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Everything posted by obby

  1. I think I can beat that. I'll bring some prog classics just in case I get into that mood.
  2. What do you concider classics?
  3. Alright. Who's showing some love tonight and hanging with the "FIX" crew?
  4. We make his start early
  5. www.SoundsOfTheUnderground.com
  6. As another year begins, so does another label, and this time it's Swedish uber-DJ and promoter Parham Shafti who unveils his new imprint Fokused Recordings. The first release coming from Dominic Plaza who, following on from several collaborative projects with Parham, kicks off the label with the brooding 'Sounds Rushing'. Hammering the significance of this inaugural release home, the a-side features a remix from Antiloop's 'David West', who as you might expect injects huge amounts of energy and emotion into the track. Taking the original's main elements and placing particular emphasis on the lead vocal, West delivers a cool and classy club mix that is already getting great reactions right across the board. Dominic Plaza's 'Original Mix' in comparison is a moodier piece with tremendous depth and hypnotic charm. Warm tones and melodic loops conceal a subtle groove that carries things forward, and this late night style mix is the perfect contrast to David West's big room take on things. Fokused kick things off on the right foot, aiming for that niche that exists between the big rooms and more intimate, smaller dance floors, and strike the bulls eye with this debut by Dominic Plaza, and hopefully this is what we can expect more of in the months to come. Two gem remixes that will be slammed throughout these weeks. Sample Both Mixes Here
  7. Just thinking aloud..... So, 60% of registered Iraqi's voted this weekend. All done under direct threat from the insurgents who threatened bombings and snipers (which they did, but were not successful in thwarting the voters desires). 60%? That's more than here in America and our lives are not threatened when we do have to vote. AMAZING! Even CNN was praising the Iraqi election yesterday. Last night, Chris Mathews went as far as to say "Bush is just like Donald Trump, HE JUST KEEPS WINNING!" How must all the haters feel today? Kennedy, Kerry, Boxer, Biden, etc..etc...."The usual suspects" All of these characters have been kicking & screaming from the beginning. Apparently, all have been wrong about what IS and IS NOT possible in Iraq. The haters never publicly displayed HOPE or OPTIMISM. Again, blinded by hate. Will they ever learn? I'm sure now the haters will have to move on to more negativism. I'll guess they'll try to spin yesterdays success by shifting focus from the victory of democracy to "WE NEED AN EXIT STRATEGY, 1400 American lives wasn't worth it, Where are the WMD's, Do we just invade every other dictatorship?,,etc,,etc,,etc,,etc,,,,,,PURE NEGATIVISM............ So, stupid ole' Bush who's been saying he wanted to see democracy in the middle east since 9/11. The haters have been claiming it was IMPOSSIBLE from day 1. "WE JUST CAN'T WIN, They don't want democracy, They're not ready, We just wanna steal their oil",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Interesting,,,ain't it? Who's been on the wrong side of history? And you can't say nobody tried to encourage optimism and hope. It started from the top w/ Bush and his admin. They warned it would be tough, but at the end, it would be the best antidote to terrorism, DEMOCRACY! Yesterday was definitely a good day. Especially for ALL the wounded and fallen soldiers. It was not all in vane and all those who thought otherwise should be ashamed of themselves! AMEN!
  8. Decision made !!!!
  9. Thinking about checking out I/O tonight! Never been !
  10. What the dilly yo..........
  11. obby

    BBQ Idea!

    ish ish skeet skeet Here is my picture:
  12. obby

    Happy Birthday Issel

    Happy Birthday Cookie !!!!!!!!
  13. We should be getting the invites from Crobar today and will have them with us throughout the weekend, Blue this Tuesday and the rest of the week so make sure to get one from us if we are around. If not, e-mail us and your set. Limited Table Reservations: (305) 672-8084 Guest List (till 1:00am): info@soturecords.com
  14. Yeah but I found mine that same weekend and some of you are still looking for yours. ha
  15. huh ??? Does that make sense? Can I buy a vowel?
  16. I lost my mind once at the old school Edge in Orlando, Florida.
  17. obby

    Dear Diary (Joke)

    HER DIARY Sunday night I thought he was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a bar to have a drink. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment. Conversation wasn't flowing so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed but he kept quiet and absent. I asked him what was wrong; he said nothing. I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset He said it had nothing to do with me and not to worry. On the way home I told him that I loved him, he simply smiled and kept driving. I can't explain his behavior; I don't know why he didn't say I love you too. When we got home I felt as if I had lost him, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there and watched TV. He seemed distant and absent. Finally, I decided to go to bed. About 10 minutes later he came to bed, and to my surprise he responded to my caress and we made love, but I still felt that he was distracted and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep-I cried. I don't know what to do. I'm almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster. HIS DIARY Canes lost today; but at least I got laid.
  18. and about to get stronger.
  19. obby

    Joke Of The Day !

    Why you never question a drunk---- A woman was shopping at her local supermarket where she selected: A half-gallon of 2% milk, A carton of eggs, A quart of orange juice, A head of romaine lettuce, A 2 lb. can of coffee, And a 1 lb. package of bacon. As she was unloading her items on the conveyor belt to check out, a drunk standing behind her watched as she placed the items in front of the cashier. While the cashier was ringing up her purchases, the drunk calmly stated, "You must be single." The woman was a bit startled by this proclamation, but she was intrigued by the derelict's intuition, since she was indeed single. She looked at her six items on the belt and saw nothing particularly unusual about her selections that could have tipped off the drunk to her marital status! Curiosity getting the better of her, she said "Well, you know what, you're absolutely correct. But how on earth did you know that?" The drunk replied, "Cause you're ugly"
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