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Everything posted by obby

  1. When it comes down to it you are right !!!! The debates are what make it or break it but speakers such as Arnold should be interesting to hear or see. After all he is a perfect example of dreams being accomplished in the land of opportunity aka USA
  2. Starts today........my opinion: Unlike the DNC, we are to expect facts, ideas, specifics and most importantly, VISION. We shall see!!!!!
  3. Your right. We are horrible and Evil. I don't like to waste my breath or time expressing myself on this issue. America did not become the World Power it is today by luck or chance. It earned it with blood and sacrifice. - No Country has acquired more power and abused it less than the USA - No Country gives more back to the World in the form of food and aid than the USA (Economic aid and food) - No Country has constantly stood up for other nations and defends their right for freedom than the USA I could go on but some here obviously do not know this or don't care to learn American History. I don't see people falling out of the wheel wells of airlines to their death in their quest to reach any other Country than THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE, aka America I don't see immigrants braving the open seas in inner tubes or chunks of foam in hope to float to Iraq or France. People around the World risk their lives in hope to reach America. Whether it's in a container, on a ship or in an inner tube. Learn it, live it, love it or just leave it! Freedom is not free. Get it? We are at war! People die in wars. Our cause is just! Don't like it? Move to France of Canada. I myself lost my cousin in Iraq two months ago and although times have been tough for me and my family, Arthur has brought pride to our family and Country and for what? To protect the rights of others. His blood and others are to be thanked for the freedom which some here take for granted. http://www.fallenheroesmemorial.com/oif/profiles/mastrapaarthurs.html
  4. You mean Charles Krauthammer is correct?
  5. Anything to steers attention away from is 20 year voting history.
  6. Friday, August 27, 2004 Posted: 9:32 AM EDT (1332 GMT) GAINESVILLE, Florida (AP) -- A man jumped in a pond and stabbed a 6-foot alligator with a pocketknife to force the reptile to release his dog from its jaws. Matthew Goff, 29, said he was walking Sugar, a tan-colored bloodhound/Shar-Pei mix, in a park when the attack occurred Wednesday evening. The unleashed dog wandered to the edge of the pond, and the gator grabbed its head. "I couldn't stand by and watch it happen, and I had the pocketknife so I decided to try and save her," Goff said. The gator released Sugar when Goff stabbed the reptile in the eye. The dog then ran home, escaping with three teeth marks on and about her head. Goff had a few scratches. A state trapper planned to kill the gator if it's found.
  7. By Charles Krauthammer (NOT BY OBBY) Friday, August 27, 2004; Page A21 Upon losing a game at the 1925 Baden-Baden tournament, Aaron Nimzowitsch, the great chess theoretician and a superb player, knocked the pieces off the board, jumped on the table and screamed, "How can I lose to this idiot?" Nimzowitsch may have lived decades ago in Denmark, but he had the soul of a modern American Democrat. After all, Democrats have been saying much the same -- with similar body language -- ever since the erudite Adlai Stevenson lost to the syntactically challenged Dwight Eisenhower in 1952. They said it again when they lost to that supposed simpleton Ronald Reagan. Twice, would you believe? With George W. Bush, they are at it again, and equally apoplectic.
  8. No need to apologize. We are all humans and make mistakes. That's why they make erasers on pencils. Here you go (and don't shoot the messenger please) http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1176055/posts But then again the internet is full of lies. Have a great weekend everyone, OBBY
  9. I did the minute I saw it. This is not a pissing contest!
  10. Thanks for the link. I will forwrd it to the person who forwarded the original message to me.
  11. Thanks for the link. I will forwrd it to the person who forwarded the original message to me.
  12. Thursday, Aug. 26, 2004 Cuban Escapes to America by Mail Remember that guy who got in big trouble for mailing himself from New York to Dallas in a crate? Now a Cuban woman has done him one better. The young woman, whose name was not released, fled communist dictator Fidel Castro's tropical gulag by folding herself into "a wooden crate the size of a small filing cabinet" and having herself shipped by cargo plane via the Bahamas to Miami, the Associated Press reported today. "Certainly she's lucky to be alive," said Zach Mann, spokesman for Customs and Border Protection. Happy ending: The lucky gal gets to stay in America and experience freedom for the first time. _______________________________________ Call me crazy but shouldn't this be a security concern to us now?
  13. Aug 27, 9:29 AM (ET) By JIM HEINTZ MOSCOW (AP) - One of two Russian airliners that crashed nearly simultaneously was brought down by a terrorist act, officials said Friday, after finding traces of explosives in the plane's wreckage. A Web site connected to Islamic militants claimed the action was connected to Russia's fight against Chechen separatists. The planes, with 90 people aboard, went down within 20 minutes of each other Tuesday night. "According to preliminary information, at least one of the air crashes ... has been the result of a terrorist act," a spokesman for the Federal Security Service, Sergei Ignatchenko, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported. No results from the investigation of the other crash - a Tu-134 with 44 aboard that went down about 120 miles south of Moscow - have been announced. Another security service spokesman, Nikolai Zakharov, said the explosive found in the remains of a Tu-154 that carried 46 people appeared to be hexogen - an explosive officials said was used in the 1999 apartment bombings that killed some 300 people in Russia, an attack blamed on Chechen separatists. The Tu-154 crashed en route to the Black Sea resort city of Sochi. Despite the suspicious timing of the crashes and the fact they took place five days before an election in Chechnya opposed by separatists, Russian officials had kept open the possibility they were caused by bad fuel or human error. A Web site connected to Islamic militants published a statement on Friday - signed the "Islambouli Brigades" - claiming responsibility for the crashes. A group with a similar name has claimed responsibility for at least one other attack, but the authenticity of Friday's statement could not immediately be confirmed. The statement said five "mujahedeen" - holy fighters - were aboard each plane. The Federal Security Service declined to comment on the statement. Russian officials have contended that the rebels fighting Russian forces in Chechnya for nearly five years receive help from foreign terrorist organizations, including al-Qaida. Friday's claim did not refer to al-Qaida, but a group called "the Islambouli Brigades of al-Qaida" claimed responsibility for last month's attempt to assassinate Pakistan's prime minister-designate. Lt. Khaled Islambouli was the leader of the group of soldiers who assassinated Egyptian President Anwar Sadat during a military parade in Cairo in 1981. Russian officials, meanwhile, said they were investigating two female passengers - one on each plane - with Chechen names. The two were the only passengers whose relatives did not contact authorities, officials said. Female suicide bombers with alleged Chechen connections have carried out attacks in Moscow, including the twin bombing of an outdoor rock concert and another blast outside a hotel adjacent to Red Square. Paul Duffy, a Moscow-based aviation expert, told Associated Press Television that he found it "hard to believe" that five attackers were aboard each plane, "but there is no doubt that they had one at least on each aircraft." Both planes took off from Moscow's Domodedovo airport, one of Russia's most modern and sophisticated. It was not immediately clear how airport security systems could be circumvented to smuggle in explosives. Although Friday's developments raised security concerns for the airlines that crisscross the sprawling country, Russia did not order a halt to air traffic, as the United States did after the Sept. 11 attacks. The Web site statement said the planes were brought down as part of "a series of other operations in a wave to extend support and victory to our Muslim brothers in Chechnya and other Muslim areas which suffer from Russian faithlessness." Chechens on Sunday are to vote for the republic's president, to replace Kremlin-backed Chechen president Akhmad Kadyrov, who was assassinated in a May 9 bomb attack. Officials had warned that Chechen separatists might try to carry out attacks ahead of the vote, which is part of the Kremlin's strategy of undermining the insurgents by establishing a modicum of civil order in the region. Security analyst Andrei Soldatov said the reported Chechen connection could bring more suffering to the republic, where Russian forces are widely criticized for abusing and abducting civilians. "The government will now be able to say that the fight against separatists in Chechnya comes under the roof of international terrorism. As soon as they say that, you can forget about human rights in the region," he said. Details of how the planes were destroyed remained incomplete. News reports said at least one of the planes sent a distress signal indicating a hijacking shortly before it disappeared from radar screens. That led to speculation that Russian anti-aircraft missiles may have shot down the planes to prevent a Sept. 11-type plan to crash them into buildings. The Tu-154 was en route to Sochi, where Russian President Vladimir Putin was at his summer residence. However, independent military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer dismissed that speculation, saying the plane wreckage did not show signs of being shot down and that there are no anti-aircraft missile batteries in the regions where the planes fell.
  14. Denzel nails Couric! Did you see the Denzel Washington interview with Katie Couric on NBC last Friday morning (13 August 2004)? Not many people are talking about it. They are wishing it would go away and are trying to sweep it under the rug. Meryl Streep and Denzel were on the Today Show with Katie Couric to talk about the movie, Manchurian Candidate. At one point Katie asked Denzel, Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11? To which Denzel replied, No, and I have no intentions on seeing it. Katie and Meryl were so noticeably taken aback! Then, a discourse (or more preferably, a fight !) began between all three of them with Denzel being barraged with all kinds of anti-Bush, anti-Republican comments, but the man stood his ground and soon enraged the women so much that they couldnt get a word in edgewise. Meryl Streep turned blood red and she sat with her legs crossed and her one leg shaking up and down, fuming! Then Katie uttered the words that put the final nail in her coffin. She said to Denzel, You see, thats the problem I have with you people. She, of course, did not get to finish her sentence because Denzel pounced on her verbally by responding, YOU PEOPLE! YOU PEOPLE! Just what do you mean, you people!? Do you mean YOU PEOPLE , as in me as a Christian, or do you mean You People as in means a REPUBLICAN? She then tap danced her way through the next minute of the show. But Denzel went out fighting and declaring that Fah renheit 9/11 is nothing but propaganda and lies distorted to support a cynical Democratic film directors views. Theres a celebrity that deserves to wear the uniform in movies and I dont mind at all!
  15. Awesome !!!!!!! Have fun Greg !!!!!!!
  16. This is Michael Moore's letter to the owner of the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas regarding throwing Linda Ronstadt off stage because she dedicated a song to him plus a few other leftist, political remarks. The second letter is Mr Timmins' response to Moore. _____ Bill Timmins President, Aladdin Casino and Hotel Las Vegas, NV July 20, 2004 Dear Mr. Timmins: I understand from the news reports I've read that, after Linda Ronstadt, one of America's greatest singers, dedicated a song to me from your stage on Saturday night, you instructed your security guards to remove her from the Aladdin, which they did. What country do you live in? Last time I checked, Las Vegas is still in the United States. And in the United States, we have something called "The First Amendment." This constitutional right gives everyone here the right to say whatever they want to say. All Americans hold this right as sacred. Many of our young people put on a uniform and risk their lives to defend it. My film is all about asking the questions that should have been asked before those brave soldiers were sent into harms way. For you to throw Linda Ronstadt off the premises because she dared to say a few words in support of me and my film, is simply stupid and Un-American. Frankly, I have never heard of such a thing happening. I read that you wouldn't even let her go back up to her room at your hotel! Are you crazy? For crying out loud, it was a song DEDICATION! To "Desperado!" Every American loves that song! Sure, some people didn't like the dedication, and that's their right. But neither they nor you have the right to remove her from your building when all she did was exercise her AMERICAN right to speak her mind. Of all the things that go on in Las Vegas, this is what creates the need for serious action? What about the other half of the crowd at the Aladdin who, according to the Las Vegas Sun, cheered her when she made her remarks? Did you throw them out, too? I think you owe Ms. Ronstadt an apology. And I have an idea how you can make it up to her -- and to the millions of Americans you have offended. Invite her back and I'll join her in singing "America the Beautiful" on your stage. Then I will show "Fahrenheit 9/11" free of charge to all your guests and anyone else in Las Vegas who wants to see it. Mr. Timmins, as the song "Desperado" says -- "Come to your senses!" How can you refuse this offer? I await your reply. Yours, Michael Moore Director, "Fahrenheit 9/11" _____ Response July 21, 2004 Attention: Michael Moore, In response to your letter dated July 20, 2004: You are correct that I had security remove Linda Ronstadt from Aladdin Casino and Hotel where the fun never ends and everybody wins. How very interesting to learn you are such a fan of Ms. Ronstadt. You questioned where I live and surprisingly knew Las Vegas is in the United States. You should visit it sometime. There are thousands of wonderful 'All You Can Eat' buffets. There are also a lot of casinos who's owners don't **** around. I am aware of the First Amendment and you have the right to talk about your hatred of America but once you are on my property and you are upsetting my guests, you will quickly learn about my rights. I can't remember if it was Jesus or George W. Bush that said, "Freedom is a two-way street." Ms. Ronstadt learned this long before I had her thrown out of my casino. You question my actions? If you come onto my property and upset my guests, you will receive the same, if not worse, treatment than Ms. Ronstadt received. I am sure your mere presence would upset my guests. You claim your film, "...is all about asking the questions that should have been asked before those brave soldiers were sent into harms way." I think your film does nothing but aid the enemy and hurt our troops. You have betrayed our troops, our leader and America. I have no respect for you or your vision of what America should be. I paid Ms. Ronstadt to entertain my guests, not divide them. The half that did not leave probably thought the verse you mentioned, "Why don't you come to your senses" was addressed to you. Maybe she should have dedicated her song, 'You're No Good' to you. I would have asked her back, had she done that. Regarding your request for me to apologize to her, have you and her on my stage singing anything about this Country and then playing your piece of **** film is ludicrous! One of my workers is currently throwing away every complaint letter from brainless followers of you, claiming they will never visit my Casino. I could not be more pleased to know my casino and hotel will always be void of the kind of people who support you. Meanwhile, my hotel has been quickly booked solid for the rest of the year with true Americans who love this Country and support our efforts overseas. They will see a framed copy of your letter and my response in the lobby to ensure they begin their experience with a laugh. Sincerely, BillTimmins President Aladdin Casino and Hotel Las Vegas, NV
  17. Well someone had to have the balls to finally stand up to them. The UN tried biting back multiple times unsuccessfully. Bush (an American) just happen to be the one to added some teeth to their bite.
  18. ?????? He stated the facts !!!!!!!! Are you aware of what Saddam used to do to the Iraqi's when they would fail in their tournaments ?????? Really ???? Where did you read that ??????? School me.
  19. LOL you can't even vote. Welcome to my Country !!!!! Hope you make the best of your stay here. Call me crazy but isn't that what we did. Are we the only ones fighting in Iraq ????? Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Rep, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Ukraine. Not included in that tally was Spain, which recentlly withdrawed its troops from Iraq. Also not included in that list is Singapore, which had pledged to dispatch 191 troops to Iraq and which were, by that date, already in country. After Spain bucked their knees to the terrorist so did the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Honduras. The Kingdom of Tonga did, however, deploy 45 Royal Marines in early July to Iraq. With the withdrawal of the Philippines Troops, there are 31 countries participating in the coalition. Did we not "consider the perspectives of our closest and most powerful allies" ??????????
  20. I have and I found nothing wrong with it. I myself was please to see both Countries now participating in the Olympic games. The opening ceremonies stated the same thing that Bush is now stating so the whole pull the add thing is bull shit.
  21. Aug 26, 8:01 AM (ET) By Karolos Grohmann ATHENS (Reuters) - The U.S. Olympic Committee has asked the campaign to re-elect President Bush to pull an ad that refers to the Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee said on Thursday. The ad has angered Olympic officials because they feel it hijacks the Olympic brand -- a registered trademark -- even though it does not display the Games logo. The U.S. Olympic Committee had asked the Bush election "campaign to withdraw the advertisement they are running," International Olympic Committee spokeswoman Giselle Davies told reporters. The television advertisement, ahead of the presidential elections in November, does not feature the five Olympic rings -- one of the world's most recognizable images -- but an announcer tells viewers that at "this Olympics there will be two more free nations," referring to the U.S.-led invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq under Bush's presidency. Afghanistan returned to this year's Games after its Olympic Committee, controlled by the then ruling hard-line Taliban regime, was suspended in 1999 and missed the 2000 Sydney Games. The IOC reinstated Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein. The IOC said no official request had been made for the use of the reference to the Games. "We own the rights to the Olympic name and nobody asked us," Gerhard Heiberg, head of the International Olympic Committee's Marketing Commission had said on Wednesday.
  22. Exactly!!!!! That's his current tactic. May fools some but no most.
  23. Well said!!!! Summed up in a great way !!!!!!
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