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Posts posted by vipnerd

  1. Originally posted by funketeer


    Because Audioslave has only one record worth of songs, they've been playing covers during their tour to compensate and fill up the time for a whole set.

    Click on the link below and see them perform The White Stripes' "Seven Nation Army" at Germany's Rock-Am-Ring...a real treat!


    Click me!


    Cool video :cool: ... have you heard the remixes to that song Funk? ... Austin Leeds got a dope one ... if it is useful for you at work ... lemme know ... :D:hat:

    PS: Are you coming to Howells tomorrow?:confused: ... call me :D


    "Papi: En tu día quiero decirte muchas cosas... En primer lugar que siempre , pero siempre voy a estar feliz con aquello que me dijiste y me lleno de orgullo: "Ser tu hijo preferido". Quiero que sepas que siento una gran admiracion por vos y que aprecio todo lo que me has enseñado y yo tan torpemente nunca pude aprender, siempre me "apoyas" por asi decirlo. Estoy plenamente orgulloso de ser el hijo de alguien tan grande y glorioso como vos. Vos fuiste siempre un padre que día tras día me dió un ejemplo de vida, me demostraste que con garra, corazón y siempre para adelante se consiguen muchos éxitos. Papa te quiero pedir perdón por todos los arrebatos de hijo engreido, quizas en otro momento te subestime, pero es producto de mi falta de madurez nunca en mi vida dude de tu grandeza. Gracias por brindarme la experiencia de tus victorias y Gracias por "apoyarme" en mi fracasos. Tu hijo preferido... River Jrs"

    It's all good :aright::D :D :D

  3. Originally posted by andrewthomas

    quick question

    is all the drama really worth it?

    is it really worth it for 3 different clubs to be claiming to have the biggest 4th july party

    we all know there isnt enough clubbers in the area to fill all these venues

    but every week u all still decide to go toe to toe.

    dont u think u guys could make more money and a better party if you swallowed some pride and joined forces and put on a party together?

    everyone is adults we can all comprimize

    the way i see it we got maze space and nerve all doing parties every friday

    now instead of bashing eachothers parties u could make agreements to NOT book headliners on the same night another club is having a headliner and if your doing an afterhours party you would help promote thepre parties then in return the pre party people would send clubbers to ur afterhours.

    hey never know maybe u can really team up and start a new party all together

    in NY clubs work hand in hand with eachother and thats why parties are a succsess

    All that is changing soon ;) ... STAY TUNED :eek: :eek:

  4. Originally posted by rcrespo

    This week with Phrankadelic and Domingo Castillo. Phrankadelic is a first timer at Jazid but not to Miami's scene playing numerous dates at both Tantra and a guest appearance at DHM's downtempo night at Blue he will sure to continue in the tradition of DJ's we continue to bring to Jazid. Domingo is coming back to Jazid after a wicked first night a couple of weeks back. He plays just about anything.

    Phrankadelic will be opening the night and will be playing till about 11:30 - 12:00 and Domingo will play till close.

    As I say every week 'expect the unexpected'

    This should be an amazing night of music.

    Jazid is located at

    1342 Washington Ave Miami Beach

    For any qustions or comments regarding Sundays@Jazid please contact me at ramon@restrictedmgmt.com


    Ramon Crespo

    Restricted Management

    :aright: ... will be there for sure this time Ramon ...

    Btw ... Phrankadelic played last Tuesday March 18th at P:M Session's WMC party ...

    Good luck guys ... see you Sunday :hat:

  5. Originally posted by biznation00

    Here are some interesting facts about Cuban-Americans. This

    information was obtained from the US Census Bureau:

    Cuban Americans have acquired an enormous amount of wealth and prosperity in an extremely short period of time. No other immigrant group has achieved this as quickly as the Cubans. Many immigrants have never achieved it at all, despite being in this country far longer than Cubans. Second-generation Cuban-Americans were more educated than even Anglo-Americans. More than 26.1% of second-generation Cuban-Americans had a bachelor's degree or better versus 20.6% of Anglos. Thus Cuban-Americans in 1997 were approximately 25% more likely to have a college degree than Anglos.

    Other Hispanic groups lag far behind. Only 18.1% of South Americans had a bachelor's or better. Puerto Ricans, despite being U.S. citizens by birth, recorded a disappointing 11%; Mexicans only 7%. In 1997, 55.1% of second-generation Cuban-Americans had an income greater than $30,000 versus 44.1% of Anglo- Americans. Thus Cuban-Americans are approximately 20% more likely to earn more than $30,000 than their Anglo-American counterparts. All other Hispanic groups lag far behind in average income. In 1997, 36.9% of second-generation Cuban-Americans had an income greater than $50,000 versus 18.1% of Anglo- Americans. Cuban-Americans were twice as likely to earn more than $50,000. Also, approximately 11% of Cuban-Americans had incomes greater than $100,000 versus 9% of Anglo-Americans, and less than 2% of other Hispanics.

    Cubans comprise less than 4% of the U.S. Hispanic population, Mexicans 65%, Puerto Ricans 10%, Central and South Americans 11%, and "others" 10%. Yet of the top 100 richest Hispanics in the U.S., more than 50% are of Cuban descent (ten times what it should be on a population basis), and 38% of Mexican descent. The rest is scattered among all other Hispanic groups.

    Great economic envy, felt by other Hispanic and minority groups towards Cubans, exists. Also, Anglo Americans see Cubans as a group that "is unwilling to assimilate".

    How about that! ;)

    Is it that Cubans have sort of genetic advantage that makes them so successful? ... is it the similar weather? ... is it their 'development' and further control of a city with high tourism and the natural port for exports to LA? ... or should they thank Fidel for their success? ...

    Hint: The only communist country in L.A. is Cuba ...


    i) Immigration laws that give them ... after 366 days ... the freedom to produce legally ...

    ii) Union of political agenda ... which translates in a 'religious' kind of employment favors ...

    iii) No country to go back and spend six months leisure time as opposed to Puerto Ricans ... the only other legal nationality ...

    Just think about it ... ;) ... the key is the 366 days ... :hat:

  6. Originally posted by sobe2003

    Why not continue to grow the mullet out - looking pretty good.

    BTW - I heard that if you buy 11 truck driver hats at Urban Outfitters you get your 12th one free - you must be close.

    Damn! ... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blown:

  7. Originally posted by funketeer

    Sorry, my bad ;)


    Aren't you missing a number?:confused::rolleyes::D

  8. Originally posted by funketeer


    Ok guys, watch closely as our subject grows dilusional and begins to compare himself to the owner of the biggest night-club in south florida (from which he's been banned) usually this specimen is not easy to find so please enjoy the beauty and splendor of being able to observe it on its natural habitat, the infinite universe we like to call "a message board"


    :eek: :eek: :eek:

  9. Originally posted by spacious

    This just in from UPI... Space security reported that they caught Saleen inside Space's Studio 34 party. Supposedly he managed to skip the watchful eyes of the front door and the cameras by dressing in drag. Some say he was dressed as Madonna and other's Cindy Lauper. The description I got sounded more like Saleena. Anyway he was discovered when the liquid nitrogen system blew off his wig revealing his naked, white, bald head to a very surprised and buff "Village People" construction worker who thought he had scored for the night. Upon realizing that the girl (Saleena) of his dreams was really a Jerseyboy, the guy knocked Saleen out. Security stepped in and took them both out to the alley where it was plain to see that this wasn't just another Madonna wanna be. When asked how he didn't realize that it was in fact a guy he was making out with, the construction worker replied..."dude I was feeling her/him up and down all night and I didn't feel anything."

    horror.gif:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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