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Everything posted by lalate

  1. Name the poster just their punctuation. 1. ................. lmao ................ 2. wtf ~ ! 3. yeah so!!!!!! and well !!!!!!! 4. lol : D
  2. lalate

    happy b-day NMN

    You serious? (I read that first as the little bastard got laid .... and then saw the "off" .. im like sh@ tt )Happy BDAY Nx2|M. Here's to walking so more hotties to someone's car ... anyone's car .... (maybe phat's new sweet-saab).
  3. Awesssssome car. Good choice. If I remember correctly, this is the model that got the highest safety rating for a sedan EVER tested in North America.
  4. The Best are the Airlines. They punish the Vegans lol You wanta laugh? Sit next to a Vegan when they serve them their meal on the Happy Skies Airlines. They'll say "here's your vegetarian meal miss." <she opens it open and finds a friggen fruit platter of five grapes and goes batt f@k> "what is this? A fruit platter! Im gonna starve on a 12 hour flight with just a fruit platter" and the flight attendant - meat eater -- will look at the Vegan with a nice evil look and say ... "Yeah, you are are." lol
  5. Best of luck Maybe I'll air ship some of Lean Cuisine's finest. mmmmmmm good.
  6. Happy Bday Ghhhhost <thumbs up lol> and NMN
  7. Happy BDay < thumbs up lol> And Happy BDay NMN .
  8. Cool profession! <<< Stunt Double for Janet Reno.
  9. How does that work? Do you keep an egg beater set at 4 minutes next to you for each track? Or do you have them set up ahead of time. Always wondered how they do that. Sounds like a good episode for VH1 behind the Music.
  10. This is what is so funny about the term - been having the discussion with friends about this very topic for years. What exactly DISqualifies something from a one night stand? I believe the following disqualifies it for certain : doing it more than one day (so like doing it Sat and Sunday disqualifies. thats two nights lol) These factors are more in dispute. Do they disqualify it: You do it once. And then you do it again months later. Is that two one night stands? Or has the re-hooking up disqualified the previous encounter? You do it once with your friend and you still talk with them, hang with them, and mess around, but dont do it again. Do you have to never see/talk to someone again to qualify? Overall, most people never agree wtf the term means. LOL. I personally like it in the morning anyway lol mmmmmmm
  11. lol. And then they tell you the meat is free grazing from south america. Imagine those ho-cows in South America. mooooo--MMM---OOOOO--DameloPapi----ooooooooooo
  12. And just imagine how those Ho Cows mooo. M---mmmm-mmmmmOOOOOOOO---DoMeDady ----mmmmmmoooooo. And for that I pay $6/lb
  13. Here are some workbook questions. a) Ken meets Barbi in a Malibu jacuzzi on Labor Day Saturday at 5 pm. They exchange numbers after two minutes of talking and Ken takes off. Ken goes to Barbi's beachhouse on Sunday in LA at noon. By 1 pm Ken and Barbi do it (within 24 hours of meeting each other). Is that a one night stand? Same as a) but they do it at 6 pm on Sunday (25 hours of meeting each other but still on the "first date"). One night stand or not? c) Same as a) but instead of exchanging numbers Ken and Barbi mess around in Barbi's corvette but dont go all the way. However, when Ken comes to Barbi's beachouse the next day, they continue and do go all the way? One night stand or not?
  14. And they talk down to you like you're going to die a young age and they are gonna live to 100. No, you're gonna DIE VEGAN. You're gonna DIE like all the rest of us, yes death, death like everyone else. And my funeral is gonna have an awesome buffet of food afterwards and yours is gonna have carrot tips and fennel stalks. And most eletists vegetarians Ive see are either .... a) grossly overweight (like a Fat Monica on Friends) or so skinny you can see through them. You just wanta grab them and shake them and say - "Hey, youre body looks like youre an extra for E.T." But my favorite is how they are selective about how they are vegan. "I dont eat meat." "I dont eat meat or dairy." "I dont eat meat or dairy or non organic." "I feel so clean inside because I dont take anything in with pestcides." Let me tell you how many chicks your boy nailed before he was with you. ....... and youre worried about pesticides! I dont give a crap what you eat or dont eat! -- and I bet you dont swallow either! You Lactose intollerant biotch! And wtf is lactose intollerant anyway - if I cream you with a facial are you gonna break out? And wtf is with these other non vegan freaks that only eat "free grazing animals" --- wtf is a free grazing animal? I dont wanta be eating some free animal that "gets around". "Hey, Betsey, that cow over there will get top dollar at the market. She is so free and grazes all over the place with all the other bulls." Free Grazing Animals sounds to me like "Ho-Meat", the more slutty the animal, the higher the price in the market. I just wanta spray lactose all over a city of vegans while I ride off on my Ho-Cow.
  15. LMAO....... !!!!!! (it's a kfwb syndicated national show called "on cooking" with this woman on saturday mornings. I'll look it up.)
  16. A "freeway" is like the Jersey turnpike but free .... and without Jersey.
  17. Do you have friends, or know people, that are Eletist Vegetarians? You know the ones. They always start by saying "oh, Noooooo, I'm a vegetariannnnnnn <chin up>". They say it, when you offer them a burger and fries, in a way like you're giving them Herpes or something. "Oh, no, I dont EAT meat. Makes you wanta say, "I bet you dont s**ck it either." I was driving on the freeway and listening to AM radio today. There was this cool recipe this chick was explaining for custard. I'm thinking - yum. Suddenly this biotch calls up on the radio and has to ruin the whole friggn radio program and say, "well, I'm so proud cuz i dont eat dairy, or eggs, or animals killed in Newfoundland in 1922 by eskimos. Can you tell me how to make a custard without eggs?" Say WHAT???!!! And then these veggie-eletists, as I would like to call them, talk down to you, with this like Equal Rights, Discriminatory Tone, (like this chick did on the radio), like "how dare you not have a replacement for eggs! I'm a vegetarian and I deserve the same rights as you meat eaters!" No. You alll deserve to starve in Flat-Tasteless-Soysickening- Eggless-Custard land loll
  18. Name strange measures or initatives that are your local ballot for Tuesday. LA has a bizzare one about raising our the sales tax (I think it's 1/2 %) for LA to pay for Sherriff (not Police) fighting crime ... while the opposition says the sales tax is not for cutting crime but to raise Sherriff Dept salaries. (We had another bizzare one last election to approve a Wallmart at the former location of the Lakers -- yes, a measure about a Wallmart --- it lost. Maybe next year we'll have a measure about a new Banana Republic opening lol.)
  19. Ditto. I'm in ..... ... until Halloween manana lol
  20. Has anyone ever gotten it on from a chick who claimed she was a witch?
  21. How do you make out with the Witch at a Halloween party? You tilt your head the wrong way, that nose of her is going poke your eye out.
  22. I aint, I aint, I aint afraid of no ghosts.
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