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Everything posted by obby

  1. Productions (music) that exist outside the mainstream establishments. I also see it as a movement. One that is not saturated by "club politics" leaving the root of the sounds pure, intelligent and somewhat secretive. I could go on but....... I think people like MENG (and others) know what I mean.
  2. LOL Order 5 or more and shipping is FREE!!!!!!!!
  3. OK, staight up!!!!! Jackie looks hot in this pic.
  4. Can we get a front view here? Face counts in my books!!!
  5. Make sure to scroll down once loaded: http://www.intellicast.com/Local/USLocalWide.asp?seg=LocalWeather&loc=kpie&prodgrp=RadarImagery&product=RadarLoop&prodnav=none&pid=none
  6. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2004-08/12/content_1766126.htm 2004-08-12 15:36:55 BEIJING, Aug.12 (Xinhuanet) -- Russian scientists said they have discovered the wreck of an alien device at the site of an unexplained explosion in Siberia almost a hundred years ago, China Daily reported today, citing the Interfax news agency as the source. The scientists, who belong to the Tunguska space phenomenon public state fund, said they found the remains of an extra-terrestrial device that allegedly crashed near the Tunguska river in Siberia in 1908. Their findings also include a 50-kilogram (110-pound) rock which they have sent to the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk for analysis. The Tunguska blast, in a desolate part of Siberia, remains one of the 20th century's biggest scientific mysteries. On June 30, 1908, what is widely believed to be a meteorite exploded a few kilometers above the Tunguska river, in a blast that was felt hundreds of kilometers (miles) away and devastated over 2,000 square kilometers of Siberian forest. Enditem
  7. August 11, 2004 Democrats haven't been this upset about an American engaging in free speech since Juanita Broaddrick opened her yap. Two hundred fifty-four Swift Boat Veterans have signed a letter saying John Kerry is not fit to be commander in chief, a point developed in some detail in the blockbuster new book by John O'Neill, aptly titled "Unfit for Command." At the 2003 reunion of Swift Boat Veterans, about 300 men showed up: 85 percent of them think Kerry is unfit to be president. (On the bright side, Kerry was voted, in absentia, "Most Likely to Run for President on His Phony War Record.") Fewer than 10 percent of all Swift Boat Veterans contacted refused to sign the letter. Kerry was in Vietnam for only four months, which, coincidentally, is less than the combined airtime he's spent talking about it. It takes a special kind of person to get that many people to hate your guts in so little time. The last time this many people hated one person after only four months was when Margaret Cho had her own sitcom. But our young Eddie Haskell managed to annoy other servicemen even before he came home and called them war criminals. About 60 eyewitnesses to Kerry's service are cited in the book, describing Kerry fleeing comrades who were under attack, disregarding orders, putting others in danger, sucking up to his commanders, creating phony film footage of his exploits with a home-movie camera, and recommending himself for medals and Purple Hearts in vainglorious reports he wrote himself. (This was apparently before the concept of "fragging" put limits on such behavior.) After three months of combat, Kerry had collected enough film footage for his political campaigns, so he went home. He even shot three different endings to the episode where he chases down a VC guy after test audiences thought Kerry shooting a wounded teenager in the back was too much of a "downer." After filming his last staged exploit, Kerry reportedly told a buddy, "That's a wrap. See you at the convention in about 35 years." Kerry is demanding to be made president on the basis of spending four months in Vietnam 35 years ago. And yet the men who know what he did during those four months don't think he's fit to be dogcatcher. That seems newsworthy to me, but I must be wrong since the media have engineered a total blackout of the Swift Boat Veterans. In May, the Swiftees held a spellbinding press conference in Washington, D.C. In front of a photo being used by the Kerry campaign to tout Kerry's war service, the officers stood up, one by one, pointed to their own faces in the campaign photo, and announced that they believed Kerry unfit for command. Only one officer in the photo supports Kerry for president. Seventeen say he is not fit to be president. The press covered it much as they covered Paula Jones' first press conference. With the media playing their usual role as Truth Commissar for the now-dead Soviet Union, the Swiftees are having to purchase ad time in order to be heard. No Tim Russert interviews, no "Today" show appearances, no New York Times editorials or Vanity Fair hagiographies for these heretics against the liberal religion. The only way Swift Boat Veterans for Truth could get less attention would be to go on "Air America" radio. If the 254 veterans against Kerry got one-tenth as much media coverage for calling Kerry a liar as Clown Joe Wilson did for calling Bush a liar, the veterans wouldn't need to buy ad time to get their message out. (Wilson, you'll recall, was a media darling for six or seven months before being exposed as a fantasist by Senate investigators.) With their commitment to free speech and a robust exchange of ideas (i.e., "child pornography" and "sedition"), the Democratic National Committee is threatening to sue TV stations that run the Swift Boat Veterans' paid ads. Sue? Can you tell already that there are two lawyers at the top of the Democratic ticket? These are the same people who accuse John Ashcroft of shredding the Bill of Rights. WHY ISN'T THE PRESS COVERING THIS??? Wait, now I remember. OK, never mind. (Contribute to the Swift Boat Veterans here.) The threat to sue is absurd, but will allow the very same TV stations that are already censoring the Swiftees to have an excuse to censor even purchased airtime. Leave aside the fact that Kerry is a presidential candidate and - judging by the ads being run against George Bush - I gather there's nothing you can't say about a presidential candidate, including calling him Hitler. After reading "Unfit for Command," I am pretty sure Kerry doesn't want a neutral tribunal deciding who's telling the truth here. The Swift Boat Veterans provide detailed accounts from dozens and dozens of eyewitnesses to Kerry's Uriah Heep-like behavior - which "Unfit for Command" contrasts with Kerry's boastful descriptions of the exact same incidents. By contrast, Kerry's supporters have their usual off-the-rack denunciations of any witness against a Democrat. The veterans are: liars, bigots, idiots, politically motivated, and I was never alone in a hotel with Paula Jones. Ron Brownstein, Los Angeles Times reporter and Bill Clinton's favorite reporter, compared the Swift Boat Veterans' ad to a "snuff film." He claimed the veterans have "strong Republican ties." Apparently, before being permitted to engage in free speech against Democrats in this country you have to: (1) prove that you are not a Republican, (2) take a vow of poverty, and (3) purchase the right to speak in a TV ad. On the basis of Clown Wilson, Michael Moore, George Soros, Moveon.org, etc., etc., etc., I gather the requirements for engaging in free speech against a Republican are somewhat less rigorous. Hey! Maybe John Edwards is right: There really are two Americas! O'Neill, the author of "Unfit for Command" and founder of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, can be heard on the Nixon tapes - unaware that he was being taped - telling Nixon that he came from a family of Democrats and voted for Hubert Humphrey in the prior election. Unlike Joe Wilson, Anita Hill or Richard Clarke, Woodward and Bernstein, et al., O'Neill has said he will take no royalties on his book but will donate all his profits to the Navy. So I think even under liberals' rules, O'Neill is allowed to have an opinion. Before the book was released and O'Neill could appear to defend it, liberals were on television denouncing the book. If memory serves, the last book Democrats tried this hard to suppress was the Bible. The DNC is threatening to sue to prevent the Swift Boat Veterans from buying ad time. When Democrats are this terrified of a book, it's not because they have a good answer. Howard Dean can accuse Ashcroft of book-burning all he wants, but it's the Democrats who are doing everything in their power to prevent you from reading "Unfit for Command." In bookstores beginning this week
  8. THAT'S THE BEST YOU COULD WRITE BACK? If your sincere about your passion for the truth,,,,,,,,that 10 minute documentary is not spin, it's Kerry's own words. It's not like John Kerry's movie during the convention which Spielberg added special effects bullet shots in the water to Kerry's re-enactment video in Vietnam. Again, liberals can't handle the truth. Kerry's worst enemy is JOHN KERRY. That documentary is devastating. It's all video and public record of Kerry's own words and votes. SUCKS TO BE YOU SOBETON. You embraced a pathological lying loser. I'm sure you'll do anything to deflect from what you might have said in the past about the guy. Just like Kerry is avoiding talking about his 20 yr. voting record in the senate by trying to keep stirring the pile of shit known as Vietnam. The truth shall set you free. Embrace it! I'm not saying "love Bush", but I am saying "WAKE UP"! Good day,
  9. "I think every American should see this..." -- Fmr. NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani http://media1.streamtoyou.com/rnc/080304v1.wmv Can you say flip flop?
  10. http://media1.streamtoyou.com/rnc/080304v1.wmv
  11. That just means that he has yet to find an article to contradicts yours. Give him time!!! LOL
  12. POSTED: 6:36 am EDT August 11, 2004 UPDATED: 12:09 pm EDT August 11, 2004 MIAMI -- Gov. Jeb Bush has declared a state of emergency as Tropical Storm Charley bears down on Jamaica and appears headed for Florida. There's already a hurricane watch extended to the Florida Keys from Dry Tortugas to Craig Key and some people are being told to evacuate and some shelters are opening.
  13. Right!!!!! By our recent exchange of opinions, I find it hard to believe you to be so crass as to write that you use logic and common sense. Logic and common sense have eluded almost every argument you make. Your arguments are almost always rooted in emotion and conspiracy theory. You have a history of embracing the conspiracies while challenging the logical, common sense approach. As for getting into a pissing contest as far as who has more certificates on their "I love me wall", that's completely irrelevant. Do you know my educational background? I now know yours, but do you know mine? That was a little elitist of you to assume what you did, don't you think? Besides, for someone who claims to be highly educated, I find it puzzling that you would make statements which completely defy logic and historical perspective. If I were you, I'd ask for a refund from whatever institution it is which claims they educated you.
  14. Hence my comments: I respect your mentality Philip and I hope our (yours too) Country helps you accomplish all your dreams. Again I you.
  15. Not everyone!!!!!!! But I hear ya!!!!!
  16. I can see that. Your spelling proves that very well.
  17. America's greatest domestic problem is EDUCATION. He is living proof of this.
  18. A New York Times article misses the obvious. by Michael Goldfarb 08/10/2004 3:10:00 PM LESS THAN A MONTH AGO, Vice President Cheney said that "many of al Qaeda's known leaders have been captured or killed. Those still at large are on the run, and we are going to hunt them down--one by one." The vice president's assessment is backed by a considerable amount of evidence. Many of al Qaeda's seasoned leaders have been killed or captured since September 11, while other elements of the terrorist network are being pressured on multiple fronts as daily media reports indicate. But today's New York Times piece, "New Leaders Are Emerging For al Qaeda," by David Johnston and David Sanger, suggests otherwise. Starting with the headline, the underlying message of the piece is that the U.S. war on terror isn't making much headway because al Qaeda simply replaces its killed or captured leaders with other al Qaeda members. In the piece, Johnston and Sanger write that "for the past several months, the president has claimed that much of al Qaeda's leadership has been killed or captured; the new evidence suggest that the organization is regenerating and bringing in new blood." They cite intelligence analysts who "say they are finding al Qaeda's upper ranks are being filled by lower-ranking members and more recent recruits." But, in fact, other than this quote, there is no evidence that al Qaeda's leadership ranks are being substantially replenished by "new blood." To the contrary, recent arrests suggest, as one intelligence official told the Times, that al Qaeda is filling these ranks by "reaching for their bench." Yet if al Qaeda is in fact reaching down to its second-string and other jihadi bench-warmers to fill the void at the top, isn't this evidence that the administration's actions are paying off? Indeed, has there ever been a conflict where our enemies haven't sought to replace their killed or captured leaders during hostilities? And it is doubtful whether any Bush official would seriously challenge Johnston and Sanger's statement that "al Qaeda is more resilient than was previously understood and has sought to find replacements for operational commanders like Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah and Walid Muhammad Salih bin Attash, known as Khallad, all of whom have been captured." Again, when the enemy is an implacable one, it should be no surprise that they know--as we should--that it's a fight to death. There will be no conditional surrender when it comes to bin Laden's troops. Why? Because there is no political solution tolerable to them or us.
  19. I find them amusing too. I e-mail most of their comments/replies to some of our troops (friends and family) over in Iraq and they too have laugh attacks.
  20. [sOGCH003] Peter Gabriel - Darkness A1: Engelpost Mix B1: Engelpost Meets Greed Mix B2: Engelpost Radio Edit The third release on the Sog Chrome label is without a question their most impressive to date. Sog have pulled off a major coup by signing Peter Gabriel's Darkness. Gabriel liked the Engelspost remix so much that he let Sog records make a further remix so it could be released on vinyl. The best way to describe the Engelspost Remix is that this mix doesn't feel like 14 minutes long, as the saying goes time flies when you're having fun. A deep, driving groove complete with a funky, fluctuating bassline give this track plenty of energy and vigour. Peter's sensually soothing voice is softly spoken to commence with before growing in prominence. The vocals are two tiered with good use of delay and fx. The breakdown complete with penetrating piano is a real hands in the air, loved up moment. Greed meets Engelspost to provide a breakbeat bomb on the flip that is just as vigorous and dynamic. A long simmering intro soon boils over, giving way to a sizzling slice of breaks. This mix packs a powerful punch that is sure to prove devastating on the dancefloor. The Engelspost Radio Edit also features on the flip. Engelspost's remix is a stunning, sublime sonic voyage that is sure to be a dancefloor anthem. Greed meets Engelspost's remix is an equally stunning odyssey. This is a dazzling, well-polished piece of solid chrome by Sog.
  21. Sen. John Kerry's latest and most spectacular flip-flop on Iraq hasn't escaped President Bush's notice. "Almost 220 days after switching positions to declare himself the anti-war candidate, my opponent has found a new nuance," saying he "now agrees it was the right decision to go into Iraq," Bush told thousands of cheering supporters today in Pensacola, Fla. "After months of questioning my motives and even my credibility, Senator Kerry now agrees with me that even though we have not found the stockpiles of weapons we all believe were there ... he would have voted to go into Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein from power," Bush noted, with former rival Sen. John McCain at his side. "I want to thank Senator Kerry for clearing that up," the president said. Introducing the president, McCain said that defeating terrorism "is the great test of our generation." He praised Bush for leading "with great moral clarity." "He has not wavered. He has not flinched from the hard choices," the senator said. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Key words: defeating terrorism "is the great test of our generation." I agree with this 100%
  22. Peter Gabriel - Darkness (Engelpost Mixes)
  23. obby

    Nocturnal Dj's

    All well respected!!!!!!!!! Congrats to all
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