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Everything posted by copahc

  1. haha is that your gf?? hehe
  2. rocksteadyct - what is blue like? Yeah I've been meaning to go to vibe sometime. I'll have to go with different friends. Do you like it?
  3. Some of you must be from CT. Do you know any good clubs in Hartford? I haven’t been there in a while. I’m looking for a place that doesn’t just play techno, house music etc., because my friend only likes to dance to hip hop (he’s weird). So can anybody suggest where to go? I don’t want to go to the brickyard, I HATE it there. Suggestions would be appreciated . Thanks.
  4. I’m already addicted to CP. I can’t believe it. It’s like a drug. I didn’t know what to do with myself when the page was down. It was pathetic. Well maybe because I’m trapped at my parents house with nothing to do, and It’s freezing outside and it’s snowing! I’m afraid to go out shopping because the crowds might eat me. The stores will be all picked over anyway since they all opened at 6:00 A.M.!!!!!! Where is everyone today? Still sleeping? Stuffed full of turkey and pie and unable to move?
  5. My parents have one of those cards for their satellite, but the cable company always zaps it and they have to get it reprogrammed. It's been happening a real lot lately. It happened last night and they just got it back 2 days ago.
  6. I'd say go somewhere else. Have you been there? I don't really like that place.
  7. So what do you look like? I got 2 real CT IDs but they expired a month ago. I don't know how hard they look at those things...
  8. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!! I plan on eating too much. Especially pie. The diet's off today Yay!!!
  9. Shit, I pay $56 fot digital cable, with no movie chanels. Hmmmmm.... am I getting ripped off?
  10. Yeah, I get the rest of the week off too, But today is dragging on and on and on Nobody at my company is doing any work today and half the people didn’t bother showing up. Ughhh… 2 more hours
  11. I'm dying of boredom. Somebody IM me! Copahc
  12. You can bid on Eminem's old house. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1788349972 What A deal!!!!!! who are these people? and what are they thinking?
  13. FAVORITE COLOR TO WEAR? Tan, natural colors FAVORITE DESIGNER? ???? DO YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT MAKE-UP ON AND IF SO, WHERE? Gym, Sometimes to work TOP 3 FAVORITE STORES TO SHOP IN (RIGHT NOW)? Charlotte Russe, Express, Bebe "I HAVE THE MOST ______ IN MY WARDROBE" I’d have to say – sweaters (damn winter) SOMETHING THAT YOU'LL NEVER WEAR NO MATTER HOW TRENDY IT IS OR BECOMES? Sweatpants, those shirts that hang off one shoulder, acid wash jeans, leg warmers, hot pants WHAT KIND OF STYLE WOULD YOUR IDEAL MAN/WOMAN HAVE? Semi – baggy, stylish clothing for casual, dark designer suits - formal WHICH CELEBRITY WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE A WARDROBE WITH? Biance Knowles WHICH CELEBRITY'S WARDROBE SHOULD BE BURNED? Gwen Steffani I hate how she dresses BEST FASHION TIP YOU GIVE OR HAVE RECIEVED? It’s painful to be beautiful
  14. I want free TV. Bring on the comercials. I pay too damn much for cable anyway.
  15. Once I got a boyfriend a stocking full of individually wrapped gifts and he really liked it. You can put in a whole bunch of things... CD, DVD, sunglasses, watch, gold chain, gift certificate (especially to a Best Buy or something), cologne, candy,... etc.
  16. AGE: 24 TOWN: Mystic, CT SINGLE/RELATIONSHIP?: I've got a boyfriend FAVORITE BARS/CLUBS: I have yet to find anything that I would call my favorite HAIR/EYE COLOR: Dirty blond I guess/Brown eyes HOBBIES: Having fun!, running, spending to much time on the computer, traveling COLLEGE/PROFESSION: Engineer LOVES: Traveling, dancing, laughing, my bird, exciting and friendly people, weekends, shopping HATES: working, deception and dishonesty, having my heart broken, cleaning, COLD
  18. Cool everyone, thanks for the advice lol, that might be good to send to someone else
  19. OK. I need a little advice on this gift I wanna get my man this x-mas. We are going to be in Las Vegas for the holidays so I thought I might do something cool for him while we are on the trip. He’s obsessed with BMW’s so I thought I would rent him a Z4 for a day or two (I wanted to get an M3 or something, but they don’t have any, I checked). So, I know he would love this, but the downfall is that it cost about $200 a day to rent and you only get 100 free miles. So I don’t know if it’s worth it. I plan on getting him a present too, because I don’t want it to be bare under the tree. So is he going to be thrilled or think I’m an idiot for spending so much money??
  20. Looks like we have enough people to have a kick ass party. I nominate clubrat98's room for the party hehe I've been thinking I wanna hang out on the streets for a while on New Years Eve, sounds like there will be alot going on.... Then maybe go to an afterhours club. I'm going to be there for a week, so there's plenty of nights to go clubbing. Why spend $150 for cover on NYE when there'll be a prty on the street?
  21. I was picked on in junior high because they said I had hair like the dog in Waynes World. Those bastards!
  22. Copy and fill out for fun 1. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? Between 6:30 and 7, although it should be much earlier 2. IF YOU COULD EAT LUNCH WITH ONE FAMOUS PERSON, WHO WOULD IT BE? Eminem (Because I think he's hot and I want to do him, lol) 3. GOLD OR SILVER? Gold 4. WHAT WAS THE LAST FILM YOU SAW AT THE CINEMA? Red Dragon 5. FAVORITE TV SHOW? Real World 6. WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR BREAKFAST? Tea and a muffin 7. WHO WOULD YOU HATE TO BE LEFT IN A ROOM WITH? I'm not going to answer that 8. CAN YOU TOUCH YOUR NOSE WITH YOUR TONGUE? No way, I have a short tongue 9. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Hmmmm... Money 10. WHAT'S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? Ayn 11. BEACH, CITY, OR COUNTRY? Beach 12. SUMMER OR WINTER? Summer 13. FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Anything Ben and Jerry's 14. BUTTERED, SALTED OR PLAIN POPCORN? Buttered 15. FAVORITE COLOR? Purple 16. FAVORITE CAR? I want a silver convertible Ferrari like that one I saw in Boca 17. FAVORITE SANDWICH FILLING? Ham, Salami, and Provalone from the Italian deli down the street from my parents house 18. TRUE LOVE? what's that? 19. WHAT CHARACTERISTICS DO YOU DESPISE? Lying 20. FAVORITE FLOWER? I can't decide, I like them all 21. IF YOU HAD A BIG WIN IN THE LOTTERY? I'd have Penthouse in NYC, own an afterhours club, and chill on my yacht in the Caribbean for the winter 22. FIZZY OR STILL WATER AS A DRINK? Still (bottled). 23. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BATHROOM? Purple, Tan and White 24. HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? 2 Keys, a remote thingy, and 3 keychains 25. WHERE WOULD YOU RETIRE TO? I haven't been enough places to pick the one I want yet 26. CAN YOU JUGGLE? IF YES HOW MANY? Hell no, I can barely even walk and chew gum at the same time 27. FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK: Saturday 28. RED OR WHITE WINE? Red 29. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? My sweet boyfriend brought me out and cooked me dinner and gave me lots of presents 30. U CARRY A DONOR CARD? No
  23. Congrats! I think I'll be dead before I get 1000 posts.
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