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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by dondiezel26

  1. granny panties....yeah yeah yeah......bring her too!!!!!
  2. i think i would be more scared of the bouncers dragging me out by my lip due to fighting than getting hit with a bottle in tempts.......than again what happens if i got hit with a bottle than dragged out by my bloody lip.......that would be great!!!!! .....yeah I'll have that!!!!
  3. so does this mean you will caddy in a bikini for us or what??.....answer the damn question nicole......dont make me bitchslap you!!!!!
  4. relaxing tonite......tempts tomorrow!!!!!!!....how bout you chica....what are you and hubby doin!!
  5. Im sure the solar girls will be more than willing to caddy in bikinis......those bronze bunnies can carry my driver all day.....ha ha ha........maria......let the chicas know that we are stopping in tomorrow!!!! digga playing golf......this is gonna be so ugly!!!
  6. but was it a dent in his pocket????......stacked....we are down pretty good today.......whats the dilly........let me guess the only reason we were trending up was the simmering down of the war.....now we go back to our weak ass economy!!!!......SHORT...SHORT....SHORT....EVERYTHING!!!!!!
  7. this could get ugly.....i might play lefty
  8. tough job maria.....working real hard these dayz......were stopping in tomorrow chica.....warm up the beds and warn the neighbors......ha ha ha
  9. rumor has it had 3......just dont tell anyone......ha ha ha
  10. this thread is classic digga.....the hype would be so jealous!!!!
  11. rod.....find the biggest kid......and go sumo vs sumo with him.....RAKISHI RULES!!!!!
  12. ill give you a recipe......full of protein.....ha ha ha......see u at there chickadee!!!!!
  13. Be careful nicole......dont drink too much and get sick........tempts saturday?????? holla back with some sarcasm and an answer!!!!
  14. no afterhours after joeys...come on billy....your slacking.....what about the monday morning pre-breakfast party......a continental jammy jam!!!!!!
  15. i know you can re-deem the limited tempts/xs voucher (either at tempts or xs...not sure) this weekend....not sure if they are handing any out to be redeemed on the spot though.....but keep posting so i can stare at the girl in your sig
  16. thank god for the daily chuckle over there.......tough crowd.........took a little while for them to bite back but they didnt let us down.......moo you owe myself, the digga, and bus a dollar for every hit you received on our thread and free njguido tshirts/protective bib for the wilderbeast trewguy and his drooling problem!!!!
  17. i stumbled across the shortbus predecessor........are we to beleive there are 2 of these monsters running around!!.......last years bus made it to the opening party......question is........is there enough fuel in the tank to show up for the surf club opening party this year????.......holla mafuka
  18. how about the larynx!!!......just kiddin danny boy......but i expect a percentage of profit off your monthly publication of Gossip ala Crackhead Magazine!!!
  19. so we are all crashing at your place......no need for a hotel room.....thanx Flo!!!!
  20. come on show your face u slinky ass bitch.....summer is around the corner.....i cant wait to bitch slap u around djais.......than dunk all over your ass on the courts........holla at the ol' skool fdu peeps!!!!!......see you soon brotha!!!
  21. come on nicole....a little creativity please!!!!.....dont make me cockslap ya
  22. let the games begin......brad and I versus king hippo nick and Hogdigga......this will be fun........and we must walk the course....no driving.....i want to see the fat sweats dripping off those two.....ha ha ha.......i guarantee the highlight for them is the halfway house.......where they will go dog for dog......until they run out and than digga will wrap his mouth around nick's dog and be his personal club warmer.......see you on the lynx succas......and brad......you better be able to shoot a score underneath your max bench press!!!!!
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