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Posts posted by vipnerd

  1. Originally posted by eddyguerra305

    Originally posted by vipnerd

    But as Lola said above ... maybe if their management ... specially now that they have someone finally posting in here for them ... hear some of the thoughts US clubbers have ...

    i agree 100%.

    also imma try to go by and hear infusion 2nite, 1st shot is on me, but then i gotta get back to work


    :aright: ... it will be my honour Eddy ... :hat:

  2. Originally posted by eddyguerra305

    vip i must agree with you about the guest dj comment, but being that i do the saturday party now i see whats going on, and i can tell you that we are very stuffed on saturdays @ crobar, actully it is imposible to walk. also cedric has been doing a very good job on saturday's there and the way that managment looks at it is if it isnt broken dont fix, but i personaly would like to see some guest dj's. other than that i believe that it is still the best saturday party in miami, the people look great its busy , and the music is off the chain.

    (my opinion is not biased b/c m brother is a part owner and i work there, im just stating facts)

    I know Saturdays are still busy Eddy ...

    But as Lola said above ... maybe if their management ... specially now that they have someone finally posting in here for them ... hear some of the thoughts US clubbers have ...

    I believe Klit hit the nail in the head when he said: ...



    Originally posted by livin42nite

    I love crobar, but I think even they realize theyknow they need a change now in regards to their lineups. Crobar might still be able to pack them in right now, but now the recognition is not the same. I remember when I first came here crobar was the bomb. Every couple of weeks they had some great talent down here, now as lola said don't think anybody has really played since nick warren and I remember the vibe in there up to now. Out of all the clubs I've ever been to and not taking anything away from the other clubs, but it was at crobar that the music really got the best of me. THat and classics night at space, but crobar with sasha and then with nick warren were just nights that have been very hard to top. Crobar can certainly bring a great vibe they just need the right djs and right now they have not been booking them and whie they continue to make money their name is not as strong as it used to be. I still love ya crobar but get your shit together.


    As I said before ... I used to 'live' at Crobar ... to the point where had I saved all my $$$ I spent at the bar I would be your brother's partner now :D ...

    It is that international recognition to quality as oppossed to mere entertainment what I believe we are discussing ...

    BTW ... good luck ALWAYS in all your ventures :hat:

  3. Originally posted by livin42nite

    I love crobar, but I think even they realize theyknow they need a change now in regards to their lineups. Crobar might still be able to pack them in right now, but now the recognition is not the same. I remember when I first came here crobar was the bomb. Every couple of weeks they had some great talent down here, now as lola said don't think anybody has really played since nick warren and I remember the vibe in there up to now. Out of all the clubs I've ever been to and not taking anything away from the other clubs, but it was at crobar that the music really got the best of me. THat and classics night at space, but crobar with sasha and then with nick warren were just nights that have been very hard to top. Crobar can certainly bring a great vibe they just need the right djs and right now they have not been booking them and whie they continue to make money their name is not as strong as it used to be. I still love ya crobar but get your shit together.

    we are on the same boat bro ...

    How can anyone forget those nites with Howells ... Timo ... Sander ... Park and Wilson ... Lee Burridge ... Sasha ... Seaman ... Wink ... should I keep on? :confused:

    More than that ... I used to literally 'live' there ... the weekends with no outside talent would drag us for the loyalty ... clubbers learned to LOVE Crobar's vibe ...

    That vibe is not bought with free passes and free drinks ... it is earned by being on top of the game ...

    Well ... enuff nostalgic remarks ... I know how to read thier billboard (love to photograph it btw) ... :hat:

  4. Originally posted by lolahotass

    I agree VIP. I wish they'd bring in some more guest DJ's...

    Nick Warren was awesome.... no one has really come down since then that has caught my eye.

    Well, Victor Calderone, but he spins on Sundays and I have to work on Monday AM....

    As the good folks on their website know, I hype up Crobar majority of the time since I usually have a great time there...... The Crobar in Chicago used to be the shizzznits... albeit the club wasn't as NICE as Miami's, the VIBE blew any single club in South Beach away (thanx to Psycho and Teri)... I wish our Crobar would do that.......

    Maybe if they get some opinions, this will help:D

    I wished they can understand that the location alone won't grant them the loyalty of clubbers ... it will take a true re-focusing of their music nites ...

    IMHO ... if you want to be 'UNIQUE' ... it starts by your DJs ... :rolleyes: ... it is as simple as that ... :hat:

  5. Originally posted by pod

    You're right, they're down to having like 2 decent guest DJs on their roster right now...and rarely at that. Grant it, they've had guests the past two weeks, but I hardly consider a Paul Harris or Ken Jordan DJ set worth checking out, especially considering both come from live acts...call me spoiled, but I wanna see live CM or Dirty Vegas...

    I call it lack of musical direction ... just trying to find an answer to such a change in pace ... :hat:

  6. Originally posted by happyface

    Its true what you said ,but ive seen Seaman twice this year @ Club Spin for conference and also @ Ultra enjoyed both of his sets especially @ SPIN along with Pappas,but he doesnt drive me crazy. I would check him out again but not tonight.

    Have fun!!!

    If I wasn't 'bostero' I think you'd come to checkout Infusion Live ... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    j/k:D :D :D ... support Edgar ... he's a Kool Kat ... :hat:

  7. Originally posted by ogmiami

    DANCE MUSIC/Michael Hamersly hed

    DJ Dave Seaman a man of Nerve

    Since he was 8 years old, British-born Dave Seaman knew he wanted to be a DJ, back in 1976, ``way before DJing was what it is today.''

    Most 8-year-olds are more concerned about watching SpongeBob SquarePants than choosing a career path. But Seaman, who grew up with a steady soundtrack of Beatles, Barry White and The Carpenters, found his muse early, spinning records for school dances and weddings throughout his teen years.

    ''When the DJ revolution took off in 1987-88, I'd been DJing for quite a few years,'' Seaman says on the phone from a Montreal hotel, shortly before catching a flight to Toronto, where he was to spin at Lotus. ``It was just right time, right place.''

    Kind of like his monthly gig at South Beach's beloved Groovejet in 1998-99, ``probably the highlight for me when I lived in America.''

    Seaman makes his gig tonight at Nerve sound like a homecoming, though it's a different venue.

    ''I haven't been down to Miami for a while now,'' he says, ``outside of the [Winter Music] Conference. I'm really looking forward to it. [Groovejet] was a really nice vibe, a good regular crowd, and progressive house was really taking off on South Beach. We had a lot of crazy parties.''

    Tonight looks to capture that spirit: Seaman gets behind the decks with longtime friend and local favorite Jonathan Cowan for a show billed as the five-year anniversary of the old Groovejet residency. To honor that time, Seaman will play a kind of ''journey'' set ranging from the older Groovejet classics to his music of today.

    The guys hooked up in 1996, when Cowan launched Bliss Productions, a dance label whose roster now rivals the big U.K. outfits. Bliss began gaining momentum through shows at Shadow Lounge, with Dave Seaman as its inaugural resident.

    ''We just got on very well,'' Seaman says of Cowan and the Shadow Lounge gigs. ``We partied afterward and had a great time, and we became quite good friends. We moved the party to a few different places, and ended up at Groovejet, which became our home for a year or so.''

    There's talk of doing something similar with Nerve.

    ''Hopefully, this might become a regular night down in South Beach,'' Seaman says. ``Not necessarily every month -- I couldn't afford to commit to every month when there's so many great things going on around the world -- but it'd be nice to do it two or three times a year. So we'll see how it develops.''


    Along for the Nerve ride tonight is the new Australian electronic trio Infusion, whose remixing skill is renowned and whose live show has been compared to Underworld. Raved Muzik magazine: ``Stunning. A force to be reckoned with.''

    Though Nerve is even smaller (400-450 capacity) than Groovejet was, Seaman can tailor his sound accordingly.

    ''You kind of work things out after being there for a half-hour or so,'' he says. ``I mean, last night I played at Stereo in Montreal, which is quite a beautiful club, with a great sound system and all, but it was a Thursday night, and there was really no reason to go all out, so it was an early finish at 3 o'clock.

    ``So there was no way we could go deep and dark and underground -- we played a lot of records everybody knew.''

    It'll be different at Nerve, however, with time for each artist to develop a groove.

    ''Between the three of us, I think we'll take care of all night,'' Seaman says. ``You kind of just work out as the night goes what people need, and as a DJ, that's your job -- to send as many people home happy as possible.''


    Seaman's style of progressive house is similar to fellow giants Sasha & Digweed, Paul Oakenfold and Timo Maas: While the occasional well-known anthem ( Brother Brown's Under the Water, Moby's South Side, Polaroid's So Damn Beautiful) peppers the mix, the tracks flow together seamlessly, dipping into tribal grooves, driving basslines and soaring vocals. Seaman's high-profile compilation CDs for Renaissance and Global Underground, (he plans to release his first artist album next spring) and his more downtempo contribution to the popular Back to Mine DJ series reflect his diverse tastes.

    ''I listen to all sorts of different music,'' he explains. ``If it's a great record, it's a great record. I'll buy anything -- I mean, Christina Aguilera's Beautiful is one of my favorite records of the year. And I thought Justin [Timberlake]'s album was fantastic. I listen to as much different music as I can, because there are only two styles of music, you know? Good or bad.''

    Seaman avoids the dance-music snobbery that can befall some DJs.

    ''There are great country-and-western records and there are crap techno records,'' he says. ``So how can you say techno is better than country and western? It's as simple as that.''

    •_Dave Seaman spins tonight at Nerve, 247 23rd. St., Miami Beach, along with Infusion, Jonathan Cowan and resident Ariel Baund; doors open at 10 p.m.; $20; open bar till 12; 305-695-8697.

    Thanx Dade ... :aright:

    BTW ... this appeared today in The Miami Herald ... :hat:

  8. Well ... nice to finally see SOMEONE officially posting here for Crobar ... :aright:

    Two things to keep in mind ... for the sakes of a great club gone down hill ...

    1) Start looking for fresh new faces that have and/or can create a following ... and I'm referring to DJs here ...

    2) Get some of that great talent booked again ... how many times can you bring down JW? ... and then noone else for sooooo long?

    Your image gave you the $$$$$$ ... even more so than location ... heard from direct sources that "working there was no longer what it used to be ... very Hialeah crowd now" (no pun intended) ...

    How do you change this? ... it is more difficult to correct a bent tree once it's grown ...

    Your door was always your IMAGE ... Teresa is a KOOL KAT ... with the right door people you will get those "floaters" on Washington Ave. ...

    But to get the locals ... those who filled with vibe the main dance floor and ... the "A"" list that filled your VIP (no pun intended again):D ... you will need more than just free admission ... free drinks ... you NEED to give them a quality product ...

    Surely you can fill a Saturday night there ... the idea is to get the 'Cream of the crop" clubbers once again ... and for this you need a musical director with BALL$ to decide was is the best interest for your club ...

    I think you know what I mean by now ... good luck ... I still LOVE CROBAR ...


  9. Originally posted by pod

    joke. Everyone I know that's been to Vegas says it's only really good for the casinos. There's maybe one decent club in town, and it's in a fucking hotel. I've been to those, and they're generally horrid.

    But back to the subject at hand, what I think is happening over there at Space with this is that some promoter managed to convince the powers that be that their night would be profitable. My real question remains, is the hip-hop audience going to go, considering most are swallowed up by Level, the various little clubs on Washington, and the back room at Maze?

    Lets face it ... for the hip-hop crowd ... this is a new venue ... with 24 hour liquor license ...

    Remember the good old days with Shadow ... and the rest of Sobe clubs? ... what happened when Space first opened? ... a place where you can party without looking at your watch ... your body will tell you when to leave :eek:

    I guess it will depend how many "shots" your body can handle (no pun intended) :D :D :D:hat:

  10. So ... this is the deal for tomorrow nite ...


    OPEN BAR 10 -12

    Please make sure you guys e-mail Jon Cowan at Jonnyk1@aol.com or Marco at marco@phatmusic.org

    Please don't send us your name plus number of people ... each cper will have up to two more friends in the reduced guestlist ... but we need their names ...

    Jon explained yesterday the reaches of this event ...

    Hope to see many faces tomorrow nite ... and please ... don't forget to e-mail us ... it has been a pretty long week for us and it will get only more crazy as we prepare the stage for Infusion and all the sound details...


  11. So ... this is the deal for tomorrow nite ...


    OPEN BAR 10 -12

    Please make sure you guys e-mail Jon Cowan at Jonnyk1@aol.com or Marco at marco@phatmusic.org

    Please don't send us your name plus number of people ... each cper will have up to two more friends in the reduced guestlist ... but we need their names ...

    Jon explained yesterday the reaches of this event ...

    Hope to see many faces tomorrow nite ... and please ... don't forget to e-mail us ... it has been a pretty long week for us and it will get only more crazy as we prepare the stage for Infusion and all the sound details...


  12. Is Jimmy T that guy who promises to give his CD and afterwards they are MIA? :mad: :mad:

    Will I ever get to hear it?? :confused:

    Will I have to wait for the whole board to review it before I am able to listen to it? :rolleyes:

    BTW ... who is Jimmy T? :tongue::D

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