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Everything posted by quest4sunrise

  1. What, no love for me? Agh, well, I only have had the pleasure of meeting a few of you so far! At any rate, my birthday is this coming Thursday (11-21) and I'll be a "respectable" 23! Sucks that I have to wait til the following Wednesday to celebrate, but HOLY SHIT, what a CeLeBrAtIoN!!! HEY ABBY --- Your birthday is today? Sign up and let me know, maybe we'll meet up, have cake, and make ballon aminals (I know that is spelled wrong)!! I will see you soon anyways
  2. I'll say! It seems like we have a new powerhouse on our hands. I really hope the best for them in that they don't slack off like Liquid did. Consistency is the key because, I think I speak for most of us, they certainly have our attention!! Well, until the new Space is built anyways. But they definately sound like a legit venue for WMC. I can't wait to se what they are made of. I wonder what the capacity will be? We'll all find out soon enough
  3. Ooooooh, I see. Well, your group has the options presented. As for yooou, check out my schedule in my signature area :D
  4. Well, as my schedule indicates, I will be at Level this Saturday, so if you like trance, come out to that. If you like house, go to Space on Saturday. Since you will be here til the 28th... MAKE SuuuuuRE YOU GO TO SPACE ON THE 27th!!! Wicked party! Judge Jules, Scott Bond, Matt Hardwick!! Too bad you leave though because there is alot of other shit going on after the 28th. Also, if you like Oakenfold and Hernan Cattaneo, they will be @ Opium Garden this Monday (11-25) so you can check that out too!! Maybe we'll run into each other, who knows?!?!
  5. He will make it! I have faith in him yet
  6. Tickets are now on sale! I went to Grooveman and they have them. Uncle Sam's too. If you are in Ft. Laud, get them @ Karma Rcords or Underground Clothing. No excuses, go out and get them!
  7. yeah, I think I'm actually going to go to that game. Ricky was nice and if Lucas can keep the ball out of San Diego's hands, they'll have a good shot
  8. Hey, I live on campus at Barry University in Miami Shores and my ride just bailed on me. If anyone is coming from the north and could give me a ride to Spin tonight, I'll hook you up with some gas money or whatever. I know it's late, but if you can, post here or IM me on the AOL instant messenger: MSquared3434. Pleeeease help, I want to meet everyone!!!
  9. Yeah, I still have friends that go there and they love it. My sis goes to UNC-Wilmington and her and I try to head out to Greenville when we can. It's a fun place for sure. Whole lotta sheisty stuff goes on in Greenville. Well, I'm glad you have good memories from there because alot of people get broken there as well. See ya around
  10. Cheers to that! I go fo for the music and the people. I also view clubnights as somewhat a release. Somewhere I can go and not worry about my weekly assignments. Somewhere I can just let it all out and go nuts. It's also alot easier for me to meet new people and make friends there because, during the week, I have to be really serious and when I go out, I know there is cetain common ground between me and the others as far as what we enjoy.
  11. Hey, I'm a Scorpio too! Ha, actually my birthday is this coming Thursday (11-21). Anyways, Spin sounds like a fun time tonight. Check out the post be spacious for all the info. Shieeeeet, I know I'll be there. Laters
  12. yeah, no problem! Where in NC? Im from Greensboro. Well, I'll see you tonight, if you want to, hit me up on the AIM thing <----- MSquared3434
  13. Hey, I'm coming tonight and I have a question. I am a North Carolina resident and I go here for school. I will become a resident as soon as I can, but I have to live here for a year without the reason being for educational purposes. Would my Barry University ID work for the special? It's in Miami Shores. See you people in a few hours! I'll probably be there around 10
  14. Hey, I just was reading the New Times today and I saw a big festival or something happening @ the Ice Palace Film Studios called Global Gathering. I still don't know a whole lot about it, but the talent is diverse and wicked as hell: Deepsky, Acosta, Tall Paul, Edgar V, Sandra Collins, Dave Ralph, Jimmy Van M, Junior Sanchez, Spacemen, Uberzone, AK1200, DJ Rap, Monk & Confucius (2/3 of R.I.T.M.), Styke, Bruce Keindl, J Clark, 8on, Ashrock, and others TBA Anyone else interested? Man this coming week will be like a mini-WMC!! Oakie, Picotto, Jules, BT, and now this... MADNESS!!
  15. Unless you are a DJ or are trying to become one, don't try to "learn how to listen". That is the downfall of many clubbers. While Im jumping and dancing around having the time of my LIFE, alot of my friends are almost standing around paying attention to nit-picky bullshit details. I swear, if I were like that I would just go to the movies or some shit. I come home like, "Ooooh shit!! That was awesome!!" and they are like "I didn't like they way he mixed between tracks 23 & 24" FUCK THAT!! Proverbially, If you want to critique, get in the VIP section where you aren't getting in the people's way. If you like Ivano, or whoever, man... fucking go for! This music is the most improvised in the WORLD! It is something different to EVERYONE. Let's have fun with it while we are young and worry about nit picky bullshit after we retire our dancing shoes.
  16. What I meant was who are the people spinning and what do they sound like? Not Luis and Biz
  17. It was a figure of speech!!!!!!!!! My mom will be there baking oatmeal cookies for Luis, Biz, and Mauro though . For the rest of us, punch & pie! At any rate, I hope to meet the rest of you there or Judge Jules night
  18. Please don't anyone crucify me, but who are they? What do they sound like? I really want to meet Biz and Luis, especially to thank Luis. Anyone remember the movie Groove? Remember at the end where the guy comes up to the head promoter and is like "thanks, I needed that" and the promoter gives him the nod? That's all I ask here, ha. I'd also like to but some other names with faces, so I think I'll definately come on down.
  19. The fact that it begins on Wednesday sounds better to me because if it were to extend to the beginning of a new week, I'd be ineffective for the rest of the week. I say Ultra will be on the Saturday
  20. quest4sunrise

    8 Mile

    I saw it. I'm part of the Eminem crowd which hates him yet are strangely pulled to see what his next move is. And my roommate wanted to see it too. It was entertaining. He's actually quite an actor considering he has no training or background. It was like Rocky meets hip hop.
  21. Sushi. Especially eel roll
  22. EVERYONE and their mom is going to be there!!
  23. I say don't mess with a good formula. Keep it Space and continue the legacy. It's alreay established itself on a national and international level. When people see the "S" enclosed in the circle, they know whats up! There is absolutely no reason to go astray. Keep it Space!! Eventhough there is a Space-Ibiza, it's almost imposible to have a name NO ONE else has. There are other Crobars besides SoBe, but who cares? We're running with the best now, why mess with perfection? SPACE... so shall it ever be!
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