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Everything posted by underwater

  1. i second that....the guy used to be at the top of his game...i used to clamor to hear his new shit...now i could care less about what he is doing....which is nothing new....he lost his edge and has gone so commericial its distgusting....he was such an leader back in the day...now he is just a watered down version of times gone by....everyone could say he paid his dues he can do what he wants...but so has every other superstar dj.....and they still work hard for the crowd and go the extra mile....a guy just rolling in and banging out 2-3 hours all the time is just a sign that he has lost the passion and fire that he once had...he should just stick to producing and managing perfecto....at least go out of the game with some dignity....its always been said that oakenfold was a shrewd business man vs. good dj....i believe that now more then ever...just my 2 cents....
  2. that was a really good review...but to bash oakenfold a little...who the hell comes to one of the worlds most famous clubs and spins a 2 hour set???....i spin longer sets sitting in my bedroom.....and my only fan is my dog sitting on my bed....that guy had the world by the balls, but i really think that he has lost the respect that you need to survive as a superstar in this industry.....to many hungry bastards out there.....after all of the reviews i would not be suprised if oakenfold will not be welcome back in new york for a while....
  3. are you talking about doc's on the upper eastside??
  4. honestly, no drama.....that subsurface w/ the gas mask and "this is the underground" is fierce.....thats some original shit!! just to make it clear...i'm not trying to be a smuck....i really like that logo...
  5. that picture is funny....in fact that whole thing is so funny, but makes me want to cry...so i guess i would do both...
  6. must have been a good day at the trading desk!!!
  7. i think i am going to buy one of those heat lamps for my bathroom...i always love those things when you are at a hotel...but on the topic of picking up and leaving its tough to leave this area...so much going on yet so miserable at the same time....i was really jealous after reading about mugwump leaving NYC and frolicking around europe...
  8. definitely store your mix on your website and allow people to download it....nobody in NYC will pay to hear your cd....i would rather go on kazza and download some international mixes for free...
  9. drink your ovaltine!!!....thats it???...a lousy commercial???
  10. nah....i like going into depression from a lack of sun...i also like how my feet and hands are about 20 degrees cooler then the rest if my body....if you feel my feet they are like f-ing iceblocks...this whole time of year is my pleeeeasure!!
  11. i double triple dog dare you....ooooooohhhhh....no one can turn down the double triple dog dare...
  12. yeah, basically its a shithole outside....i always wonder why i choose to spend my life in the tri-state when i could be lounging on a beach and enjoying the sun, sand, and fresh air.....instead i breath in fumes, travel through a urban jungle, and hangout in dank, dingy, places while poisoning my body...I GUESS THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THIS PLACE JUST DRAWS YOU IN!!!....
  13. I am stuck here at my parents house for the weekend and I just realized something....there is nothing to do here in Jersey during the day besides going to the gym....I think back to when I lived at home and all I did was go to the gym for like 2 hours everyday and I actually was in 3X the shape I'm in now....There is just nothing else to do here...maybe I'll go back to the gym and try to get my horseshoe triceps back....anyway...I really have no point, but now I definitely have a better understanding behind Jersey people and their obsession with their bodies.....
  14. isn't that flashpoint's front cover in your avatar? thats fucking hillarious....gonna have to get these love films!!!....
  15. ...brilliant!!!....actually, i had this thought....ever see collegefuckfest.com?....i want to start a NYCfuckfest.com....like stage it as if you are hotspots and shit in new york city and you end up meeting some hot slut and then you bring her back to like a loft in soho or a maybe jaysea's brownstone....and film it....i think the world would be interested to check this out...collegefuckfest took off....i think anything like that in new york city would take off....maybe even make it a spoof on sex in the city, but full out porn style....let me know if anyone wants to start this with me....we could squeeze at least a half-a-million out of this idea!!!
  16. you would be suprised when you are really fucked up as well....logic seems to fly out the window and you just keep telling yourself we can wait this out and everything will be all right....plus you just start thinking of all the trouble you will be in if you go to the hospital....however...my sister is a nurse and says that every weekend people are in the emergency room due to drug overdoses and its a good thing that they found their way there....i would recommend first thing on the list would be to call a friend who is sober, smart, and able to make it over to the house asap.....see what they say and follow it.....i don't do g, but i have had a experience w/ a friend who took a really wacked pill and it was a long f-ing night.....turns out she was dehydrated to begin with and forgot to drink anything for like 3 hours....we were not even dancing - just sitting around her apartment......so my first step would be to have the person start pounding gatorade to make sure they are hydrated (if they are coherant)....then get a sober friend.....scary story and glad you are ok....ghb is just way to borderline to fuck with....glad i have never had the urge...
  17. why don't we just move the entire country of isreal to new mexico?....its so tiresome to hear that people keep trying to kill them.....
  18. i got stuck going there for a couple of corporate parties.....its honestly the one of the worst places in the city...however....its supposedly one of the best salsa/latin places in the city......but i feel for you....spending over an hour in that place is torture.....it caters to an older latin crowd....
  19. park avalon on 31st/32nd.....best western on 32nd.... try looking on citysearch.com - new york.....no need to really have to stay in midtown....you can get anywhere in about 15 minutes by subway or cab...
  20. i'm stuck here at my parents house and its pretty boring....better then work.....
  21. i can seriously wait the extra 45 minutes for it to kick in rather then stick a pill in my asshole....that is one of the wierdest things i have every heard...i can only imagine a bunch of little ravers sitting around and convincing each other that its better to insert drugs into your brownstar vs. swallowing it....unbelievable!!!
  22. i usually go with a straight glass of kettle one with a couple of olives + either 2-3 nyquil gel caps or tylenol pm's....by the time you get half way through the glass you ready to drift off...
  23. house parties are great...i remember sitting on a couch listening to a junior cd for like 3 hours...only three of us in the room shooting the shit with the lights down low....great times....cold showers feel great....lying naked in bed with a hot girl is also fun...just make sure you have expensive sheets and a fluffy comforter!!
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