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Everything posted by obby

  1. How many listeners tune in on the average ?
  2. I am a member of URB. You can have my copy ! Just give me the details on which issue. Peace, OBBY
  3. Happy B Day Eric. Have fun, get drunk, get laid, be safe !!!!!!
  4. NADINE SHAMIR Singer and co-writer of techno hit Set U Free Nadine Shamir, who under the name Nadine Renee, co-wrote and performed the 1996 techno classic Set U Free, died early Thursday at North Shore Hospital from complications following the birth of her first child, Liat Nadine. Shamir was 32. Born in New York, Shamir moved to Miami with her mother while she was still an infant, but traveled the world during her childhood where she developed an ear for exotic sounds. While attending Miami Coral Park High School, Shamir began doing vocals for studios and music acts in the Miami area, including pop trio Exposé and other smaller acts. ''She was so talented, and she loved making people smile,'' recalled her mother, Joanna Pavone. ``She was writing prose poems as a child and acting in school plays.'' At 16, she debuted as a solo singer, releasing her first album under an independent label. Shamir's first taste of success came in 1995 with the release of the hit single Say You'll Stay, which was widely played on the Miami and Los Angeles radio circuits. Soon after, Shamir teamed up with Miami disc jockey George Acosta to produce Set U Free, which they released under the group name Planet Soul. The song hit number 26 on Billboard's Top 40, crossed over onto the R&B charts and was a success internationally. ''She never expected in a million years for that to be her biggest song,'' said Jon Shamir, Nadine's husband. ``It was just a fluke thing she did and that's how life works sometimes, but she was proud of it.'' Shamir performed in Europe and continued song writing and recording through her adult years. She was signed to MCA records in 2000, cutting the album Oasis of Love, said Jon Shamir. She was also signed as a songwriter with Warner Chappell, a music publishing house. While Shamir enjoyed painting, writing screenplays and meeting people, music was her passion. ''It was her life. That's what she did 99.9 percent of the time,'' Jon Shamir said. The couple met in the early '90s at MCA Studios in New York City: Jon was working as a producer and Nadine as a receptionist. The two were married in January 2003. Liat Nadine Shamir is their first child. ''Her number one goal in life was becoming a mother, but the business always put a wedge in there, making her hold off,'' Jon Shamir said. ``Finally, she saw an opportunity, and throughout her pregnancy, she was always doing research on the Internet to make sure everything was OK.'' Liat Nadine Shamir was born around 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. Her mother passed away around 3 a.m. the following morning. The cause of death is still being determined. In addition to her mother, husband and daughter, Shamir is survived by a sister, Deborah Frangomihalos, and a brother, Joseph Silza. Funeral services were held Sunday. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family.
  5. obby

    Happy Birthday Ramon

    He does know his tracks !!!!!!!! Happy B Day Ramon. Hope you enjoy it to the fullest. Have fun and be safe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I'll save Eric the time. You're close though. This DM remix has the same beat as "Halogen Vs Nash T - On A Bridge" which is the track Eric used as as intro on one of his dope CD's. Check It Out Two tracks that can definitely be blended into each other with ease.
  7. Just my slick way of getting you guys to hear one of my current favored vinyls. I am sure most will enjoy it. Click Here
  8. Is it me or the Rane is the only DJ Mixer that has a "full cut" feature when dealing with the EQ's. So far from what I have seen most of the EQ's cut -32dB or -26dB Chicks can't decide on shoes and what not....I can't decide on an audio mixer. LOL WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT BEHRINGER MIXERS ??????
  9. Looks way better than the Gemini but I noticed that the 3 band EQ goes down -26 dB per channel compaired to the Gemini which is -32dB For someone like me who mixes 99.9% with the EQ's............I'm stuck debating this one. Feel free to post any other pros or cons that you find.
  10. I own the Rane already and so far there has been nothing better than that bad boy but I was looking to invest in a lower end rotary as a back up. I agree with you though, the Gemini's have left bad reviews in my books but I still wanted to give this one the benifit of the doubt. Still hoping to read more reviews regarding this one.
  11. I myself am not too found of Gemini's and it has been a while since i even put my hands on a Gemini mixer but I am still hoping to get some sort of feed back to this mixer. (Gemini Amps are the only Gemini's I own)
  12. Have any of you ever opportunity to use the rotary audio mixer by Gemini called the CS-19r (-32dB cut feature) I know that when it comes to rotary mixers Rane is the way to go but I ran into this Gemini that sounds somewhat reasonable but wanted to get more feedback from some of us who have used it before. Click Here For Details Have any of you fellow DJ's have the pleasure of using this mixer in the past? Anyone? Bueler? Bueler? Bueler?
  13. obby

    I love this girl.....

    It is !!!!!!!!!! I'll post the full tracks soon on my site for you beat freaks.
  14. and now that she has been remixed she will definitely be more actively involved in my life now. Hear her out and you may love her too. Click Here VSAG & Andrew K to be thanked for this beautiful re-work !!!!!! Ohhh and check out the breaks mix of "DM - Only When I lose Myself" which has be re-worked by Simuck. Click Here Enjoy, OBBY
  15. My first time there as well and I had a blast. Nice that they played some retro old school considering that the guests I was with need sounds that they can associate with in order to have a good time. They have yet to learn to appreciate the beats alone. Nice seeing the familiar faces like always. Crazy, Lula (wow) Biz, Mirza, Mursa (you cultured MF you), Ramon and met some new faces which is always a plus. Shame that my day job requires so much from me if not I would be in full support every week. Cool place !!!!!!!!!! Was it me or some were playing nintendo or something while in there?
  16. You're remix of "twilight" is highly impressive. Keep up the great work Sanger. You are definitely a great help to the underground scene and sounds. Peace, OBBY
  17. Happens when you are ugly like me. That guanajo was stalking me the whole night !!!!!! LOL Should I post the pic of you "trying" to sleep after the BBQ at Flips house? (now that is a pic)
  18. LOL You love that pic huh ????? That's some scary stuff Eric !!!!!! We can all thank Leo for doing such a great job on the grill that day. Have a good one Eric. Hope all is well you with you. OBBY
  19. Philip...you in Miami ????????????
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