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Everything posted by vipnerd

  1. Bump this beotch where it belongs ...
  2. The Friday b4 ... this is March 10th ... we had a private opening for LP ... EV ... and Vip's friends ...
  3. Happy birthday Dan ... party on ... :party: I'm on my way to buy your B-day cake at ...
  4. LOL :laugh: ... It would go something like ... a - ter - cio - pe - la - dos ... One of the coolest bands from Latin America ... the chick is dope ... both in character and talent ... this will be my start of the nite ... oh well ...
  5. You need both a manicure and pedicure ... ________________ 3/23/03 Terrace Closing Party at Space 34 w/Sharam and Sasha
  6. Lunar Sessions and the terrace at Space 34 deserve their own residents ... to add to Roland ... You guys have two clubs in one with this terrace ... :D
  7. Congrats OScar ... RE-COG-NI-ZEEEEEN ...
  8. I was delirious with fever all weekend ... had to put some ice cold patches on my head ... underarms ... and next to my b@ll$ ... it really sucked ... When the fever went away ... due to the overheating of my body ... I had heat rashes on my chest, back, rib cage and neck ... For a moment I was afraid of that new Asian flu or something like that ... Still haven't recovered 100% ...
  9. The Public Broadcasting Service: An Overview PBS in Brief A private, nonprofit corporation whose members are America’s public TV stations. Founded in 1969. Provides quality TV programming and related services to 350 noncommercial stations serving all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and American Samoa. PBS oversees program acquisition, distribution and promotion; education services; new media ventures; fundraising support; engineering and technology development; and video marketing. PBS Member Stations 171 noncommercial, educational licensees operate 350 PBS member stations. Of the 171 licensees, 87 are community organizations, 57 are colleges/universities, 20 are state authorities and 7 are local educational or municipal authorities. The Public Television Audience The public TV audience reflects the social and economic makeup of the nation. 70.9% of all American television-owning families - 75.7 million households representing 143.6 million people - watched public television in October 2002, with the average home tuning in for over seven and a half hours during the month. PBS Education Services PBS KIDS / PBS Ready To Learn helps to increase school readiness for all of America's children with an unrivaled line-up of educational and entertaining children's programming each weekday, coupled with short educational video spots. The value and impact of these programs are enhanced through outreach services provided by more than 140 local PBS stations to their communities, including workshops, free children's books, a magazine and other learning resources to help parents, teachers and child-care providers prepare young children to enter school ready to learn. PBS Ready To Learn collaborates with a number of organizations at the national and local levels in the development and delivery of these services. Ready To Learn is supported by the U.S. Department of Education. The PBS Adult Learning Service, a partnership involving local PBS stations and colleges, provides college credit TV courses to nearly 400,000 students each academic year. PBS is the #1 television resource in the country for classroom programming, according to Cable in the Classroom's three national surveys of teachers and school librarians. PBS Programming Activities National Program Service - the major package of programs PBS distributes to its member stations. It features television's best children's, cultural, educational, history, nature, news, public affairs, science and skills programs. Programs are obtained from PBS stations, independent producers and sources around the world. PBS does not produce programs. PBS Digital Leadership PBS.org is not only the most visited dot-org Web site in the world, it is also the home of comprehensive companion Web sites for more than 500 PBS television programs and specials, as well as original Web content and real-time learning adventures. With hundreds of thousands of pages of content to explore, visitors to award-winning pbs.org can delve further into the subjects they most enjoy — from news to history and the arts to science and technology. PBS member stations are digital television leaders, from groundbreaking work in interactive TV and a monthly schedule of original high-definition programming to the PBS KIDS Channel and PBS YOU multicast services. Public TV Funding Public TV's total national, regional and local revenue in FY00 totaled $1.6 billion, according to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Leading sources of revenue: members (23.5%); state governments (18.3%); CPB and federal grants/contracts (16.4%); businesses (16.1%); state colleges and universities (6.5%); and foundations (5.5%). 4.5 million individuals and families contributed $380 million to public TV in FY00. PBS Budget PBS' operating revenue has grown from $262 million in FY98 to a projected $324 million in FY03, a 24% increase in just five years, largely from non-member revenue sources. This revenue growth has enabled PBS to invest more in three key areas: national programming, advertising and promotion, and PBS.org. January 2003 ___________________________________ For a quick and easy link to the underwriters .... click .... http://www.pbs.org/insidepbs/annualreport/2002/Underwriters.pdf Peace ... Vip
  10. At the Albion Bullitt party ... Howells and Desyn had some sick ... sick moments ... Djs I would like to see as residents at Space 34's terrace ... Howells ... Lawler ... Desyn ... Sander ... Tyrant ... :D
  11. A quarterly would be ... :eek: Signed ... Vip:hat:
  12. I'll be there ... 4 sure Jon ...
  13. Congrats Greg and Tony ... BEST OF LUCKS ...
  14. Down the page ... on the left ... reads ... page 19 ...
  15. Obby ... I don't hate you ... I don't even know what that word really means ... In any event ... I applaud your position ... and RESPECT it ... Not agreeing with you or a few things this administration has done make me ... and a few others ... believe in democracy ... In the rest of the world ... where there are more radical ... because there are more than two parties ... there are liberals ... both to the left and to the right ... and we are seen as liberals to the right worldwide since March 19th ... Our criticized French ... and Germans are seen as the Conservative ... again I'm illustrating world politics ... not American politics with this ... I'm not trying to convince you ... I'm informing you ... PS: PBS is public ... non-govenmental ... Vip:hat:
  16. You can fool some of the people all of the time ... you can even fool all of the people sometimes ... but you can't fool all of the people all of the time ...
  17. Sincerely and deeply sorry to know that guys ...
  18. You are so right ... Problem is LP built a club in downtown ... not at the AA Arena ... did you ever hear of something called SUPPLY and DEMAND?? ... To explain it even more clear ... The supply is the amount of "space" at Space 34 for clubbers to fit in ... The demand ... the overwhelming number of fans during WMC 2003 that went nuts with the line-ups LP, Biz and DM brought down ... Either you can afford to pay and see what you like ... or you can't afford to pay what you like ... hence you stay at the beach ... Everyone is free to decide ... and/or go thirsty ...
  19. The US helped France during WWII because it was in their best interest ... that doesn't mean they own their mind ... every country is sovereign and acts in the best interest of their own population ... respect to this principle is of utmost importance in a civilized world ... In any event ... the issue in debate is the precedent being established by the unilateral use of force in 2003 ... Saddam is a tyrant ... murderer ... should go ... have you stopped to think what would have happened if China was the one going in? ... in order to defend the world of terrorism and of weapons of mass destruction? ... Peace ... Vip:hat:
  20. As of Wedenesday March 19, 2003 ... The US position is liberal (to the right) ... the non-coallition countries are the conservative ... Main Entry: con·ser·va·tism Pronunciation: k&n-'s&r-v&-"ti-z&m Function: noun Date: 1835 1 capitalized a : the principles and policies of a Conservative party b : the Conservative party 2 a : disposition in politics to preserve what is established b : a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change 3 : the tendency to prefer an existing or traditional situation to change PBS gives both sides of the story a chance ... anywhere in the world where you watch PBS ... PBS would be called conservative ... You can look through the key hole ... but you are welcome to open the door ...
  21. Obby ... I support our men and women in the military ... they are one of us fullfilling orders ... I just suggest you to take an hour of your time ... daily ... and check the PBS News hour every day at 6 pm ... It has a more objective view of this war ... not because they show images that the other networks don't show ... it's because they tend to have the non-govenmental expert's view ... scholars and professors who have an unbiassed view of the current events ... but a biassed view of American history and world history ... The war with Iraq has positioned the US on one side ... alone with their not even handfull of allies ... Western allies and even Communist China and reformed Russia are not siding with the US position ... there is one simple answer ... and it ain't their economic treaties with Iraq ... It is because the excuse to go into Iraq was ... is ... and will be weak ... the US can be the military power ... but it failed to convince the rest of the world why they should go in now ... History will tell us ... that ... because of a terribly executed diplomatic effort by this administration ... one that failed to integrate its closer allies ... the US reshaped the way the world powers could act ... and hopefully won't ... What is the difference between the US intervention in Iraq and ... Israel bombing the Palestines and knocking Arafat out of government ... or Russia going back at Chechnia ... or the Chinese getting hungry over Taiwan? ... If unilateral force can be justified in the US's best interest ... all of the above scenarios could be justified in their own best interest context ... The world united in the war against terrorism after 911 ... every nation condemned it and collaborated in the cause ... There was no solid argument/prove linking Iraq to Osama ... the reasons we are in there are clear to the rest of the world ... the "just" precedent of using force in the other side of the world to satisfy this nation's best interest could reshape the future of innocent people in the likes of Palestine ... Chechnia ... Taiwan ... If that ever happens ... we will try to persuade via diplomacy ... doubtfully in military matters ... We have thrown the first stone ... in the post-Cold War era ... history will tell us what the outcome of this action will be ... you can call war opposers in this country a minority ... they are the overwhelming majority in this world ... that same world of economic ties and democratic dreams we so eagerly strive for ... Lets support our troops ... they don't deserve to be there ... they were sent there ...
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