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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by copahc

  1. Hey..... where'd you get all those smilies?
  2. I think it just got in through the walls somehow. I live in this really old house. It wanted to come in from the cold probably. Poor little guy. lol
  3. I'm originally from Bristol, and I moved to Mystic less than a year ago, so I don't know many people from the area. Where are you from?
  4. Well, I graduated about 1 year ago. Age: 24. I’m a nuclear propulsion engineer. I live in Mystic, CT. I have a boyfriend and he is a sweetie-pie. It’s a relatively new relationship, I was single and “whoring it up” for about a year I like this board too, I feel like I’ve found my home
  5. Speaking of walking into the bathroom.... This morning I walked in my bathroom right after I woke up and there was a dead mouse floating in the bowl. Isn't that gross? It freaked me out. I didn't even want to pee after that
  6. I don't know, I still seem to be having issues with the boards. It doesn't tell me when someone replies to my thread anymore, in my profile, and I get a lot of errors.
  7. uh oh, lover's quarrel
  8. copahc


    watching the snow bury me into my house...
  10. Is it really that bad out? My company will never let us out early. And if they do advise that we go home, we have to use our vacation time. I’m not gonna do that. Fuck it.
  11. Lol, that sounds a lot like me. The worst part is… I go to bed early too I rarely stay up passed 11:00 on weeknights. When I was in college I don’t think I was ever once in bed before midnight. I like being a night owl so much more… I hate getting old
  12. I don’t have to come in this early, normally I get here around 8 or 8:30. Today I just needed a ride with someone so I came in early. Now I don’t know what to do with myself. I think I’m still half asleep. Going in at 9 is cool, but I HATE working ‘til 5:00. I feel like the whole day is over. It’s dark already when I leave work. I HATE that.
  13. So…. Was I the only one at work at 6am today?? All you college kids probably just went to bed. Ahhh those were the good old days… sigh HaHa I sound like I’m forty or something
  14. LOL, that is really cute... VEGAS BABY NYE in VEGAS
  15. Never mind that... Donald Rumsfeld??? Are they on crack? Ben Affleck is cute, but the "sexiest man alive" status makes me want to
  16. So did you end up hearing any news on this? Something must have happened to cause that. A threat or something. There is so much the media is not telling us.
  17. We would hope to think that most of us are smart enough to know that about the media, but sadly enough, most people aren’t. There are so many people out there that don’t even realize how many innocent civilians are being killed by our bombs. There’s a reason those people hate us over there, and the media never portrays that to us. I’m glad to see some people think beyond what is socially excepted. I'm sure if you had said that on TV you'd be labeled as "un-american." Preach on brotha…
  18. I sympathize my friend. Finals are Hellish. I recently graduated and there’s nothing that could make me go back there and take those tests again. I still have dreams about having tests the next day and homework due…and then I wake up and realize all I have to do is go to work and play on the computer
  19. OHHHH I just figured it out. LOL, I didn't see that thread before. Yummy
  20. Hmm are those like Scooby Snacks?
  21. Awe... you brought back so many memories! Bring back the fraggles!!!!! Poor kids today, don't know what they're missing.
  22. Maybe we should reserve a table or 2 one night for all the CP peeps that will be in vegas. If he can get us all comped into the club, I'm sure we can spend $300 in booze Anybody else think this is a good idea?
  23. copahc


    haha I guess so
  24. I heard a commercial for T-mobile that said 1000 whenever minutes and no roaming in the U.S for like $35 or $39 /month sounds too good to be true, was i imagining it?
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