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Everything posted by quest4sunrise

  1. Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know I am back and will be a regular contributor/night owl once again. I missed you all in suck ass NC, but I kept up with the topics soooo.... Here is some news 4 ya: I saw PvD in DC on the 28th. I have seen him 7 times and this was HANDS FUCKING DOWN the best I ever saw him spin, therefore it was my greatest clubnight ever as well since better music = better time. He was epic, he was vintage, he was beyond human, he was... just Paul. 2 encore sets and instead of ending at 4, he closed... and still came to the side to greet fans and sign autographs. Fuck the fact that he isn't a great crowd interactor (a la Tiesto). he is the People's DJ And speaking of PVD, I saw his schedule and he will be @ Space on March 21 and Ultra on the 22nd. I might not be able to wait that long (ONLY 2 MONTHS!!!) so I might see him in NYC on Feb. 14
  2. Ok, ok, maybe I blew a little hot air in claiming myself to be as such. Ha, but I also think my points are legit to everyone they encompass
  3. Ha, looks like its another lump of coal in our stockings :laugh:
  4. And so the quest must go on! In this thread, I am the quest4enlightenment. Here's a head's up: If you really read my post, you will see I am not bashing hooking up with "piegeons" or whatever at all. Step up to my level and read my words. I think people are just reading a sentence or two and taking it out of context.
  5. Ok, if I don't get one woman to support my views on this board, than I will PERMANENTLY shut my trap about such issues
  6. I need to get in contact with you before I leave tomorrow morning so we are squared away for the holidays
  7. First time Ricky ever saw snow, he ran for 200+ And if you are hating on the Bears now, why did you start a thread about them. Look, if Fiedler doesn't screw up, the D plays consistent, and the habd the ball to Ricky, no one is better than them
  8. It has nothing to do with sensitivity. If y'all wanna go hoot and holler and random "pigeons," please, by all accounts do so. I will not interfer or demoralize that effort. Where I come in however, is when people start pissing in their own water supply. There are girls on this board and there are guys on this board. Is everyone in agreement? My conflict, and call to action (for that matter) comes when what is said of them is confined to one thing. I mean, if you want to just look at other women as ass, that is ok. I am not knocking that. But we are all on this board for one reason: to discuss music and clublife, so my concern is that we don't hinder the women's opinions on this board and further lead them to believe that everyone is just out to f*ck them. As guys, we think, "Well, shit, if everygirl regressed their thoughts to only wanting to f*ck me, that would be awesome" Sounds good, right? Well, they have to put up with that shit waaaaay to much in the real world and all I am saying is I do not believe they, personally, should be subjegated to the same shit on this board. In summary, I say if you wanna give in and whistle at some "pigeon," that's ok, but don't do it to these girls because, from my experience with them they are cool as hell and who the F*CK are we to mess with that?!?!
  9. Hello, Haters? Are you still out there? 31 rushes for 216 yards and 2 TDs. Are you still out there because I can barely hear you. Either your opinions are lessening or the just don't matter anymore. Hellooooo, haters... where are you now? 4th running back to ever post consecutive 200 yard games, first to do so in 22 years. Hmm, perhaps the haters are in remission. Perhaps they want to get on the Ricky Express Bandwagon. I've been a fan since he was in Texas and there is still limited seating available. All you need to do is suck up some pride and kiss our ASSES... collectively speaking, of course. RUN RICKEY RUN!!!!!
  10. Yeah, why don't we just categorize them as pieces of meat? I'm sure it'll just do numbers for their self-concept and our relationships as equal club-goers. I am sure all of the sexy girls on this board know who they are. Hell, as men we constantly remind them ("Yo, baby yo" and stupid shit) so what is the point of this? It can only create distress so, please, don't post on this thread. I unerstand the original intent of this thread because we always feel a need to rank and categorize. Hell, it is basic, essential organiztion skills... for material objects, not people. Women are beautiful, life giving creatures of the Earth. All of you are beautiful... FUCK A LIST!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!!! :clap2: :clap2:
  11. $45 presale for that? Ultra is $45 presale. You gotta be joking
  12. Ricky posts consecutive 200+ yards rushing games. First to do so in 22 years. Ricky shits on the Bears and the rest of the league, so get off his jock. If we get past Oakland next week, we have it. He will be the man that leads us to the promised land. Only team that worries me is Tampa Bay, but they are NFC. BIG GAME next week. GO FINS!!!
  13. yeah, then let me get it. pleeease
  14. Why don't you take that shovel, stick it solidly in the ground, jump off a 3 story building with your ass spread out and impale yourself (ass first of course) with that same exact shovel
  15. It's ok, we're cool. I'd like to go to D:Fuse, but I am leaving to go back to NC for the holidays. I'll be gone til January 13, so I know I will be missing out on alot (Marco V, D:Fuse, Johan Gielen, Paul Van Dyk) but I will at least catch PvD in DC though. Thanks for the support for the finals, luckily I only have one... unluckily I have 4 10-page papers due in my others classes So... off to my reports
  16. Yur right ...... sorry for the misunderstanding ...... quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by quest4sunrise I got Miami Shores COVERED!! All I have to work with is the gift of gab though. How can I get involved with passing out flyers? Besides taking a few out of a store and passing them around I'd be more than happy to do it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Come see me @ Space/Spin or contact me & I'll toss you a handful of the flyers you choose & stacks of comp admission passes. If am headed out to the mall or the grove, I'll leave a few lyin' around in stores, benches, soda machines. Records stores like Virgin, Specs, etc. always appreciate them also... Believe it or not, I sometimes leave a flyer or 2 at the gas station pump while Im pumpin' gas. Colleges are also a great spot for me, they eat it right up... Every li----------------------------------------------- Come see me @ Space/Spin or contact me & I'll toss you a handful of the flyers you choose & stacks of comp admission passes. If am headed out to the mall or the grove, I'll leave a few lyin' around in stores, benches, soda machines. Records stores like Virgin, Specs, etc. always appreciate them also... Bects of dementia
  17. is that an insult or something? I live here because of school. Besides, it'll take alot more than my efforts to get people in the door. I will take your comments with a grain of salt though as I know your idea that the beach could hold Ultra proves aspects of dementia
  18. Saleen, it was nice meeting you too. You seemed much mire approachable than I had envisioned. I cant wait for some good debates with you in the futuew! I guess time will only tell. I don't know, I was just disappointed. I mean the music was great and Armin came to mingle with the few, loyal fans (myself included), but where was the crowd? I mean this is the 5th most popular DJ in the world. He is in the upper crust by all counts and still, no one showed. I wonder what he was thinking when he saw the "crowd"?!?! If Space would have gotten him a few weeks ago like they were supposed to, we would have a totallly different story. I am just confused as shit. It is a great club inside, great sound system, cheap parking (meters) and $4 beer and water. Yes, it is out of the way, but that is the same thing they said about Space. Anyways, I hope they do stick around, but it is hard to be upbeat when I know that they put themselves in a deep whole with already paying AVB and BT. God bless the effort, it just needs the people!
  19. I am sorry, I wanted this place to become a powerhouse more than anyone. Something needs to happen soon or it won't even last til WMC. I have much more to say, but i'LL do it tomorrow when I wake up:worry2:
  20. Som what do you know? I hear 1-4, 3 hours. I know I will be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce: :bounce:
  21. I am a tad late too, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bday:
  22. Overall: PvD @ Amnesia 10/13/02 and Tiesto @ Impulz 6/30/02 Miami: I cant say PvD because I only saw him during WMC and his Ultra set was too short and Space's set was too slow. Hmm, I will say Tiesto's set @ Space during WMC, his set August 17, and Edgar V's West Palm Beach set
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