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Posts posted by vipnerd

  1. Originally posted by jcbliss

    chris on the 11th then slacker on the 18th and then a little birdy told me we have quivver aug 1st?? what a summer this is.. what a summer this is - chris fortier is going to destroy this place.... big time!

    :D :D :D

    I <3 this little club ... :eek: :eek:

  2. Originally posted by jcbliss

    for those of you not familiar, across the pond in the UK at a superclub called renaissance, they have a wicked resident dj named marcus james - today I recieved my advance copy of the sound of renaissance mixed by marcus james and I was completely blown away.. the fucking cd is amazing and its no wonder such a talent has earned the honor of resident dj at one of the finest club nights in the Universe.. here is marcus's bio just for you too take a peek at - pretty damn impressive if i do say so myself...:idea:



    D.O.B: Too long ago!

    Sex: Male

    Residence: Nottingham

    Profession: What's work?

    Status: Single… as ever

    Weight: Hey mister, get off the scales!

    Star sign: Virgo by birth, Leo by nature

    Most used phrase (not including swearing): Top

    Fashion: Avoiding anything with a collar like the plague

    Smokes: Marlboro Lights

    Drink: Red wine or vodka, preferably lots of either

    Marcus James began DJing on the sunny shores of Blackpool during the halcyon days of the North West boom in 1990/91. Instantly captivated, a set of decks in the form of a birthday present lead to hours of bedroom turntablism. Today this timely investment is paying dividends as, alongside guesting at some of the finest clubs around the country, Marcus is one of the Renaissance residents.

    Marcus's professional career initially began via a number of competition successes in 1996. First was the opportunity to spin at the Hacienda's 'Young, Gifted and Slack', a night devoted to exposing the best up and coming DJ's from around the UK. However, it was shortly after this the real breakthrough came in the guise of Muzik Magazine's (then relatively new) Bedroom Bedlam. This national exposure was highlighted further the following July when the magazine included him in the 'Cream of Bedroom Bedlam', a feature article pinpointing six previous winners who were most likely to explode onto the club scene.

    Since then Marcus has remained true to the article's promise and his CV now includes Cream, Ministry of Sound, Basics, Gatecrasher, Golden and, of course, Renaissance. He has also been developing his international profile and has played as far afield as Miami, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore (Zouk), Brazil (Sao Paolo), Amsterdam, Germany, Beirut, Montreal (Angel Moraes’ Stereo club), Hungary, Romania, Denmark, Ibiza and Harrogate to name but a few.

    In a statement to Muzik Geoff Oakes said, "...listening to his tapes I get the same feeling I had when I first heard Digweed." This compliment truly sums up Marcus's versatile musical style, being as comfortable playing deep US/UK house as he is with the more commonly associated peak time progressive fare.

    Outside of the DJ circuit Marcus has started a monthly one-hour radio mix for the 'Renaissance Clubland Collective', which is broadcast weekly on the Ministry of Sound's Digital station. This is also streamed through to their award winning web site, currently averaging 500,000 hits a month!

    In June, 2001 he teamed up with fellow Renaissance resident Nigel Dawson to do a mix CD for Muzik's Ibiza cover mount, which was the year's best selling issue. Last year Marcus completed his first full mix album - 'The Sound of Renaissance', a 2 x CD compilation set, now on general release. On the subject of this Marcus says, "I think all at Renaissance were keen to produce an album that people would want to listen to. My sound has always been slightly housier and vocal, so the album gave me the perfect canvas to express this."

    Marcus has just finished the follow-up to ‘The Sound of Renaissance’, which is out now. On the subject of the mix, Marcus says, “It was great to have the opportunity to continue the ‘TSOR’ series. It was a repeated challenge which I hope people will have as much fun listening to as I did mixing it.†The album has since been released to critical acclaim, picking up ‘Album of the Month’ in M8 and Ministry, Australia!

    In the midst of all this Marcus also finds time to work in the Renaissance office, where he generally lounges around listening to music on the pretence of running the Renaissance/USR record labels. So, if you hear any tracks on either which don't appeal, direct all complaints to him!

    With production a high priority, continued exposure and bookings throughout the year the future for Marcus is both bright and exciting…

    get this cd people - its absolutely mind blowing... this is the guy too look out for~

    :bounce::D ... Marcus James' Renaissance CD is awesome ... have never sen him spin live :D ... can't wait to listen to the new one :eek: ...

    Renaissance ... at NERVE? :eek::D :D :D

    I <3 this little club ... :hat:

  3. I see your point Saleen ... very valid ...

    Now ... I doubt Roly and Biz will pull out of the release this Saturday ... so here is my solution ...

    Grab the ugliest mixes you guys have ... those that make no sense ... and label them as Roland -Lunar Sessions ...

    Get on line and have those archives open for the peepz at Kazaa and Soulseek ... let them download and think they are getting the real deal ... but do this with 15 different ones ...

    Their search for ripping the boyz of their revenue would have failed ;) ...

    At least this way ... for the three weeks people won't know which is the real one ... or they would spend more time downloading and listening to the wrong CD ...

    BTW ... this confusion will only benefit Roly ... peolple will search and search for it ... most of them won't buy it anyway :mad: ... but will know of Roly and the 'mistery" behind his release ... :hat:

  4. Originally posted by funketeer

    I'm calling you on the cel and all I get is some electronic girl's voice...do you have a robot for a secretary?


    It is called MetroPieceofShit:blank:

  5. Originally posted by happyface

    El dia que me muera quiero que pinten mi cajoooooon de rooojo y blaaaaaaaaaanco como mi corazon.que alegria que alegria..................thats right VIP the love never dies in fact it grows stronger when your arche rival win.


    p.s. enjoy it while you can

    sayonara ... my son :D :D :laugh:

    PS: A los de River les dicen:" GALLINAS ESTERILES" ...

    porque no saben lo que es poner HUEVOS :tongue::D :D

  6. Originally posted by funketeer

    Government Warns of Mass Hacker Attacks


    WASHINGTON (AP) - The government and private technology experts warned Wednesday that hackers plan to attack thousands of Web sites Sunday in a loosely coordinated ``contest'' that could disrupt Internet traffic.

    Organizers established a Web site, defacers-challenge.com, listing in broken English the rules for hackers who might participate. The Web site appeared to operate out of California and cautioned to ``deface its crime'' - an apparent acknowledgment that vandalizing Internet pages is illegal.

    Read the full story by clicking here!!!

    No reviews for Sander then :( :( :mad:

  7. Originally posted by guyman1966

    :otopic: GET OFF MY THREAD :laugh: :laugh:

    Hey, if Nerve can find a way to make it without LP... go for it!!!!!

    Ask Jon about it ... I am not involved there on a constant basis ... plus there are a couple VIP's/beds that suit your demands for entertainment :eek::D

  8. Originally posted by saleen351

    lol, they are rioting in argentina over soccer:laugh:

    Yep ... :D ... Football (the game they use the feet to play) ... brings that up in almost every country worldwide :D

    In your lifetime ... you can change cars ... girls ... almost anything ... but the one thing one won't change is the love for your football team ...

    It differs from the love for one's mother due to the fact that one didn't choose his mom ... it was assigned by nature :eek:

    Finally ... the love for your football team is a sentiment ... and you enjoy victory as much as rubbing that victory on your adversary's face :D Right Happyface?:laugh: :laugh:

    PS: I have learned to grow a father to son love with Happyface in the past few months :D :D :D

  9. Originally posted by guyman1966

    Also, they had a great crowd last night and the place still looks empty because it holds 74,000 people. The Marlins need a 35,000 seat ballpark. Just to help improve the atmosphere.

    This is the same reason why Nerve will own Fridays very soon ;):eek::D

  10. Este Boca es un equipo ... un equipo de los que llevan la firma de Carlos Bianchi ... senor de copas ... senor de America continental ... Desde la seguridad del eterno suplente ... el Pato Abbondanzieri ... hasta la explosion de calidad de potrero y atrevimiento al futbol de siempre ... de Carlitos Tevez ... Este Boca llego al pentacampeonato con siete triunfos consecutivos ... cuatro de ellos de visitante ... marcando trece y recibiendo tan solo tres fuera ...

    Es contundente su hegemonia en este ultimo lustro ... esa hegemonia con la que suenan los otros ... cuando los que participan valen menos que un peso argentino cuando salen fuera ... Quedaron en el camino dos ‘grandes’ ... Por que a pesar de lo que nos hallan ensenado nuestros abuelos ... "las gallinas no tienen huevos" ...

    Y asi nos vamos acostumbrando a hablar japones ... de forma casi automatizada vamos conociendo de sus horarios y costumbres ... Y nos acordamos de llevarle regalos a los

    concierge en el hotel de Tokio ... Buscamos entre los souvenirs algun yen que nos sobro ... y que la mayoria no podria usar mas ... Hasta en eso es grande Boca ... nada queda como un recuerdo ... su vida es una realidad ...

    Los paulistas siguen buscando al once ... como los calenos aquellas noches por las semis ... Pero esta vez su complice fue un leon que llevaba el cinco ... como aquel recordado Gallego del 78 ... gigante atras ... mas grande aun en la doble pared que sentencio este penta ...

    Y cuando mas desesperadamente buscaba el imposible el Santos ... cuando levantaba carcajadas el “al empate†de algun excedido en cachaza ... aparecio el Chelo para ... sin mirarle a los ojos ... humillar a esos 70,000 y al resto de los 200 millones ... El de Schiavi solo sirvio para demostrarle a los que miraban por TV ... que este es un equipo ... no una danza de ‘estrellas’ ... El Chelo halago a sus companeros ... a pesar de ser el partido de su

    despedida ... Asi demostro una vez mas ... como cuando llego Bianchi a Boca ... que este no es un cabaret ... este es un equipo ...

    Para teminar ... de aqui a Diciembre tan solo quiero aprender a decir algo ... como se dice en italiano “Sigan participando?†...


  11. Originally posted by meng


    :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Sabes como le dicen a River??

    Papa Noel...

    Porque se viste de rojo y blanco y ademas

    no existe :D :D :D


    mequieromatar@soyderiver.com :D

  12. Originally posted by laliux

    Ease up on the partying dude. I see you got a 4 day partying this weekend.... :D

    See ya on Saturday at Space for Sander.

    Y dale Bo!!!!!! :hat:

    I party for a living :D :D :D

  13. Originally posted by vipnerd


    "Papi: En tu día quiero decirte muchas cosas... En primer lugar que siempre , pero siempre voy a estar feliz con aquello que me dijiste y me lleno de orgullo: "Ser tu hijo preferido". Quiero que sepas que siento una gran admiracion por vos y que aprecio todo lo que me has enseñado y yo tan torpemente nunca pude aprender, siempre me "apoyas" por asi decirlo. Estoy plenamente orgulloso de ser el hijo de alguien tan grande y glorioso como vos. Vos fuiste siempre un padre que día tras día me dió un ejemplo de vida, me demostraste que con garra, corazón y siempre para adelante se consiguen muchos éxitos. Papa te quiero pedir perdón por todos los arrebatos de hijo engreido, quizas en otro momento te subestime, pero es producto de mi falta de madurez nunca en mi vida dude de tu grandeza. Gracias por brindarme la experiencia de tus victorias y Gracias por "apoyarme" en mi fracasos. Tu hijo preferido... River Jrs"

    It's all good :aright::D :D :D

    bump :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes::D

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