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Everything posted by quest4sunrise

  1. I saw it on opening night and iit was the best Bond I've seen in a loooooong time. Vintage Bond! The invisable car? Get outta here!! Oh, and the women made of ice and fire in the opening credits... Space needs to gwt a hold of those and play them on the big screen!! Awesome movie though
  2. All I know is Ricky ran wil today, Lucas didn't screw up (did quite good, actually), and the D crushed. Put those 3 together at the same time and you might as well chalk up the "W"
  3. Shit, I posted in error. I thought you were asking about Armin night. The answer to BT night is a solid "no" Sorry, but P-I-C-O-T-T-O is a lock for me
  4. My lady, nothing short of a coma or death will stop me from Armin night. With the direction the club's going in, you will probably see alot of me ... unless Edgar comes back to Space. Then I will have to apoligize and hope you understand my loyalty. Hehe. But I am Verrrrrrrrrry eager to see what you have!!!
  5. How is the leg doing? What is your status? You gonna pull an Iverson and play in pain? Whats the scoop?
  6. Ok, now that we are less than a week from all the festivities, I would think we all KNOW what we are doing FOR SURE. I'm going to Judge Jules, Picotto, Global Gathering, DJ Icey, and Armin Van Buuuuuuuuuuren!! How about you? Please, no maybes or "I'll try." This is a commitment thread
  7. I know I'll be there for him, he knows that too
  8. thanks buddy, actually its Quest4sunrise Just a cheap, unimaginative name ripped from Tiesto's CD library
  9. are pre-sale Armin tickets available yet?
  10. Actually, we have already met. I believe it was an Edgar friday and I met you through Pete. Anthony was there too because it was the first night I met him as well. Either way, we'll see each other within the next week for sure Once again everyone, thank you for the recognition. It has really helped me today because I was becoming blue since I knew I would not celebrate tonight... I'll do that starting Wednesday! But your love has helped immensely and I really appreciate it. I will meet all of you at some point over the break!
  11. Thank you, I was wondering when we were going to get back to the topic at hand
  12. Judge Jules, Scott Bond, Matt Hardwick @ Space
  13. Thank you and God bless you, Tony!! Like Danny T's remix of the Depeche Mode track, "I Feel Loved" :grin2: I was hoping I'd get some love. Stef and Abby showed some last night at the Delano. The DJ was going back and forth between house and 80's new wave. An odd combo, to say the least. "White Wedding" anyone? Ah, nostalgia! Had to bounce a tad early because of school, but it was a good night. The Delano is nice as hell. Thanks Tony. See you @ Picotto!
  14. You think Space could make some $$ off of drum & bass? I think that would be badass. Like, that clear D n' B, not the hard, pounding jungle. I don't think AK1200 or Dieselboy would pull an overall crowd of L.P.'s liking, but I am not L.P. so I can only speculate. Well, I know I'd come out for that, anyways. It would be a nice change of pace
  15. I won't and, like I said, I'm sure he is pleasent underneath it all. Maybe if we meet, we'll have a drink and share philosophies. It might be quite the time. However, I simply don't agree with attacking people and what they enjoy. It is heartless
  16. trance is the backbone of dance music! I can't believe I'd see such an ignorant on this post, but judging from all your other posts, I expected something like that from you. I sorry it pains you so such to see other people, outside of yourself, have joy. Hmm, maybe we can talk about this someday and I will teach you how to feed off of other people's joy in a way that is productive both for the the greater good of the people and yourself. I really am sorry if trance threatens in such a way. Personally, I don't like house, but I don't attack it because I have enough security in myself that I simply do not have to be arrogant and irritable. I will turn only 23 tomorrow, but I am past that stage in my life. I am empathetic with you in that I understand it is easy to simply the easy thing to say something "sucks" and write it off as that or stigmatize it. Hell, labeling things is simply "the American way" It's simple, and best of all you don't have to think. I understand you wanting to do the simple thing. However, being that I strongly believe human beings are innately "good natured" and we are of few species that have the ability to think critically, I like putting those 2 factors together and formulating my life's paradigm accordingly. Might I suggest a bit of the same for you? Because, eventhough I see you slag everyone who posts something interesting or fun, I wish you have the same amount of joy too. Now, I know your first reaction will probably be to deny this or justify why you do what you do. So, I expect that, and if you try to come after or belittle me, I have enough confidence that those words will simply be irrelevet, so save your time. Instead, go outside and thank God for life itself. Then come back and surprise everyone. Say something respectable for once. It'll make you feel good, I promise
  17. I just got the new "DJ" magazine and according to the number 4 guy (but #1 to me!)... a Mr. Paul Van Dyk: Future DJ heros: Edgar V from Miami (former Club Space resident). He is that good that eventhough nobody knows him in Germany, I invited him to play for us at Vandit in Berlin, and he rocked! There you have it. BRING EDGAR BACK!!! BRING EDGAR BACK!!! Come on Louis!!
  18. well, I'll be there, for what its worth. It'll be the beginning of Birthday Music Conference for me. Gotta get the hamstrings loose for the upcoming overhaul!
  19. I got my ticket today. It's badass, kinda like an ATM card!
  20. Acosta is spinning at Level for 12 hours and Space is going to do the same thing they did last year, I'm pretty sure
  21. Hey, I wish you luck with getting a big hip hop pull from this board. I know I'll be @ Maze... personally. Hope you make it out to some of the other events, though
  22. I'm there, just tell me when!! I'll plan on being my usual, early self and come over around 10:00 or whenever I get the green light. See you tomorrow!
  23. Ooooh yeah!!! :idea: .....I forgot......... Happy Birthday Abby!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Oh come on now, no love from you either?!?! I'm going to turn into a Scrooge!! :blown:
  25. If he likes hip hop, there are many places in Coconut Grove. If he is into dance music, the ooooonly thing I can think of is Global Gathering. That will be a party, not necessarily a club. I don't know too much about it so check out the thread that was created for it. It has all the info. It's 18+
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