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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by vipnerd

  1. Rain sucks as much as trance ...
  2. Cool video ... have you heard the remixes to that song Funk? ... Austin Leeds got a dope one ... if it is useful for you at work ... lemme know ... PS: Are you coming to Howells tomorrow? ... call me
  3. CARTA DEL DIA DEL PADRE: MI PAPA ES UN IDOLO "Papi: En tu día quiero decirte muchas cosas... En primer lugar que siempre , pero siempre voy a estar feliz con aquello que me dijiste y me lleno de orgullo: "Ser tu hijo preferido". Quiero que sepas que siento una gran admiracion por vos y que aprecio todo lo que me has enseñado y yo tan torpemente nunca pude aprender, siempre me "apoyas" por asi decirlo. Estoy plenamente orgulloso de ser el hijo de alguien tan grande y glorioso como vos. Vos fuiste siempre un padre que día tras día me dió un ejemplo de vida, me demostraste que con garra, corazón y siempre para adelante se consiguen muchos éxitos. Papa te quiero pedir perdón por todos los arrebatos de hijo engreido, quizas en otro momento te subestime, pero es producto de mi falta de madurez nunca en mi vida dude de tu grandeza. Gracias por brindarme la experiencia de tus victorias y Gracias por "apoyarme" en mi fracasos. Tu hijo preferido... River Jrs" It's all good :D
  4. 8 pm ... Be there ... or be [] :D
  5. We'll be there celebrating ... all Cpers are welcome .... No Cover ... $5 Heinekens ... See you guys there .... Lots of arse Music by Tevez and Chelo Dale Booooooo .... :D
  6. All that is changing soon ... STAY TUNED :eek:
  7. I'll be selling some hand-fans ... a la geisha style ... as long as Howells makes it to the terrace ...
  8. ... will be there for sure this time Ramon ... Btw ... Phrankadelic played last Tuesday March 18th at P:M Session's WMC party ... Good luck guys ... see you Sunday
  9. Is it that Cubans have sort of genetic advantage that makes them so successful? ... is it the similar weather? ... is it their 'development' and further control of a city with high tourism and the natural port for exports to LA? ... or should they thank Fidel for their success? ... Hint: The only communist country in L.A. is Cuba ... Therefore: i) Immigration laws that give them ... after 366 days ... the freedom to produce legally ... ii) Union of political agenda ... which translates in a 'religious' kind of employment favors ... iii) No country to go back and spend six months leisure time as opposed to Puerto Ricans ... the only other legal nationality ... Just think about it ... ... the key is the 366 days ...
  10. Aren't you missing a number?
  11. ... what about Diggers??
  12. vipnerd

    Help ...

    On what channel is Monday Nite Football?
  13. I'll be there this Thursday and Saturday
  14. vipnerd

    Ive Got Itt

    Very nice AT ...
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