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Everything posted by obby

  1. One of the many reasons JTK4. You seem like a smart person so I don't think I need to name the others.
  2. http://news.independent.co.uk/world/australasia/story.jsp?story=570731 Howard's double win cheers war leaders By Helen O'Neill in Sydney 11 October 2004 An Australian government is close to having complete legislative control for the first time in more than two decades today, after voters delivered a positive verdict on John Howard's support for the war in Iraq. The result means that troops from Australia, a leading member of George Bush's "coalition of the willing", will remain in Iraq for the foreseeable future. Mr Howard, beginning his fourth term as Prime Minister with a likely majority of 86 seats to Labor's 61 in the 150-seat lower house, also looked likely to secure control of the Senate, making him the first prime minister since Malcolm Fraser to be in a position to get legislation through both houses without having to win the support of independents or other parties. At worst, the governing coalition will have 38 of the 76 seats in the Senate, and may well win the clinching 39th in Queensland. Otherwise, it should be able to rely on the vote of the evangelical-based Family First party, which appears to have won the sixth Victorian seat, on most issues. The exact composition of the Senate is unlikely to be known for a fortnight. President George Bush took time out of his own electoral campaign to congratulate his "good friend" Mr Howard on a historic fourth-term victory. Mr Bush, who is facing heavy criticism in the United States after last week's damning weapons report, was reportedly relieved by the result, telephoning Mr Howard almost immediately. Tony Blair also called Mr Howard with congratulations. The triumph returned the Howard-led coalition of Liberals and the rural National Party to power with their second increased majority in two elections. It puts Mr Howard two months shy of becoming Australia's second-longest serving prime minister and dramatically changes Australia's political landscape. The Greens became Australia's third political force, replacing the Democrats by increasing their share to 7 per cent, a two-point rise on 2001. Mr Howard, who avoided discussing the war in Iraq before the vote, emphasised Australia's "stand against terrorism" in his victory speech on Saturday night. While campaigning, he had shrugged off suggestions that he has made Australia "less safe" by becoming involved in the invasion of Iraq, where 900 Australian troops remain deployed. The opposition leader, Mark Latham, had pledged to have them home by Christmas. Mr Howard is now expected to turn his attention closer to home. He wants to talk soon to the Indonesian president-elect, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Australia is on the hit list of al-Qa'ida's south-east Asian arm, Jemaah Islamiyah, and Mr Howard's support for tackling terrorist threats with pre-emptive military strikes in neighbouring nations has left many in the region nervous. Today, Mr Howard will set out his agenda for the coming three-year term. Control of both houses of parliament will allow him to push through several stalled bills, including one getting rid of unfair dismissal laws. The big question, one the 65-year-old leader is unlikely to address, is how long he will remain in office.
  3. Pony Boys will move this for sure !!!!!! Nothing else better to do. VOTE BUSH BITCH !!!!!!!!!! Trish
  4. More lame that this ??????? Click Here and this one Click Here Must be hard trying to win both sides. Like Vinnie' Barbarino says "I'm Sooooo Confused" Yeah but unfortunetly it's on top of his head. He's a pin head. He probably never even knew that Sadam signed the "no fly zone" treaty yet he broke it on a daily basis. Like I said. No use explaining especially if you never knew this. VOTE BUSH BITCH !!!!!!!!!! Trish
  5. Tell them who rocks ohhh fierce one !!!!!!!
  6. obby

    Yo Flip

    Thanks for asking Flip. I am doing much better thank you. I'll talk to you about it later. Peace bro, OBBY
  7. That last picture says it all. and he's down for the count !!!!!!!! Party on boludo but be safe!!!!!
  8. obby

    Yo Flip

    Check it. This made me think of you. Click Here Peace, OBBY
  9. Congrats to Envy on landing Jimmy T !!!!!! Have fun guys !!!! Peace, OBBY
  10. Well said Bling. A true roll model to most. May he rest in peace. My personal favorite of his: Somewhere in Time" 1980
  11. LOL Little ???? Thanks I would fight for my Country with a smile, how about you? I see you have been reading rumors regarding a draft. Do you believe we never landed on the moon either? Your lucky I like you Funk !!!!!!!! No one likes war. Not only do we lose loved ones but it's expensive as hell. Your heart is in the right place but it's time that you/we start thinking with your/our heads and put your/our hearts aside (for now).
  12. Never attacked us ?????? Point proven !!!!!!! This person has obviously never heard of the NO FLY ZONE. Baseless hate at it's best.
  13. That's some funny stuff right there. VOTE BUSH BITCH !!!!!!!!!! Trish
  14. I'll stay out of this one. VOTE BUSH BITCH !!!!!!!!!! Trish
  15. Now that's funny. God forbid...wait...did I just say God ?????? Stone me !!!!!! God forbid a "conservative" ask a Bush hater what is the last name of our current vice president. How dare he !!!!!! Is that a "conservative" question???? VOTE BUSH BITCH !!!!!!!!!! Trish
  16. I like this girl !!!!!!! Trish, be careful. You never know, one of the Mods may be "batting for the other team" !!!!!!!!! He may get offended and move this thread or maybe even worst and treat you like those Bush haters treated you. Sad to say that most who hate bush can't even give good reasons why they hate him. They just know they do. Reminds me of an interview I heard the other day on the radio. Bush haters where being interview on the streets. Eight out of ten didn't even know the last name of Kerry's running mate. 5 out of ten didn't even know the last name of our current vice president. They just hate Bush. It's like a fad for "individuals who are seeking same sex marriage privileges". I'm sure this will get me in a little trouble but ohh well. That would be a great question to bring up to the UN considering their 12 years of constant failure. Ohh wait, I forgot. OIL FOR FOOD CORRUPTION. I'm glad Bush went over the UN. Thanks to him for actually adding teeth to their bite we have now discovered this scandal.
  17. Far fetched to those who underestimate the power of democracy.
  18. That's his running mates job. Gulf War 1 we had the UN backing us up and Kerry voted against it. That was supposed to be the "right war at the right time" but yet he still voted against it. It would be great to read specific reasons why the Kerry supports are specifically voting for him (for those who can vote). Every military weapon that we have been implementing in the liberation of Iraq....Kerry voted against during is 20 years in the senate. Actions speak louder than words in my eyes. Kerry's 20 year voting record SAYS IT ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong, he is a great politician (aka talker) but during this war time I want a leader who will not play politics with out troops. Domestic issues do not concern me at this moment considering that we are at war. Perspective is key !!!!!!! A free Iraq will be a HUUUUUGE accomplishment to this war on terror and as history has proven...WE WILL WIN !!!! period point blank. Once this is accomplished then and only then will I (and others right minded) focus my concerns on domestic issues. What good is it to have your domestic issues resolved if you are blown up in the process? Our troops are risking their lives to fight a war on foreign land just so that we do not have to fight it on ours. To say that this is the "wrong war at the wrong time" is not only demoralizing to our troops and allies but straight up wrong considering that they are risking their lives so that we do not disrupt our lives here. Kerry has lost allot of respect not only from our troops but from our allies (and me) as well. It's almost disturbing to read that some actually still believe that the UN should take part in this war after knowing what we now know (aka Oil For Food Scandal). Don't get me wrong. I am totally for having a UN but they must first be deeply investigated, reformed and then properly implemented. If 12 years of playing patty cake with Saddam does not offend you then I can only wish you the best in this game called LIFE. - Afghanistan has recently held elections for the first time in HISTORY - Iraq will soon be electing their leaders for the first time in HISTORY For those that do not see this as an accomplishment, again I can only wish you the best in this game called LIFE. You are the conspiracy theorist. You are the ones who live with hate. You are the ones who will NEVER be satisfied. History has shown me that I live in the GREATEST COUNTRY OF THE WORLD. History has also shown me that YOU are the minority and will continue to be a minority until you grow a back bone and realize that Peace has ALWAYS been governed by force. period point blank This President (Bush for those of you who don't know) who inherited a resection, corporate scandals and 9-11 has only has only shown me that he is sticking true to his words "we will not forget".
  19. Happy Birthday loco Hope you enjoy it to the fullest. Have fun and be safe. Regarding your sig......I'll take the one in the black Peace, OBBY
  20. He forgot to name the second track but no worries. Good enough. Hit me up on MSN Messanger and I will send you both remixes MSN: Put_U_N_A_Trance@hotmail.com "Shiloh Just For Annie Mix" and "Central Rush Mix"
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