23rd floor of her Bangkok hotel, saying the building swayed ``for a good minute.'' December Disaster The disaster prompted one of the largest international relief efforts ever mounted, including U.S. Navy ships and helicopters sent in to haul food and medicine to areas in Indonesia and Sri Lanka cut off after the waves swept ashore. The Indonesian government last week increased its estimate for the cost of rebuilding areas devastated by the disaster by 27 percent to include programs to help survivors rebuild their lives. The December earthquake and tsunami raised the risk of another quake of more than 7 magnitude in the region because of increased pressure on the seabed, a group of seismologists said in a study released last month. The magnitude-9 quake caused the Indian tectonic plate to slip under the Burma plate, increasing stress on the Sumatra fault line near Aceh, the study by John McCloskey from the University of Ulster and colleagues said. The research underlines the need for a tsunami warning system in the Indian Ocean, McCloskey said. A United Nations-sponsored group called this month for Indian Ocean countries to create tsunami emergency contact centers by April 1. The centers would receive warnings from earthquake and tidal censors and transmit them to country officials, who in turn would pass them onto the public. To contact the reporter on this story: Todd Zeranski in New York at tzeranski@bloomberg.net To contact the editor responsible for this story: Edward DeMarco at edemarco1@bloomberg.net. Last Updated: March 28, 2005 14:52 EST
  7. I think Hernan and James did the best out of everyone. Sasha's mixing was alllllllll over the place. Don't know if I am the only one that noticed this but..........ohh well. We are all human and we all make mistakes. I didn't enjoy it !
  8. Conference isn't over !!!!!
  9. She has a shiny face. I think she needs a buff puff!!!! : )
  10. Cool pics guys. Hope to see you at the AA for both Sasha and Digweed !
  11. He's booked for Space tonight Orly so I don't think so. I could be wrong. Orly, we hitting Sasha & Digweed this Saturday at the AA?
  12. OUTDOOR MAINSTAGE: Gene Farris, Tony Thomas, Andy Morris (Narcotic Trust), Matthew Dekay, Özgür Can, Stef Vrolijk & 16 Bit Lolitas, Mark van Dale, Mason, René Amesz, Jochen Miller, and Johan Gielen; INDOOR: 100% Isis, Shiva, Lady Ace, Wannabe a Star & Miss Behave, Jordi, Disco Twins, Laidback Luke, Lucien Foort, MC Leah, vocalist Vika Kova & MC Berrier, DIVE is Live, and percussion by EL Bongo. Matthew Dekay, Özgür Can, Stef Vrolijk & 16 Bit Lolitas.
  13. obby


    Good looking out !
  14. obby


    I'm not paying shit to smell anyones farts. I'll hit their second show for sure. T, hold me that for if the flies.
  15. As long as their speakers and subs are working...........I don't give a fuck. I've partied in a barn before (zen) so it can't be that bad. he he
  16. WTF I leave my PC for 4 days and get back to hear "but will it happen" ???? Please tell me tonight isn't canceled! After I referred like 20+ to their site to buy tixs in advance. LOL Ohh boy am I going to hear it if so !!!!!
  17. Who's having some drinks and shots with me?
  18. I'm a progressive head guys !!!!! Whether it's progressive house or breaks. I will definitely need my fix while there. I definitely want to check out their after hours so knowing this, what would you recommend. I must admit we are pretty picky when it comes to sounds (blame Miami for that) so knowing who is spinning where will help.
  19. Maybe one day you will be able to escape and see what's up !!!!!
  20. Happy B Day bro. Have a great one !!!!!
  21. I should have known !!!!!
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