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Everything posted by vipnerd

  1. Talk about international trade ... :laugh:
  2. No Cover is a one hour segment dedicated to electronic music ... airs only on Fridays ... 9 -10 pm The Roof is every nite ... deals mostly with rap and hip-hop ...
  3. April 12 is ... Saturday! ...
  4. :laugh: ... you need a job .... in a circus ... lol ... :laugh:
  5. vipnerd


    :( 4-1-03 ... what a day ...
  6. April 12th ... just before their US Tour ... Tyrant at Fabric ... with Paolo Mojo ... :eek: http://www.fabriclondon.com/sections/diary/sub_3.asp?secure=false&thedate=12-Apr-2003 :D BTW ... anyone knows Tyrant's confirmed schedule for the US tour? ...
  7. Please take a time to read this ... SARS is pretty damn serious ... http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/health/jan-june03/sars_3-31.html Vip
  8. In all of the above countries we went in with western ... mostly democratic allies ... or at the very least with their approval ... Your simplicity is yet to be proven correct ... there is no proven link between Iraq and Osama ... furthermore ... as aggressive investors are called bullish ... aggressive political figures are called radicals... Give some thought to the following ... In every war but one ... the government had media control ... the one is the one we lost ... Vietnam ... The government's position with this war ... in terms of allies ... differs from all others ... having most of the world oppossed to the war made it imperative for the White House to have the media on their side in order to have public opinion support their action ... The embedded reporting we are watching diverts our attention from worldwide repercussions ... coverage ... But this same embedded reporting puts at risk our own strategic moves in the battlefield ... "we have plenty of water ... food ... but we are low in" ... The pictures of wounded enemy soldiers ... dead civilians ... have a view in the rest of the world and at home that resemble the infame days of Vietnam ... don't help our position at all ... According to Michael Savage from "The Savage Nation" (MSNBC Saturdays at 5 pm ... author of the book under the same name ... and conservative talk radio position http://www.msnbc.com/news/882201.asp ) ... had we had embedded reporting during WWII ... we would have probably lost the war ... Bush's need to start the war before losing more space with the world's objection to immediate action ... accelerated our own actions ... the interpretation of a tyrant's country oversaw the fact that a tyrant digs deeply into the minds of their people ... thru fear and evil organization ... The Vietnam war was lost by civilians calling the orders ... the military has made clear the need to avoid those mistakes ... it is a post-Vietnam approach and position ... In the "cornered" rush in which President Bush sent us to war there has been a miscalculation of the reality of going into this war ... Rumsfeld's own view of our present war ... one that takes precedence on the Gulf War of '91 ... has created a civilian/military crisis already ... there was no need for it ... (go to http://www.pbs.org/newshour/newshour_index.html ... and click on Sunday March 30th ... War Plans ... if you have speakers and Real Audio) Today ... Peter Arnett has stopped reporting for NBC ... MSNBC ... and for the National Geographic Explorer ... this because he gave an interview to the Iraqui television ... Fox's Geraldo Rivera kicked out of Iraq by the military ... for revealing information which was critical for the safety of our troops ... Iraq is betting on an extension of the war ... one that can solidify opposition in the rest of the world and a swift in public opinion in the US ... but most importantly seeking arab help ... http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/syria_03-31-03.html ... Had we been patient ... got our allies to back us ... and to do this we needed to have behind curtains meetings with them ... get to an agreement ... before we defiantly want them to follow us ... "because we are a military power" ... Most things done in terms of Iraq ... by President Bush ... ARE NOT IN THE US's BEST INTEREST IMHO ... it is far from criticizing merely for criticizing ... no one doubts our power ... it is how wisely we use it ... There is almost a no way back with embedded reporting ... we grew accostumed to it in the past two weeks ... Without the embedded reporting ... what will the networks focus on? ... the daily briefing on the war ... and ... I would imagine analysis ... world views ... other networks images ... if there are any ... HERE IS WHERE THE SHIFT IN PUBLIC OPINION MOST LIKELY WILL START ... What a mess ... Bring our troops back home to their families ... safe ...
  9. I give up myself ... BTW ... in reference to public opinion on the war ... if U got speakers you can listen to it on Real Audio as well ... http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/middle_east/jan-june03/opinion_3-30.html
  10. vipnerd

    South Beach

    I believe DHM plays at Slak in downtown every other Friday ... they used to play the Aquabooty party on Saturdays ... in the upstairs room ... All this unless they are doing it at Maze on Fridays this time ... I didn't know thou ... Anyway ... the worst weekend of the year to make it to Sobe ... I would try Vegas ... or the Jersey Shore ... For driving distance ... it is the perfect weekend to go to Key West ... but make sure you get homeowners insurance b4 you leave town ...
  11. And the day after ... Jonathan Lisle played a siiiiiiiiiiiiick closing set at P:M Sessions WMC at Reserved ... Demi ... playing HIS party ... in London ... :D I am fo shizzy trying to make it ...
  12. vipnerd

    Why Can't We ...

    Can anyone help me with the name of the above song??? :confused: ... It is in Paolo Mojo's Music is Freedom ...
  13. vipnerd

    Why Can't We ...

    Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year. How long a minute is depends on what side of the bathroom door you're on. Birthdays are good for you; the more you have, the longer you live. Happiness comes through doors you didn't even know you left open. Ever notice that the people who are late are often much jollier than the people who have to wait for them? Most of us go to our grave with our music still inside of us. If Wal-Mart is lowering prices every day, how come nothing is free yet? You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person. Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once. Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened. We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors....but they all exist very nicely in the same box. A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour. Vip
  14. vipnerd

    Why Can't We ...

    :rolleyes: :party: :party:
  15. vipnerd

    Why Can't We ...

    Because it works! ... :mad:
  16. vipnerd

    Why Can't We ...

    Why is it a rule? ... :confused:
  17. vipnerd

    Why Can't We ...

    Because it's a rule! ... :mad:
  18. vipnerd

    Why Can't We ...

    Why can't we ? ... :confused:
  19. vipnerd

    Why Can't We ...

    Because you can't ... :mad:
  20. vipnerd

    Why Can't We ...

    go to the bathroom if we have to ... :confused:
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