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Posts posted by vipnerd

  1. Originally posted by james954

    it might be up later. for now, click on the link for "listen now" then click on "the blue room" and hear another awesome show from chris coco and rob da bank... the first min or 2 are NOT the show, so wait that part out. ;)

    :aright: ... Thanx for the info James ... :) ... see you in 7 ... at Space 34 for Profesor Howells and Ali :D :D

  2. Originally posted by mrmovement33

    jon, u have made my night!!!:D chris fortier was one of my favorite sets last year along with steve porter. he is bloody wicked. he made me dance my arse off from beggining of his set to the very end. much like infusion on 6.13.03 i will be counting the days down until this event. then you and ariel baund assisting in the therapy for the evening. hooray!!!! long live house music!!!!!:) jon, last year whan i heard chris fortier i was sick with a terrible flu. but after i heard his set i was 100% better. amazing how beautiful music can work magic;)

    :aright: Thanx Jon ... :D :D :D ... music ... music ... music ... :hat:

  3. Originally posted by happyface

    LMAO!! :laugh:

    VIP BOSTERO VIGILANTE!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh:

    Les habiamos dado la chance de la semi ... pero prefirieron que humillaramos a los "salados" de Cali :rolleyes: ... ahora ... ya saben en Brasil como es : "... son todos negros ... son todos putos ..." :D :D :D

    Les digo esto desde ahora ... al Milan lo clavamos ... Maldini ni va a saber quien es el # once ... como los calenhos ... :tongue:

  4. Originally posted by happyface

    Tienen el CULO de campeon....................el segundo gol ni el chelo lo podia creer y mucho menos todos ustedes................

    Algun dia te daras cuenta que algunos ponemos HUEVOS para salir campeones ... otros el "culo" ... :eek: :eek: :D :D :D

    j/k :tongue:

  5. I appreciate your efforts ... and hopes ... I'm sorry for last nite thou ... remember ... as the slogan for the Olympics goes ... "the importance is to compete ... not to win" ...

    Btw ... I have some spots in my agenda opened for pool classes on ... Wednesdays from 4:23 to 5:17 pm .... and Fridays from 10:14 to 11:18 am ... :tongue::D :D

    I'll hook you guyz up with a good deal ;):D :D

    Laterz :hat:

  6. Originally posted by rcrespo

    For those of you who were not at Jazid you probably missed one of the best music nights in a long time here in Miami. Austin played just about everything from ambient to downtempo to tech-house to straight 70's funk. I had a great time and I thank everyone who stopped by. I think we have a good thing going and Austin will definitely be back. :)

    I'll write a more thorough review when I have a chance but I'm off to work now.

    I'm sure as people wake up we'll see some other comments. :)

    Thanks Again!

    Agree with you 100% Ramon ... music was awesome ... Austin played a very diverse set ... loooooved those funkier tunes ...

    As to the place ... I believe it is the perfect setting for this nite ... chilled ... confortable ... with space to dance ... even the journey downstairs to the bathroom is fun as we are able to listen to the band downstairs at least a little :cool:

    Cp was in full effect last nite ... awesome to hang with you peeps ... you rock! :D ...

    Thanx to the Resticted Management boyz for creating this interesting and fun nite ... I'm a regular there on Sundays now :D:D:D

  7. Originally posted by rcrespo

    Chakra - I am has gotten the breaks treatment by none other than Wrecked Angle should be seeing a release at some point in the future. If you saw Sasha at 34 then you heard it :)

    Yep ... and Noel Sanger has been producing some really good stuff as well ... :D:hat:

  8. Originally posted by saleen351

    Edgar v @ Maze - Trance Classics night.... after seeing his pulling power, and with many of us liking old trance (yes old mid 90's trance was good) it will pack the joint.

    That gets me excited....

    Lately quite a few older trance songs have been redone with breaks ... leaving you the melody of the original trance song but introducing a friendlier beat :) ...

    Jonathan Lisle used a few ... like Atlas- Compass Error (Hishams breaks mix) ... simply awesome when mixed with good progressive house and progressive breaks (a la Infusion) ... his closing song was Bedrock- Emerald (Grayareas Lawsuit remix) ...


  9. Originally posted by saleen351

    vip, i talked to someone about you yesterday.. Though i can't remember who, (too many long island ice teas), they told me you use to own a clothing store down there, and did very well. So anyways, we had this convo, and i said clearly you do well, and your parties do well in sobe, and i hear you do them in south america as well... However, i simply don't like the music you guys do. Though i've only been to one or two parties, one i remember was at maze, and though while their was a crowd, and they seemed to like it, it wasn't my thang. I think you have a niche market. Now i don't know if Infusion was a PM session thing or that was a bliss thing, i'm still confused on that one, but i spoke to jon and he gave me the scope on what he would like to do, and i like it.

    It has nothing to do with you being sucessful, you clearly are, but you just don't get me fired up like the other guys...

    Though i will say, you are clearly a reason why sobe is still hanging on, and not needing cpr.... Without crobar and maze and you guys, and yea even those deep house fucking wackos (who I hate, i want my 4 hours back after seeing them on the patio) sobe would be dead.

    You gotta remember i favor more of the NYC sound and scene, and what jon does is simular, and maze is going in that direction.

    though if i were you i'd do:

    Edgar v @ Maze - Trance Classics night.... after seeing his pulling power, and with many of us liking old trance (yes old mid 90's trance was good) it will pack the joint.

    That gets me excited....

    ps, post what PM sessions is, give me your objective statement and what you try and do... I"m still confused on aquabooty and what you guys do....

    Thanx for the words Saleen ... we do always 100% of what is feasible ... Shoot me a PM with your e-mail and I'll be happy to send you some info ... ;)

    As to last Friday June 13th ... with Infusion and Dave Seaman ... it was a joint event with Bliss' Jon and P:M Sessions ...

    Infusion rocked it ... as well as Jonathan Lisle the week earlier ... the latter not your cup of tea ... but can proudly say we brought down both acts ... back to back .... for their first non-WMC appearance ... Infusion is probably the best live act in electronic music today ... and are getting better and more confortable by the day ... As to Jonathan Lisle ... he is in the top of the 'real nubreed' DJs ... Lisle will be HUGE soon ... :cool:

    The near future has some NICE surprises ... keep tuned ... will rock SOBE ... including you Saleen :eek: :eek: :D :D :D

  10. Originally posted by sgtfury

    this just happened to a good friend of mine:

    my buddy met a girl, they started going out. after about 2 weeks, she told him she was on the pill and that she definetely didnt want kids....of course 2 weeks later she turns up pregnant. hes got no money, shes got no money...they have no relationship...but she becomes dead set on having the baby. it begins to seem that she wants the baby just because he trys to tell her its not a good idea...nevertheless, she demands to have the baby. so my buddy trys to make the best of it..he goes into debt to rent a apartment for them..to try to give the baby some sort of normal family. once my buddy and this girl start living together..she is nightmare..he takes 2 jobs because she refuses to work. (keep in mind, they barely know each other) so the baby comes and she continues to refuse to work and my buddy goes further into debt and exaustion from working nearly a 80 hour week. finally, he begs her to get a least a part time job to help pay for the bills...she works for about a week and then decides that its gonna be cheaper for her if she moves back in with her family and that way she doesnt have to work at all..so she grabs the baby and leaves........

    so..now she has the baby..and wont let my friend see him. my buddy has to get a lawyer...ok 2500 bucks just as a retainer..its now 3 months and the state has yet to determine TEMPORARY custody...in the meantime, becuz she was the first one to grab the baby...he has to pay her money every week. and what he has to pay is based upon his income...hes got a shitload of bills..but the way its set up...it doesnt matter....i think he has to pay her almost 100 bucks a week...he pays for the health insurance and the day care in addition. DOES IT REALLY COST 100 BUCKS A WEEK TO FEED A 9 MONTH OLD BABY???...no it dont...so she doesnt work and pockets the money..

    hey guys...the systmem ridiculously favors women when it comes to this shit...wear a condum.


    :( :( Don't tell me she's Puertorican :confused::D

  11. It was like going back in time ... literally ... maybe five (5) years ago? :eek:

    From the djs ... and their music ... to the memorabilia ... to the vibe ... :D:D:D

    Great event Jon ... music on point as alwayz ... Luis Diaz and Jon going back to back ... better system now thou :D:D:D ... nice to see some faces from back in those days ...

    Digital ... got nostalgic huh? :tongue:

    To end ... and go back to sleep for a few more hours ... thanx for the hook ups to Carmel (need that Groovejet tee) and Franchi ...

    Laterz ... :hat:

  12. Originally posted by missmo

    Hi Andy. Let's get one thing straight right now. if you're going to make a fool out of yourself by talking shit about the "girl DJ with no friends" be specific. Say, for example "Sage Molotov is a girl DJ with no friends." But of course you'd be wrong about that. My booking was confirmed at 6 PM Fri. eve and I had 150 people who paid to see me, saw me, and loved me, and wanted more of me. I don't suppose you even know 150 people now, do you?

    And of course, you're not a DJ, are you?? Because as far as I know, the DJ's I have met and worked with during my 7 year career have always been very positive, inspiring people. You are neither. You have issues that need to be worked out with a trained professional and until you seek help, ANDREW THOMAS, you will be sentenced to a life of misery. Maybe you don't have anything really GOING for you. How can you with that attitude?

    But I will say this: No one feels sorry for me, as you say. People are proud of me and love to support me, regardless of the venue because I have TALENT, drive, and confidence. Maybe when people go out of their way to drop YOUR name on Luis' desk we can talk. But 'till then baby. . . tuck that tail in and run the other way. Because you're certainly no match for ME.

    SAGE MOLOTOV :blown:

    Sage ... I think you read the post wrong ... AT was referring to Florencia ... an argentine promoter at Space .... who I happen to know and it ain't cool bi***ing about her ... but whatever ...

    Apparently AT was pissed at Florencia ... he did allude to you but in no disrespectful way ... as he still was referring to Florencia ...

    Anyway ... I'm extremely hung over from last nite ... and am not anyone's lawyer here ...

    BTW ... congratz on the gig yesterday ... and on your future ones as well ... the CD you gave Carla and I that Monday of WMC is dope ...

    This is what AT wrote: ...


    wowww i got a whole lot to sayyy

    but im gonna bite my tongue

    i get there like 4:30 ish not only do i have to wait in like for 35 min but they charge me out the wazzo to get in the fuckin place i even had comp cards and reduced cards neither of them worked..

    that fat fuckin cunt florenza or whatever her name is .... welllll

    the girl used to live next door to me i used to hook er up lovely with shit at clubs and shit now she thinks shes big time cause shes promoting at space

    well guess what trolll go fuck yaself cause ur going down..

    i asked her to get me off the line i was willing to pay she couldnt even get me off the line..

    i told her thats fucked up and she tells me to go fuck myself


    LP get rid of that girl she lies to other people thats working ith the party

    she even called gabby and told him not to go to space cause she was having a girl dj instead of him

    thats shadey shit to do to ur own djs

    besides who can that girl possably bring

    she has no real friends , people just associate with her cause they feel bad for her..

    get rid of her and pocket the extra money ur saving , do urself and everyone else a favor

    as for pvd well i missed him and im glad cause im not a pvd fan anyway

    edgar was playing good had the crowd moving

    as much as i hate trance edgars the man he can pull it off well

    its 7 am and im gonna go hit the sac now

    all alone

    anyone wanna join me??


    Vip :hat:

  13. Big ups to Carlos and Freddy ... woot! ... haven't been back to Limebar in about four months ... and owed Carlos this visit a while ago ...

    What can I say ... really happy to see a packed house 'til close ... very nice looking crowd ... fresh and fun ...

    OK ... I might get attacked for this ... but ... Ivano Bellini threw a pretty nice set ... left the anthems home ... and didn't even mess much with the obnoxious tribal ... he indeed played a very interesting set which had the crowd going ... Really sad I missed Oscar's set ... got there a little late ... I owe you one Oscar :cool:

    I like the idea of the bar in the back Carlos :aright: ... and really loved the overload of fog ...

    You can see the hard work of these two promoters ... my utmost respect to both ... you have a little jewel in your hands guys ;)

    Last but not least ... big thanks to Jimmy T (and congratz on your new residency :clap: ) got me pretty buzzed ... and to Happyface still celebrating for Boca a day later :eek::D :D

    Still hung over ... :mad: ... my review of Nerve ... like it should be ;) ... in a separate thread when I wake up ... :hat:

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