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Everything posted by obby

  1. How about a dirty sanchez?
  2. Our pleasure. We had a blast. The staff was cool as fuck and welcomed us with open arms (and ears).
  3. Scank !!!!!! Reminds me of Jaws from 007
  4. I'll be more than happy to bring some Argentinian sausages and breads so we can make some choripans. I'll bring some wax too but I will have to take off around 7:00pm or 8:00pm so keep that in mind. Avisa, OBBY
  5. Don't give me control of the bass cause I'll be the first one to abuse it !!!!!!
  6. I think i saw that guy puking on the side of Blue that night. Watching him try and find his glasses on the floor of the club that night was amusing too. We have all been there at some point of our lives.
  7. Day before my birthday. We have another fellow Aquarian. Cool !!!!! KOKY, let me know what I can bring. I'm down !!!
  8. Well have one with me once in a while then.
  9. Saaaaweet !!!!!! Both great DJ's
  10. Happy B Day Coach..............Party weekend for sure !!!!!
  11. Visiting with U.S. troops in Baghdad on Thursday, failed presidential candidate John Kerry trashed Commander-in-chief George Bush for making "horrendous judgments" and "unbelievable blunders" that have undermined the war effort. In a series of demoralizing comments first reported by the San Francisco Chronicle, the defeated Democrat griped, "What is sad about what's happening here now is that so much of it is a process of catching up from the enormous miscalculations and wrong judgments made in the beginning." Kerry said that because of the Bush administration's mistakes, "the job has been made enormously harder." Among the errors cited by the disgruntled Democrat: the decision by former U.S. occupation leader Paul Bremer's to disband the Iraqi army and purge the government of former members of Hussein's Baath Party. Both moves were have fueled the Sunni insurgency, he claimed, lamenting, "Mistakes have been made." Then, perhaps sensing he'd gone too far, the 2008 White House hopeful cut short the Bush-bashing, saying, "Now, it's a different time and different set of judgments that have to be made. I'm here to make judgments about what moves are available to us." ----------------------------------------------------------- That's def going to help over there.
  12. Thanks guys. Both Joey and I are looking forward to this one. Joey tore up the decks there on NYE so both of us spinning together will be a great PART 2 We will be having some pre-drinks at Pearl while Joey spins there to 11:00 then we will be jumping over to CroBar to throw some serious prog sounds. and breaks
  13. This movie looks like it is going to be pretty cool. Check out the pictures. http://mediaviewer.ign.com/mediaviewer.jsp?object_id=33918&channel_id=531&page_title=Heeeere%27s+Dr.+Doom%21&adString=network%3Dign%26site%3Dign%26pagetype%3Dmedialist&return_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ign.com%2Fobjects%2F033%2F033918.html http://filmforce.ign.com/ff/articles/568/568099p1.html
  14. LOL Good luck. I have been trying to get one from him for over a year. I gave up...maybe you will have better luck.
  15. wow....she is cute !!!!!!
  16. Hey bling ...........How's your captains log coming about?
  17. Not bad at all for a Tuesday night. Cool people and nice sounds !!!!! Been a while since I have been to Blue. The sounds system was much better than the last time I was there. I have a feeing this might turn into a habit. Thanks for the invite Koky !
  18. LOL Here is the Johnny Vicious mix just in case. I'll post the Vertigo mix when I find it in my unorganized collection. Sample The Johnny Vicious Mix of U2's - Where The Streets Have No Name HERE
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