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Everything posted by quest4sunrise

  1. SHIT! Now the whole AFC east is wide open! What is going on? Lucas was decent, mainly because of luck (almost got picked 4 times), but decent nonetheless. Ricky is still getting stuffed. Agh, it's so frustrating!
  2. I don't know if Ft. Lauderdale will run Miami into the ground or anything, but it is getting to be nice. I don't know too much about it, but I went to Mercury Lounge last night to see David Padilla and it was nice as hell. Cheap cover and drinks, fun crowd, and overall, a nice new experience. They alone are getting Taucher, DJ Icey (CAN'T WAIT), and Edgar in the next few weeks. Big thanks to Greg for introducing me to Padilla, I'm horrible with shit like that because I'm easily starstruck. Oh and, good God, how nice was that girl you were with?!?! Anyways, It is getting much better
  3. Huh?? I'll be 23 on November 21
  4. probably March 22 - 27 or something. It's definately in the March 20's somewhere
  5. When are you leaving? I thought it wasn't until late December. Oh yeah, and don't forget the PvD shows AS WELL AS Tiesto
  6. Hey Arturo, did you have fun last night? Welcome to this board!
  7. Bassline and Housessions, eventhough Bassline is extinct now. It was my favorite night though
  8. that's the thing, I can't find it ANYWHERE. Edgar just e-mailed me again confirming it, so it has to exist. Shit, I hope its a legit place.
  9. It's in West Palm Beach somewhere and Edgar V will be there this Friday. Does anyone have any clue where it is, exactly? Has anyone ever been? I need directions coming from Miami Shores
  10. Nothing. It is what I wake up to and carry on throughout the day. I alternate between the different styles. Trance is the predominant factor, but if I feel like chilling, I'll listen to some progressive stuff. For cleaning and chores, I listen to breakbeats. If I wanna get rowdy, I'll listen to some drum n' bass. If I'm feeling suicidal, I'll put on some Happy Hardcore (J/K) Mostly trance though
  11. they need Fiedler back! For as much bashing as he gets, he at least keeps the defense honest and opens up the game for Ricky. Im pissed cause I love Ricky, but he can't do shit when defenses only have to worry about him. Therefore they stack the line and create a dead end situation. You don't realize who good something is until it's gone. Get well soon Jay!!
  12. that is EXACTLY what I was looking for!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Yeah, but let's not use this study as a means of justification either. We'll do what we do, the important thing is to be mindful because, eventhough these guys say it's not bad, we all know to much is not good as well
  14. Anybody know of any? I need to rebuild my library. Plus I'm going to soon be hosting a radio show on my campus, so any info would be great. At the moment, all I have is kazaa
  15. Space - Dec. 27. Does anyone know when GLOW CLOSES????? I have decieded to definately go there instead because it is on the way to NY and, now, I am going to NY for NYE
  16. Hey, I live in Miami, but I'll be in NYC for New Year's. Anyone know if anything as been planned yet?
  17. When does Glow close? That is my most pending issue. If I can see him for the same amount of time that I would be able to in Miami, I probably will see him in DC since I'd be able to spend more time with family and introduce him to my old friends from home
  18. THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING!!! BRING BACK EDGAR! BRING BACK EDGAR!! BRING BACK EDGAR!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and what the hell happened to Armin not hapenning? C'mon Mr. Puig! We all love your creation and such is evident by its place among the World's top clubs! Actually there are a few nice ones located on the 5th and 6th moons of Jupiter too, but one of the best in our World at any rate However, I wonder if he thinks Armin wouldn't pull a crowd? I know he would and I'd love any info on what happened and if there will be a make-up date. BRING BACK EDGAR FRIDAYS!!!!!!!!
  19. I know Tong-y will be @ Crobar. Anything else? Will Acosta be @ Level? I might do that. I'm sooo desperate for a dance!!!
  20. Hey everyone. Just got an e-mail from the V-man himself. He will be spinning @ Club Gossip in West Palm Beach this coming Friday. I sure as hell will be there. Anyone else interested? Maybe we'll all get together and go since it's not quite as close as Space
  21. I'm happy. 3 (PvD, Tiesto, AvB) of my top 5 were in the top 5!!! Johan was a bit low at 50. Edgar wasn't on at all, but that's ok because he knows he is loved! And besides, it is a popularity issue. I mean, some people are just sheep. In instance, there was an NBA all-star game a few years back and Grant Hill and Alonzo Mourning were voted to start when they had probably played 15 games... combined. Tiesto, AvB, and PvD definately deserve their places. LONG LIVE TRANCE!!!!
  22. Hey, Im thinking of seeing him at Glow instead of Space in December. What time does Glow close during special events? How long do you think he will spin? Any info on this would greatly influence my decision, thank you
  23. He plays on DJ Pete Dekan's weekly radio show. He's also an active member of this board. I respect Oscar, Stryke, JC and everyone else, but I'm a trance/breakbeats kind of guy. Call me old fashioned, but that's just what "does it" for me
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