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Everything posted by obby

  1. Thats how I like them!!!!!!!!
  2. and that is why he has our sounds !!!!!!!
  3. obby

    BBQ Time!! May 29

    Can I go guys ???????? Am I cool enough ??????
  4. Welcome primo !!!!!!! The only requirement to be a respected member of this board is that you vote for BUSH. LOL j/k
  5. I found this to be some good reading. ______________________________________________ http://mullings.com/currentissue.htm Galen: Who These Prisoners Are May 10, 2004 We've talked on this program about Rich Galen, who used to work at GOPAC. Now he's a blogger, and has an e-mail newsletter called Mullings. Well, guess where he's been? He's been in Iraq for the past many months and he's been working with the coalition authority. He's back now, and he just reported this in his most recent Mullings. "I am now officially sick-and-tired of the self-serving and largely uninformed hand-wringing about the goings on at Abu Ghraib prison outside of Baghdad. As someone who has actually been on the grounds of Abu Ghraib prison, let me explain a few things. "First of all, there is no excuse for what a few soldiers did; but there is also no reason to make this into the moral equivalent of the Black Plague. "It should be pointed out that the prisoners at Abu Ghraib are not Boy Scouts rounded up for jaywalking. These are bad guys who either blew up or shot a coalition member; or were caught assembling an explosive device; or were caught in a place where the makings of explosive devices were found; or were caught with a cache of weapons. See the pattern here? "In short they were trying to kill me and others like me. And if they succeeded in doing that, they were going to come over here and try to kill you. Ugly thought? You bet. But that is the kind of prisoner being held in the terrorist section at Abu Ghraib." That's exactly what I was asking everybody last week. Who are these guys? They're shooting at Americans. They have attempted to kill Americans. You've got to put this stuff in perspective. It has to be put in context. Everybody talks about the abuse of the prisoners and how horrible it is and how sick and unseemly, but I am getting more upset and more offended and bothered by the unceasing hand-wringing over this, in this touchy-feely little country of ours. This is a war and I thank God there are people like Rich Galen who are able to put this in perspective and inform others of it. ______________________________________________ Again, I myself totally disagree with the actions of the accused but disagree more on our enemies tactics.
  6. I have to agree with SOBETON here. I really doubt soldiers where paid to set this up to sway more votes to Kerry. This matter is and has been under investigation and like EVERY investigation the full facts will not be revealed until the investigation is over. That is the reason the US will not release the additional photos which we have. The American haters can say that we are trying to hide the facts but little do they know that is how our justice system works. Things are kept confidential for investigational reasons. The US is the leader in protecting human rights so you can rest assure that once the trials take place......all evidence will be displayed. Also, keep in mind that our military controled only one wing of this prison (this was recentlly rleased). It's an Iraqi ran prison full of Iraqi prisoners......The wing controlled by the U.S. is for enemy fighters, terrorists and all those disobeying curfews,etc..etc...). Might there be some innocent people there,,,,,probably,,,,,,Are most prisoners there enemy fighters captured during combat or breaking curfew? YOU BET 'YA! As for Very true but it does not justify that what they are doing is ok. It is heartless and inhumane. There are rules of engagement that are to be followed when at war and it seems like everyone can break those rules except the US? Is this fair? NO! Does it show what type of people we are? YES!!!!!! Remember, humans aren't born with hate or love. We are taught it.
  7. Well said!!!!! Both acts are deplorable and both should be dealt with full punishment BUT come on bro......do we do this to our enemies? This is straight up EVIL!!!!!!! No care for human rights!!!!!!! Unlike our military that attend to our enemies wounds just as fast as we inflict them. Where was the outrage when the burned, charred bodies of Americans were dragged through the streets? Where was the world outrage at the Islamofascists who did that? There wasn't any.
  8. I am not much of a wisky drinker...UNLESS...it comes in this format. To view this file you will need Power Point or the free Power Point Viewer which can be downloaded here: Power Point Viewer Now here comes the good stuff. Drink up people!!!! Click Here Enjoy,
  9. obby

    Miami Twins

    You people ready for some wisky????????
  10. Vert true. The sooner the better!!!!!!
  11. Actually it is not a political stunt. The pictures are real but are indeed being used by many to add fire to the flames but regarless of the facts. Any true leader will ensure that these individuals pay for thier actions. AND TRUST ME, OURLEADER WILL MAKE THEM PAY. For the record guys. Interigations are a reality during war but you can rest assure that they are not done by females such as the ones viewed in the photos. The ones complaining now are the same ones who stayed quiet when Saddam would rape, torture, gas, mutilate their own friends. Mind you these are the same people who said nothing when American bodies where chopped up like a piece of cabbage, burned and dragged along the streets for everyone to laugh at and poke at with sticks. There are bad apple in all organizations and I am sure everyone is aware of this. Just cause a black man robs you doesn't mean that ALL black people are thief's. The actions of a few bad apples do not reflect the majority of our military. Naturally, these individuals will be court marshaled and the will pay for their actions and the full press will have access to the trials. America taking action on this case will be a perfect way to show the Iraq's that we find this extremely unacceptable. Question: Do you think Saddam would have tried the individuals which tortured the majority of his people? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time to show these guys how democracy and a court system works.
  12. I have to agree. Those red x's are bad ass.
  13. Actually YES I got invited back for memorial weekend. Looking forward to it.!!!!!!!
  14. Nice!!!! Sounds like everyone had a good time this Friday. You guys where definitely in our thoughts. May the Privilege saga continue !!!!!!!
  15. Last night was a 100% blast. Definitely one of the best times I have had spinning in a while. What made it even better was the fact that I really didn't expect to enjoy myself in West Palm Beach as much as I did. The crowd was so friendly to me and the promoters, managers and owners treated me even better. I lost count of how many times they asked me if I needed anything which was much appreciated. The crowd was beautiful, all new faces to me and totally jamming to our sounds which was a surprise to me considering that I went with the idea of thinking that WPB was not ready for our style of music (I had my reasons to think this). Although they may not be as informed to EDM as allot of us here in Miami, they sure know how to acknowledge good sounds and show their appreciation for it. At the end I was invited back for Memorial Weekend so keep an ear out people. I definetlly recommend this club. Thank you RESORT..............I had a blast !!!!!!!!
  16. Here are some pictures from one of the Friday event at Resort. The crowd looks really nice so I am looking forward to tearing it up tonight.
  17. obby

    Bush's Cure For Castro

    It's all a conspiracy!!!!!!! LOL Actually the only way these restriction will work if they are strictly enforced. Unlike the last ones which where only implemented for a short time. President Carter came along and ended the restrictions which was a shock to most. Restrictions DO NOT work if they are implemented for a short period of time then removed, then placed back again, then removed, then placed back again, then removed, then placed back again. Lets hope we stick to the path this time. I can almost assure that it will work. A perfect example is Russia. Cuba has recently lost two of their closest allies being Mexico and Peru. All because both Mexico and Peru recently voted Cuba as violating Human Rights under the Geneva Convention.
  18. obby

    Bush's Cure For Castro

    That's power??????? His power sure reflects on his people and his economy.
  19. I read that a 500 page resolution titled "The Cure For Castro" was recently placed on Bush's desk for approval. IT HAS BEEN APPROVED. I know this may be hard for some to swallow such as myself who still has family over there but I think it's about time someone steps up to the plate with a strategy to better or end the dictatorship in Cuba. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/southflorida/sfl-acuba07may07,0,6261957.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines
  20. Another sit back and do nothing attitude. That's like saying: "Let children learn math on their own. No need for mathematicians to teach them. If they want to learn math they will learn it eventually on their own." Nice!!!!!
  21. Turkey is another perfect example. The majority of the population are Muslims and they have shown the world that democracy does work regardless of their religion.
  22. Can I recommend a restaurant in NY ?????? TAO Asian Bistro 42 East York City My favorite!!!!!!! Have fun in NY. I am sure Way Out West will rock (like always)
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