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Everything posted by quest4sunrise

  1. My bad, I guess the expectations of it not panning out filtered my comprehensive ability. I just read it again and it says "will" but I thought it said "will not". I apologize. Now I am HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Fuck the bullshit. By that quote, I have my answer and expectations. I can't believe it won't be open for WMC!!! What a waste of potential!!! I mean, the old one will be fun too but this was supposed to be the icing on the cake. New year, new conference, new Space. I must say I am disappointed because we will be packed like sardines in the old Space. Plus, I have my memories from there and I am ready to explore a whole new world. Unfortunately last-minute confirmations tend to be bad news and the mold hasn't been broken
  3. Warehouse 34. Biz, will you please say weather or not Space34 will be open for WMC!!!! Some of us are getting frustrated and losing all hope
  4. I'll make a bet. Why don't you stick your head up your ass and see if it fits. $10 says it won't, but pleeeease prove me wrong :laugh:
  5. Yeah, thats exactly what I was going to say. At least Johan will be @ Opium on Thursday though. I was really hoping for Armin, but I am happy. I would have liked to see Coxy as well
  6. In that case, but everyone else on this board on the list too:cool:
  7. I'll say Ibiza just cause I want to go there so bad. If I could pick anywhere in the States, I'll DEFINATELY say Space34
  8. It'll probably be cheaper the earlier you go
  9. Actually, if Tenaglia open it, I will have to pass on the whole "first" thing, but if it is Saturday or Wednesday... I will be
  10. All I know is I want to be the first clubber ever to go in it on opening night
  11. Paul Van Dyk Edgar V Tiesto Bad Buy Bill Steve Lawler Danny Howells Roni Size AK1200 DJ Rap
  12. Edgar V @ Oxygen Lounge in Coconut Grove on Friday
  13. Citing---- the first word is citing, not siting
  14. ----December 18, 2003---- Siting anonymus sources, Mayor Fuckhead today announced that Miami will no longer support the traditional, Christian holiday. When asked why he was such a fuckhead, Mayor Fuckhead replied, "My sources tell me that every year, during this time, many families around Dade county partake in such glutonus acts as feasts that last all day and include the consumption of eggnog and high-calorie deserts" As noted, the mayor is a fuckhead, and with that in mind the next question followed, "Mayor, this holiday has always been on the same day of every year, why wait and make this announcement a week before it is to happen, after everyone has invested and commited to it?" The Mayor replied "Because I think it's wrong, eventhough everyone else loves it and it is good for the city. I just want to flex cause I think I matter" As reporters began throwing the fresh monkey poo they gathered from the zoo earlier in the day, the Mayor, in a surprising move, did not flinch. When asked (from a distance) why he did not move, his final quote of the day was, "Why run, it is representative of what me and my cabinet are about?" Sincerely, Quest4Sunrise aka Mr. Jangles
  15. Then set an age limit of 18! Don't fuck out plans up cause of some dumb fucking teenagers. I agree, I used to live in NC and all we had were big ass raves that were held at fairgrounds. They didn't have age limits and, as a result, all these 16 years old are walking around E'd and coked out. That shit is just stupid and that's why I like Miami so much. People are going to do what they do, hell, I won't hide, I have dabbled with different things myself. The point is, we are old enough to have common sense. It is these kids that are coming in and giving each other orgy-esque massages in the middle of the dance floor that fuck things up. And the cameras LOVE to show that on the 11 o'clock news because kids are so INNOCENT and the "rave parties" are corrupting their sweet little minds. Let me tell you something, nowadays most kids are idiots and sheep. Leave it to them to fuck up something that the rest of us can handle. I'm not saying some of us veterans aren't just flat-out stupid as well, but if the whole problem is with the underage "look at me, I'm glowsticking to the new Oakenfold video on MTV" crowd, then set an age limit like all the rest of Miami and leave to show to US!
  16. I doubt it will happen because this is something that has been confirmed for months. You can't just pull some bullshit with less than two weeks to go when it's been known for so long. There is too much that hads been invested to the project and the promoters could probably sue for a substantial amount of $$$. I hope they sue that fucker right out of office if he wants to play games like this. He say's over half of the people were doing shit. Where are the estimates? This is just another example of our music being picked on because it is not mainstream. What? Are not most of the people that go to metal and rap concerts not smoking or on something? So what if they smoke weed and our stigma is E or whatever. They are both illegal, so dont set a double standard. I dont see those concerts being threatened. Oh, and Saleen, are you going to Ultra? If so, disregard the following: if not than please mind your own shit. I don't care if you feel you are "speaking the truth, brother" or keeping it real or whatever. Please, this event is very important to tens of thousands of people (including me) and the last thing we want to hear is someone kissing up to the mayor's last-minute bullshit. So if you are not going, please... for once... take the negative everything-I-do-rules and everything-else-sucks narrow-ass bullshit frame of mind somewhere else. If you are going, I apologize for the misunderstanding
  17. yeah, I had a 6" Turkey on whole wheat with mustard, cucumber, and lettuce on Friday before I went to see Styryke. Not bad, a little plain though, but it was a much better pre-game meal than pizza for sure. Easy to digest and very light on the digestive process, clearing way for all the Cranberry-Vodkas that would follow in the coming hours. I felt light and on my toes the whole night. I definately recommend Subway as a great, quick bite before going out for the night
  18. I need more options. I'd say he's an intelligent guy with negative tendencies.
  19. Yeah, that was actually the first time I ever saw Stryke and I went just to see what the commotion was about. Needless to say even that much hype hardly did the man justice. I loved the pace of his set and how hard the bass hit. Very nice, Mr. Styrke! I like his attitude because he looks like he is just having a ball up there in the both. Needless to say, I think I will make it out to more Stryke events from here on out
  20. ---koky--- Where did you and Stef go? I saw y'all leave real early, did you ever come back?
  21. Give your demo to Oxygen Lounge. Its at least worth a shot
  22. According to his schedule, he will be in Miami for WMC on March 21, but I haven't seen his name anywhere! Anyone have any info or news?
  23. Edgar V Edgar V Edgar V Edgar V and...... EDGAR V!!!!!!! :D
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