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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by obby

  1. The DEEP family deliver once again. Freshed faced duo Nicola Gala & Chris Mozio deliver a well thought out progresive 3 tracker on Deep featuring a pumpin, trance tarnished 4/4 track on the a-side, a deep breaks affair on b1 and a chilled, instrumental track on b2. Not too much info on this new release yet but it is sure to be slammed by me in these coming weeks. Sample Here
  2. Click Here To Check Out Flip In Action
  3. obby

    Stryke European Tour

    One of the nicest producers I know. Stay golden pony boy !!!!!! Have fun ! (where have you been AJ ?)
  4. Wasn't expecting this but nice to read anyway. Glad you had a good time like I did. It was great seeing everyone smiling and dancing. That itself is my drug !!!!!!!
  5. Happy B Day bro. Were where you this weekend?
  6. Thanks guys.....................you people rock !!!!! Nothing better than spending your birthday with the ones you care about and who share your same interests. For those of you who made it to Crobar on Friday to spend it with us.........thank you for your presence...............what better gift than being surrounded by friends and seeing everyone smiling and dancing. Thanks again everyone !!!! From the BBQ crew to the Crobar peeps.................thanks for the kind wishes. I had a blast this weekend. Met some new faces and hung with the usuals as well. I'm still feeling my weeknd. LOVE IT !!!!! OBBY
  7. Thanks for being there funk. I had a blast and I hope everyone else did too.
  8. Funk, your coworker Ka is soooooooooooo cool. Very nice person !!!!!!!
  9. Just woke up and found this in my camera and thought I would share it. I'm sure it was all for fun. Now that is "classsic" Hmmmmmmm heard the BBQ is still going......debating wether to head back or not. LOL No need to decsibe how it went when most already know. Andrew (The Chib).......NO MORE BEERS !!!!!!
  10. obby

    Attn: Eddie Guerra

    Eddie, I need Joey Larky's # (has to do with his B Day) Can you e-mail me with it ? obby@soturecords.com
  11. They have hip hop in that room. FYI
  12. Happy birthday !!!!!!!!!! Que te cresca
  13. I myself will try to pass by for pre drinks !
  14. I learned it from Funk and Koky !!!!!!
  15. obby

    DUI Test

    Click Here
  16. I am definitely going to need some red bull. Prob will be getting home after sunrise the night before.
  17. Loca... you coming down or what?
  18. Yeahhhhh what he said !!!!!!
  19. LOL Don't get me started !!!!
  20. Had a good time !!! I hope I am forgiven for taking off early.
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